43 research outputs found

    In vitro propagation of Lesser Galangal (Alpinia calcarata Rosc.) - a commercially important medicinal plant through rhizome bud culture

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    An efficient protocol has been established for clonal propagation of Alpinia calcarata, a commercially important medicinal plant on Murashige and Skooge medium usingrhizome bud explants. Of the different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) andBAP in combination with different levels of kinetin, the best response of axillary shootproliferation was achieved in a combination of 1.5 mg/l of kinetin in combination with 0.5mg/l of BAP producing 13.6 shoots per explant in 6-8 weeks of culture followed by 2 mg/lkinetin and 0.5 mg/l BAP with an average of 6.2 shoot buds from each of the explants.Rooting of the shoots also occurred in the same medium in 3 weeks of subculture. Shootstransferred to half strength MS medium with 0.5 mg/l IBA was optimum for healthyrooting. The healthy in vitro rooted plants were hardened on plastic cups in sterile sand andwere transferred to pots containing potting mixture under green house conditions for 3-4weeks for acclimatization. The survival rate was 87-90% and the plants established well inthe field and developed rhizomes after 4-6 weeks of growth under shade house. Thisprotocol proves its utility for rapid propagation of A. calcarata, which can be exploited forpharmaceutical and commercial purpose

    In vitro regeneration of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Pennell) - an important medicinal herb through nodal segment culture

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    An efficient and cost effective in vitro plant regeneration protocol through nodalsegment culture was achieved in the medicinally important herb Bacopa monnieri (L.)Pennell, the Memory Plus plant through axillary shoot proliferation in Murashige and Skooge medium augmented with varying concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)1 - 5 mg/l. BAP at 2 mg/l was the most effective in multiple shoot induction and mean number of leaves, which gave an average of 17 shoots and 31.11 leaves, compared toother concentrations of the hormone tried in 35 days of culture. Regarding mean shoot length and number of nodes, basal MS giving 2.66 cm long shoots with 7.44 nodes is thebest. MS basal medium, even though not promoting shoot multiplication, gave highershoot length with elongated internodes. Healthy rooting of the in vitro developed shootswas achieved in half and full strength MS basal solid medium without the addition ofany hormones. The healthy and vigorous in vitro regenerated micro shoots wereseparated out and were hardened on transfer to plastic cups with sterile soil and sandand were successfully acclimatized ex vitro in pots with potting mixture under greenhouse conditions for 3 weeks. The survival rate was 100% and the plants establishedwell in green house resembled the mother plants in habitat without any morphological variations. The very simple and cost effective protocol developed can be used to produceelite stable clones for en masse propagation for the large-scale cultivation of this very important medicinal herb

    Radial asymptotics of Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models

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    We examine the radial asymptotic behavior of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models by looking at their covariant scalars along radial rays, which are spacelike geodesics parametrized by proper length \ell, orthogonal to the 4-velocity and to the orbits of SO(3). By introducing quasi-local scalars defined as integral functions along the rays, we obtain a complete and covariant representation of the models, leading to an initial value parametrization in which all scalars can be given by scaling laws depending on two metric scale factors and two basic initial value functions. Considering regular "open" LTB models whose space slices allow for a diverging \ell, we provide the conditions on the radial coordinate so that its asymptotic limit corresponds to the limit as \ell\to\infty. The "asymptotic state" is then defined as this limit, together with asymptotic series expansion around it, evaluated for all metric functions, covariant scalars (local and quasi-local) and their fluctuations. By looking at different sets of initial conditions, we examine and classify the asymptotic states of parabolic, hyperbolic and open elliptic models admitting a symmetry center. We show that in the radial direction the models can be asymptotic to any one of the following spacetimes: FLRW dust cosmologies with zero or negative spatial curvature, sections of Minkowski flat space (including Milne's space), sections of the Schwarzschild--Kruskal manifold or self--similar dust solutions.Comment: 44 pages (including a long appendix), 3 figures, IOP LaTeX style. Typos corrected and an important reference added. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Rapid in vitro micropropagation of non-bitter vegetable type Aloe vera L. (IC333202)

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    Non bitter vegetable type Aloe vera (IC333202) is an elite medicinal plant grown in different parts of the world. A protocol for large scale Aloe vera production was established using micropropagation of axillary shoots. The explants were placed on semi solid MS medium with the addition of various concentrations of BAP and kinetin. After 8 weeks, the best proliferation of shoots per explant (16.7) and the best rooting was observed in IBA free medium. The rooted plant lets were gradually acclimatized in mud pots containing mixture of sand and soil

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableConservation tillage could enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, but is rarely used in cropping systems in Mexico, especially under irrigation. A study was conducted on a clayey, smectitic, isothermic Udic Pellustert to evaluate the use of traditional-deep and no-tillage systems on SOC dynamics for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cropping systems.Not Availabl

    Plant photosynthesis under abiotic stresses: Damages, adaptive, and signaling mechanisms

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    Photosynthesis is crucial for sustaining life on this planet and necessary for plant growth and development. Abiotic stresses such as high and low temperatures, and excess, or deficit of water limit the crucial plant processes, thus threatening the global food security. However, recent molecular approaches allowed elucidation of the photosynthetic components/compounds and their efficiency under stress conditions. In the present scenario, these approaches are not enough to reduce the yield penalty due to the reduction in photosynthetic efficiency. Therefore, comprehensive data on plant behavior and stress crosstalk networks could assist in understanding the in-depth mechanism of photosynthesis. In recent years, information regarding crosstalk, signaling characterization of candidate genes, and responses to multiple stressors have advanced our knowledge to understand the mechanism of photosynthesis. Therefore, in this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of various studies conducted on photosynthesis under multiple abiotic stress factors that affect the photosynthetic efficiency of a plant. We also discuss the role of crosstalk signaling compounds (plant growth regulators and micro RNAs) for an in-depth understanding of the photosynthesis mechanism. Finally, based on our gathered data set, the mechanism of damage and adaptive response of photosynthesis under multiple stressors are explained to enhance the scientific community's knowledge toward boosting photosynthesis and to accelerate stress tolerance strategies for crop improvement