3 research outputs found

    Wstępne próby konstrukcji bibliotek peptydowych jako narzędzia w diagnostyce nowotworów złośliwych tarczycy

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    Introduction: Cancer of thyroid gland is the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. The treatment improvement could be achieved by early diagnosis. The aim of the study was to identify cancer specific antigenes with use of peptide libraries. Material and methods: The material from 6 patients with thyroid cancer (4 with papillary cancer, 1 with follicular cancer and 1 with oxyphilic tumor) were analyzed. It was performed with use of lipophylic peptide libraries by direct comparison of staining of specimens prepared from normal and malignant tissue. Results: Preliminary results confirm practical value of peptide libraries in early diagnostics of thyroid cancer. Conclusions: It is important to optimize construction of peptide libraries by using different staining agents hydrolyzed by proteases.Wstęp: Nowotwory złośliwe tarczycy należą do najczęstszych nowotworów złośliwych układu endokrynnego. Poprawa wyników leczenia wiąże się z postępem wczesnej diagnostyki raka. Celem niniejszych badań jest poszukiwanie wskaźników nowotworowych za pomocą bibliotek peptydowych umieszczonych na podłożu z bibuły. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano tkanki pobrane od 6 pacjentów: 4 z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy, 1 z nowotworem pęcherzykowym oraz 1 pacjenta z rakiem oksyfilnym. Badania wykonywano z wykorzystaniem bibliotek peptydowych lipofilowych, porównując tkankę zdrową i chorą oraz oceniając zmianę zabarwienia w poszczególnych bibliotekach. Wyniki: Wstępne wyniki wskazują, że biblioteki peptydowe można zastosować w diagnostyce nowotworów tarczycy. Wnioski: Niezbędna jest optymalizacja budowy bibliotek peptydowych, gdzie konieczne jest zastosowanie innego barwnika hydrolizowanego przez proteazy

    Thyroid neoplasms — classical diagnostic techniques and tumor markers

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    Thyroid tumors are a very common disorder and can occur in six percent of human population. Despite this fact, there are still no effective and reliable techniques that would allow to pose a reliable differential diagnosis between malignant and benign thyroid tumor. The prevailing diagnostic techniques are: ultrasonography, scinthigraphy and fine needle aspiration cytology. In many cases they can not distinguish carcinomas from benign neoplasms. Such diagnosis is essential, because the patient with malignancy undergoes a very rigorous treatment that is unnecessary and inadvisable for patient with benign lesions. Therefore, the thyroid tumor markers are searched for. Generally tumor markers are substances, which presence or absence is related to malignancy. They can be used for population screening and for detection, diagnosis, staging, prognosis or follow up of malignant diseases. The thyroid tumor markers currently used have very restricted applications. The first one — calcitonine is produced only by one kind of cancer (medullary carcinoma) and the second — thyroglobulin is useful only in detection of recurrent follicular and papillary thyroid carcinoma. Therefore, there is a need to search for new tumor marker that could enable to differentiate benign lesions in thyroid from malignancies. This review article presents some information about thyroid neoplasms and methods of their diagnosis, highlighting current and possible usage of tumor markers

    Single hollow fiber SLM extraction of polyamines followed by tosyl chloride derivatization and HPLC determination

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    Determination of polyamines in biological fluids possesses medical diagnostic relevance. Despite the vast panel of analytical methods developed for polyamines they are not applied in routine clinical usage, mainly due to the time and labor consuming sample preparation step and complicated derivatization. procedures. Thus, new simpler methods are needed. This paper describes a single hollow fiber SLM extraction method of polyarnines followed by simple pre-column derivatization with tosyl chloride and HPLC-UV analysis. The influence of different parameters such as the extraction time, organic phase composition, acceptor pH, donor pH, acceptor volume, donor volume and stirring speed on the transport parameters and enrichment was studied and discussed. The optimized method was applied to real matrices such as urine and plasma