7 research outputs found
The paper reveals research results on influence of feeding broilers with extruded concentrated feedstuff in the early period on the growth rate and mortality rate of the poultry from its first day to 37th day. The experiment was carried out on boilers of cross IZA F15 in OOO “Kuzbasskiy broiler” of Kemerovo region. The authors arranged the control group and experimental one; each of them contained 120 broilers. The researchers fed broilers from the control group with conventional mixed feed; the broilers of experimental group were fed with mixed feed produced at the enterprise with 33 % extruded concentrated feedstuff additive. The feed additive contains 30 % of soy bean meal, 25 – of wheat, 25 – of sunflower seeds and 20 % of sludge and bone residues. The research declares average daily liveweight gain of the broilers from experimental group increased on 14.5 %; feed consumption pro 1 kilo of liveweight gain reduced on 16.5 % during the early ten days of rearing in comparison with the broilers from the control group. The researchers observed high growth of the broilers from experimental group till the end of rearing. The average body weight of broilers from control group and aged 37 days was 2.09 kilo; the broilers of the same age from experimental group weighed 2.195 kg. Applying of extruded concentrated feedstuff in mixed feed allowed increasing mortality rate of broilers from experimental group on 1.7 % in comparison with the broilers from control group. The authors suggest applying of extruded concentrated feedstuff contained non-merchantable products of poultry processing and sun-flower seeds when feeding broilers in the early age in order to increase poultry growth rate and mortality rate.Представлены результаты исследований по изучению влияния скармливания экструдированного концентрата в начальный период выращивания бройлеров на интенсивность роста и сохранность птицы с суточного до 37-дневного возраста. Эксперимент проводили в ООО «Кузбасский бройлер» Кемеровской области на цыплятах-бройлерах кросса Иза F15. Для проведения научно-хозяйственного опыта были сформированы контрольная и опытная группы суточных цыплят-бройлеров по 120 голов в каждой. В течение первых 10 дней жизни цыплятам контрольной группы скармливали традиционный комбикорм, а цыплятам опытной группы – комбикорм, произведенный в кормоцехе предприятия с добавлением 33% экструдированного кормового концентрата. Кормовая добавка содержит 30% соевого шрота, 25 – пшеницы, 25 – семян подсолнечника и 20% мясокостных отходов. У цыплят опытной группы установлено увеличение среднесуточного прироста живой массы на 14,5%, снижение потребления корма на 1 кг прироста на 16,5% за первые 10 дней выращивания по сравнению с аналогами из контрольной группы. Высокая интенсивность роста цыплят опытной группы сохранилась до конца выращивания. Средняя живая масса бройлеров в возрасте 37 дней в контрольной группе составила 2,090 кг, в опытной – 2,195. Введение в комбикорм экспериментального кормового концентрата позволило повысить сохранность цыплят-бройлеров опытной группы на 1,7% за весь период выращивания по срав- нению с контролем. По результатам проведенных исследований предлагаем в начальный период выращивания цыплят-бройлеров в целях повышения интенсивности роста, сохранности птицы включать в состав комбикорма экструдированный кормовой концентрат на основе малоценных продуктов переработки птицы и семян подсолнечника
Investigation the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products produced from chips of Al–Mg alloys system alloyed with scandium
The article presents the results of studies that make it possible to solve the problem of processing secondary waste from expensive aluminum alloys without irretrievable loss of metal. For this purpose, tasks were set and solved for the development of technological schemes for obtaining longish deformed semi-finished products from chip waste of Al–Mg alloys 01570 and 1580 alloyed with scandium using methods of powder metallurgy and metal forming. For their experimental verification, the operations of chip briquetting, combined rolling-extrusion (continuous extrusion), sectional rolling, hot extrusion and drawing in combination with heat treatment were applied. According to these schemes, semi-finished products in the form of rods and wires were obtained. Structure and mechanical properties were investigated. It has been revealed that when hot-extruded rods are obtained from chip briquettes of alloy 01570 on a vertical hydraulic press, even with significant degrees of deformation during extrusion, the margin of plastic properties is small and makes it possible to obtain a wire with a diameter of only 4.2 mm after drawing. The processing of briquettes from 1580 alloy chips using the combined rolling-extrusion method makes it possible to obtain after cold deformation a wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm. At the same time, the influence of the annealing process on