2 research outputs found

    Оценка влияния температуры на скорость ползучести высокотемпературных элементов паровых турбин и паропроводов

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    The paper considers a high temperature influence on strength characteristics of steam pipelines and steam turbine parts of high and medium pressure. The charts showing a decisive temperature importance in diffuse creep have been presented in the paper. The paper contains a calculation of steel self-diffusion coefficient. Dependence Dsd = f(t) for more accurate assessment of  resource characteristics of the applied steel has been proposed in the paper.Рассмотрено влияние высокой температуры на прочностные характеристики паропроводов и частей турбин высокого и среднего давления. Представлены диаграммы, подтверждающие, что температура имеет определяющее значение при диффузной ползучести. Рассчитан коэффициент самодиффузии стали. Предложено использовать зависимость Dsd = f(t) для более точной оценки ресурсных характеристик применяемых сталей

    Estimation of Temperature Influence on Creep Rate of High-Temperature Elements in Steam Turbines and Steam Pipelines

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    The paper considers a high temperature influence on strength characteristics of steam pipelines and steam turbine parts of high and medium pressure. The charts showing a decisive temperature importance in diffuse creep have been presented in the paper. The paper contains a calculation of steel self-diffusion coefficient. Dependence Dsd = f(t) for more accurate assessment of  resource characteristics of the applied steel has been proposed in the paper