6 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical Development of «Sedoflav» Capsules, Standardization and Validation of Flavonoids Assay Methods

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    Introduction. Creating a new herbal remedy with a mild generalized effect is an urgent task of modern pharmacology and pharmaceutical technology. The dosage form of an innovative medicinal product should take into account its properties, ensure the effectiveness of the drug and ease of intake.Aim. Creation of hard gelatin capsules with a plant composition-dry extract and validation of methods for quantifying the amount of flavonoids for the preparation of draft regulatory documentation.Materials and methods. The physicochemical and technological properties of the developed dry extract, as well as experimental capsule masses, such as mass loss during drying, bulk volume and granulometric composition, flowability, angle of natural slope, compaction, and parameters of the obtained capsules (solubility, disintegration, etc.) were studied according to the methods described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the XIV edition. Methods were developed for quantitative determination of flavonoid content in terms of rutin in dry extract and capsules using differential spectrophotometry, which were validated.Results and discussion. During the study of the experimental dry extract, its high hygroscopicity was found, which worsens its technological properties and complicates the encapsulation process. As a result of the addition of auxiliary substances, such as anhydrous lactose and talc, it was possible to obtain an optimal mass for encapsulation, which served as the basis for the creation of the drug «Sedoflav».Conclusion. On the basis of a dry extract of plant composition capsules «Sedoflavt» were developed, its standardization was produced. Methods for quantifying the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin in experimental dry extract and capsules have been developed and validated

    Development and Standardization of Crayons with Eucalimine

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    Introduction. Promising sources of preparation of antiinflammatory drugs of interest for practical medicine are substances of plant origin. One of them is eucalimine, isolated from leaves or shoots of eucalyptus prutoid (Eucalyptus viminalis Labil) of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), is a purified sum of terpenoid phenoloaldehydes of the floroglucine series (euglobals) and triterpenoids.Aim. The purpose of the present work is to create drug pencils with eucalimine for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.Materials and methods. The object of research is eucalymin. The study of the shape and size of ekalimine particles and its distribution in various dispersion media: cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, emulsion wax, castor oil, peach oil, medical petroleum jelly was carried out.Results and discussion. The paper presents the results of experimental studies justifying the selection of adjuvants for medical pencils and their standardization.Conclusion. The composition and technology of medicinal pencils with eucalimine for external use has been developed, quality indicators have been established

    Development of structure and technology of wound healthing gel

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    Carbopol (974 P) was selected as the structure former to make a gel with L-lysine-alpha oxidase. Stability of the gel developed was studied with the use of physico-chemical, rheological and microbiological methods of analysis for the following indicators: the appearance of the gel, odor, pH, uniformity, colloid stability. The authenticity of the activity of L-lysine-a-oxidase in the gel, the viscosity of the gel and microbiological purity of the project comply with manufacturer's monograph L-Lysine-a-oxidase gel, 1% concentration. Studied the specific activity of the developed gel in animal experiments. The results of this study suggest a high wound-healing activity of gel with extract of L-lysine alpha-oxidase of 1%

    Fast dissolving films — innovative method of drug dilivery

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    The review of world market of medical dosage forms like fast dissolving films, adjuvants, which can be use for manufacture of films, and methods of film manufacture are described