the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products from the investigated alloys was studied. It is shown that due to the low plasticity of the investigated material cold working of the rods must be carried out with small degrees of deformation, alternating it with intermediate annealing according to the proposed regime. An analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the wire obtained using combined processing showed that its strength and plastic properties are comparable to the properties of the wire obtained from a cast billet, and the structure is characterized by a high degree of elaboration and compactness. Thus, as a result of the research, technological schemes have been developed and processing parameters have been determined for the production of rods and wire from graded chip waste of alloys 01570 and 1580 using compaction, discrete and continuous extrusion, as well as cold drawing. © 2022 The AuthorsMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FSRZ-2020-0013The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (scientific theme code FSRZ-2020-0013)
Опыт проведения валидации in vitro методики оценки инсулинозависимого захвата глюкозы
Russian and international regulatory documents require that analytical procedures for establishing bioequivalence and comparability of quality attributes of biotechnological (biological) products, carrying out batch release of medicinal products, and conducting other equally important in vitro studies must be validated. These in vitro studies include molecule–receptor binding and product bioactivity assays. However, at present, there is no single approach to validation of in vitro bioanalytical methods not involving the determination of active ingredient concentrations in biological fluids.The aim of the work was to validate a procedure for assessing insulin-dependent glucose uptake and demonstrate the suitability of GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kits for glucose determination in culture media.Materials and methods: The study used RinFast® insulin aspart by Geropharm, Russia; a placebo for insulin aspart; the L6J1 rat myogenic cell line; and a GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kit for quantitative determination of glucose. The study was carried out on differentiated cells cultured for 7 days. To encourage L6J1 differentiation, the authors used DMEM with 4.5 g/L glucose and 2% horse serum. The statistical analysis of results was performed using Prism 9.Results: The study demonstrated the analytical procedure’s specificity, as the concentration of residual glucose in the culture medium observed with the placebo was 4 times higher than that with the maximum concentration of the medicinal product. The determination of precision showed the repeatability of 4–9% and the intralaboratory precision of 11–16%. The coefficient of variation for robustness amounted to 14% in 4 independent experiments comprising a total of 9 analytical runs. The authors compared insulin products (the insulin aspart and a genetically engineered human insulin), and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values differed by 1.5 times. For the GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kit, the linear regression coefficient of determination was 0.9983, the sensitivity amounted to 1 mmol/L, and the accuracy ranged between 95% and 107%.Conclusions: the procedure using L6J1 rat myoblasts as a test system may be considered specific, highly precise, and robust in assessing insulin-dependent glucose uptake and suitable for detecting biological activity of insulin preparations in vitro.Согласно требованиям нормативных документов, как российских, так и международных, методики, применяющиеся при исследовании биоэквивалентности, сопоставимости показателей качества биотехнологических (биологических) препаратов, выпускающем контроле качества лекарственных препаратов и прочих не менее важных in vitro исследованиях, должны быть валидированы. Для этих исследований in vitro используют тесты на связывание молекулы с рецептором и на биологическую активность препаратов. Однако в настоящее время не существует единого подхода к валидации биоаналитических методик in vitro, не связанных с определением концентрации действующего вещества в биологических жидкостях.Цель работы: валидировать методику оценки инсулинозависимого захвата глюкозы и доказать пригодность набора ГЛЮКОЗА GOD-PAP для определения глюкозы в культуральной среде.Материалы и методы: в исследовании использовали препараты производства ОАО «ГЕРОФАРМ» РинФаст® и плацебо к инсулину аспарт, клеточную линию миобластов крысы L6J1, набор ГЛЮКОЗА GOD-PAP для определения концентрации глюкозы. Исследование проводили на дифференцированных клетках, которые культивировали в течение 7 сут. Для дифференцировки L6J1 использовали питательную среду DMEM с содержанием глюкозы 4,5 г/л и 2% сыворотки лошадиной. Статистическую обработку полученных результатов проводили с использованием программного обеспечения Prism 9.