18 research outputs found


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    Valutazione clinica mediante" scheda Faos" in pazienti sottoposti ad artroscopia di caviglia in esiti fratturativi della tibio-tarsica: dati pre e post trattamento a confronto

    Carcinoid tumors of the appendix: when right colectomy?

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    Three cases of carcinoid tumour of the appendix (about 0,3 % of all performed appendectomies) has induced the Authors to a review of the literature with the aim to underline the most important biological and pathological findings and the current clinic and therapeutic knowledges. The diagnosis before surgery is rarely made; it is formulated incidentally in most patients by the histological exam during the operation for an appendicitis or during other surgical procedures. The kind of surgical intervention, that is the entity of the surgical demolition, for the treatment of the carcinoid tumours of the appendix is still controversial: appendectomy or right colectomy? It is possible identify, also during the operation for an appendicitis or for other abdominal lesions, criteria that can orient toward a major surgery (size of the neoplasia, subserosal lymphatic invasion, infiltration of the serosa, diffusion in the meso-appendix, location in closeness of the base of the appendix, invasion of the the locoregional lymph nodes, presence of metastases, section ?margins, number of mitoses, cellular pleiomorfism)

    Abdominal emergency surgery in the geriatric patients. Our experience

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    The ageing process of general population implies new socio-sanitary problems. Indications for surgical intervention have been modified and enhanced. As far as elective surgery is concerned, the results in elderly subjects do not seem alarming, whereas less satisfactory results have been registered in the patients who underwent an emergency surgical intervention, where nowadays morbidity and mortality still turn out to be high. The Authors have reported their experience of emergency surgery in the geriatric patient. From 1982 to 2002, 718 pts (361 males, 50.3% and 357 females, 49.7%; average age 50 yrs, range 5-92) underwent emergency surgical interventions for abdominal lesions. The pts were subdivided in two groups: group A (> 65 years; 190 pts, 87 males and 103 females; average age 72 yrs, range 66-92); control group B (<65 years; 528 pts, 274 males and 254 females; average age 43 yrs, range 5-65). The results were assessed in terms of morbidity and of the operative and post-operative mortality. Postoperative morbidity proved to be equal to 25.7% (36.3% in the group A, 21.9% in the group B), while intraoperative mortality equal to 0.27%. Postoperative mortality resulted equal to 12.1% (significantly higher in group A pts -- 16.8%- than in group B pts --10.4%). The mortality of the 190 pts belonging to group A was higher in the pts which were presenting respectively 1, 2, 3 or more concomitant diseases. The progressive percentage increase in the number of interventions on elderly pts not only can be due to the demographic increase of old people, but it can also be linked to a change in the surgeon's attitude. At the present time, while elective geriatric surgery implies an acceptable mortality rate (5-8 %), emergency geriatric surgery has not notably modified the prognosis in the last decades and mortality has turned out to be still high (20-30%). We think that it will be possible to obtain better results through geriatric surgery only by reducing emergency interventions as much as possible. In order to do so, it will be important to insist on intervening before the illness, during its natural evolution, requires actions which cannot be postponed. This would lead to positive results not only in terms of mortality and morbidity, which are still considered as the main targets, but also as far as the period of the stay in hospital and costs are concerned

    Excision of a schwannoma of the neck: surgical technique

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    We present a case of schwannoma of the neck in 49 year old man, symptomatic (paresthesia, cervical mass and dysphagia). After ultrasonography and magnetic resonance of the neck, the patient was operated and excision of the lesion was completely performed. The operation was performed through a cervical approach: the nerves and the vascular and muscular structures were carefully isolated and preserved. The tumour arised from the cervical sympathetic chain. The diagnosis of schwannoma was possible only by histopathologic examen. After 48 months no local recurrence or postoperative complication related to intervention were found. These lesions are uncommon. The identification of the nerve is often difficult until the operation, which is the treatment of choice for the schwannom