1,012 research outputs found

    Ultra-short pulse compression using photonic crystal fibre

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    A short section of photonic crystal fibre has been used for ultra-short pulse compression. The unique optical properties of this novel medium in terms of high non-linearity and relatively small group velocity dispersion are shown to provide an ideal platform for the standard fibre pulse compression technique used directly on the nano-Joule output pulses from a commercial laser system. We report an order of magnitude reduction of the pulse width to 25 fs FWHM but predict a substantially improved performance with a dedicated fibre design. Good agreement is obtained with a simple model for the spectral broadening in the fibre

    Bose-Einstein condensates in `giant' toroidal magnetic traps

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    The experimental realisation of gaseous Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in 1995 sparked considerable interest in this intriguing quantum fluid. Here we report on progress towards the development of an 87Rb BEC experiment in a large (~10cm diameter) toroidal storage ring. A BEC will be formed at a localised region within the toroidal magnetic trap, from whence it can be launched around the torus. The benefits of the system are many-fold, as it should readily enable detailed investigations of persistent currents, Josephson effects, phase fluctuations and high-precision Sagnac or gravitational interferometry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (Figs. 1 and 2 now work

    Spatial interference from well-separated condensates

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    We use magnetic levitation and a variable-separation dual optical plug to obtain clear spatial interference between two condensates axially separated by up to 0.25 mm -- the largest separation observed with this kind of interferometer. Clear planar fringes are observed using standard (i.e. non-tomographic) resonant absorption imaging. The effect of a weak inverted parabola potential on fringe separation is observed and agrees well with theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures - modified to take into account referees' improvement

    Fixing Nonconvergence of Algebraic Iterative Reconstruction with an Unmatched Backprojector

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    We consider algebraic iterative reconstruction methods with applications in image reconstruction. In particular, we are concerned with methods based on an unmatched projector/backprojector pair; i.e., the backprojector is not the exact adjoint or transpose of the forward projector. Such situations are common in large-scale computed tomography, and we consider the common situation where the method does not converge due to the nonsymmetry of the iteration matrix. We propose a modified algorithm that incorporates a small shift parameter, and we give the conditions that guarantee convergence of this method to a fixed point of a slightly perturbed problem. We also give perturbation bounds for this fixed point. Moreover, we discuss how to use Krylov subspace methods to efficiently estimate the leftmost eigenvalue of a certain matrix to select a proper shift parameter. The modified algorithm is illustrated with test problems from computed tomography

    Demonstration of an inductively coupled ring trap for cold atoms

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    We report the first demonstration of an inductively coupled magnetic ring trap for cold atoms. A uniform, ac magnetic field is used to induce current in a copper ring, which creates an opposing magnetic field that is time-averaged to produce a smooth cylindrically symmetric ring trap of radius 5 mm. We use a laser-cooled atomic sample to characterize the loading efficiency and adiabaticity of the magnetic potential, achieving a vacuum-limited lifetime in the trap. This technique is suitable for creating scalable toroidal waveguides for applications in matter-wave interferometry, offering long interaction times and large enclosed areas

    A large magnetic storage ring for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Cold atomic clouds and Bose-Einstein condensates have been stored in a 10cm diameter vertically-oriented magnetic ring. An azimuthal magnetic field enables low-loss propagation of atomic clouds over a total distance of 2m, with a heating rate of less than 50nK/s. The vertical geometry was used to split an atomic cloud into two counter-rotating clouds which were recombined after one revolution. The system will be ideal for studying condensate collisions and ultimately Sagnac interferometry.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Diffraction grating characterisation for cold-atom experiments

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    We have studied the optical properties of gratings micro-fabricated into semiconductor wafers, which can be used for simplifying cold-atom experiments. The study entailed characterisation of diffraction efficiency as a function of coating, periodicity, duty cycle and geometry using over 100 distinct gratings. The critical parameters of experimental use, such as diffraction angle and wavelength are also discussed, with an outlook to achieving optimal ultracold experimental conditions