Результаты: продемонстрированы показатели специфичности методики; в максимальной концентрации препарат отличается от плацебо в 4 раза по остаточному уровню глюкозы в культуральной среде. Определена прецизионность методики: сходимость составила 4–9%, внутрилабораторная прецизионность 11–16%. Коэффициент вариации устойчивости методики составил 14% в 4 независимых экспериментах в 9 аналитических сериях. Проведено сравнение инсулиновых продуктов (инсулин аспарт и генно-инженерный инсулин человека), для которых показатели концентрации полумаксимального ингибирования (IC50) различались в 1,5 раза. Для набора ГЛЮКОЗА GOD-PAP коэффициент детерминации линейной регрессии составил 0,9983; чувствительность — 1 ммоль/л, диапазон правильности — 95–107%.Выводы: можно утверждать, что методика является специфичной, высокопрецизионной и устойчивой для проведения оценки инсулинозависимого захвата глюкозы с использованием клеточной линии миобластов крысы L6J1 в качестве тест-системы и является пригодной для детектирования биологической активности препаратов инсулина в in vitro исследованиях
Experimental Validation of an <i>In Vitro</i> Method for Assessing Insulin-Dependent Glucose Uptake
Russian and international regulatory documents require that analytical procedures for establishing bioequivalence and comparability of quality attributes of biotechnological (biological) products, carrying out batch release of medicinal products, and conducting other equally important in vitro studies must be validated. These in vitro studies include molecule–receptor binding and product bioactivity assays. However, at present, there is no single approach to validation of in vitro bioanalytical methods not involving the determination of active ingredient concentrations in biological fluids. The aim of the work was to validate a procedure for assessing insulin-dependent glucose uptake and demonstrate the suitability of GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kits for glucose determination in culture media. Materials and methods: The study used RinFast® insulin aspart by Geropharm, Russia; a placebo for insulin aspart; the L6J1 rat myogenic cell line; and a GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kit for quantitative determination of glucose. The study was carried out on differentiated cells cultured for 7 days. To encourage L6J1 differentiation, the authors used DMEM with 4.5 g/L glucose and 2% horse serum. The statistical analysis of results was performed using Prism 9. Results: The study demonstrated the analytical procedure’s specificity, as the concentration of residual glucose in the culture medium observed with the placebo was 4 times higher than that with the maximum concentration of the medicinal product. The determination of precision showed the repeatability of 4–9% and the intralaboratory precision of 11–16%. The coefficient of variation for robustness amounted to 14% in 4 independent experiments comprising a total of 9 analytical runs. The authors compared insulin products (the insulin aspart and a genetically engineered human insulin), and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values differed by 1.5 times. For the GOD-PAP GLUCOSE kit, the linear regression coefficient of determination was 0.9983, the sensitivity amounted to 1 mmol/ L, and the accuracy ranged between 95% and 107%. Conclusions: the procedure using L6J1 rat myoblasts as a test system may be considered specific, highly precise, and robust in assessing insulin-dependent glucose uptake and suitable for detecting biological activity of insulin preparations in vitro
Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development
In the light of the information age, information overload research in new areas (e.g., social media, virtual collaboration) rises rapidly in many fields of research in business administration with a variety of methods and subjects. This review article analyzes the development of information overload literature in business administration and related interdisciplinary fields and provides a comprehensive and overarching overview using a bibliometric literature analysis combined with a snowball sampling approach. For the last decade, this article reveals research directions and bridges of literature in a wide range of fields of business administration (e.g., accounting, finance, health management, human resources, innovation management, international management, information systems, marketing, manufacturing, or organizational science). This review article identifies the major papers of various research streams to capture the pulse of the information overload-related research and suggest new questions that could be addressed in the future and identifies concrete open gaps for further research. Furthermore, this article presents a new framework for structuring information overload issues which extends our understanding of influence factors and effects of information overload in the decision-making process