43 research outputs found

    Influence of soy protein’s structural modifications on their microencapsulation properties: a-tocopherol microparticles preparation

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    Enzymatic and chemical modifications of soy protein isolate (SPI) were studied in order to improve SPI properties for their use as wall material for a-tocopherol microencapsulation by spray-drying. The structural modifications of SPI by enzymatic hydrolysis and/or N-acylation were carried out in aqueous media without any use of organic solvent neither surfactant. Emulsions from aqueous solutions of native or modified SPI and hydrophobic a-tocopherol, were prepared and spray-dried to produce a-tocopherol microparticles. The effect of protein modifications and the influence of the core/shell ratio on both emulsions and microparticles properties were characterised. The obtained results demonstrated that oil-in-water emulsions prepared with modified proteins had lower droplet size (0.5-0.9 ÎŒm) and viscosity (3.6-14.8 mPa×s) compared to those prepared with native proteins (1.1 ÎŒm and 15.0 mPa×s respectively). Efficiency of oil retention decreased after protein hydrolysis from 79.7 to 38.9%, but the grafting of hydrophobic chain by acylation improved efficiency of a-tocopherol retention up to 94.8%. Moreover, higher emulsion viscosity, particle size and process efficiency were observed with the increase of a-tocopherol amount

    Vegetable proteins in microencapsulation: a review of recent interventions and their effectiveness

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    Proteins from vegetable seeds are interesting for research at present because they are an abundant alternative to animal-based sources of proteins and petroleum-derived polymers. They are a renewable and biodegradable raw material with interesting functional and/or physico-chemical properties. In microencapsulation, these biopolymers are used as a wall forming material for a variety of active compounds. In most cases, two techniques of microencapsulation, spray-drying and coacervation, are used for the preparation of microparticles from vegetable proteins. Proteins extracted from soy bean, pea and wheat have already been studied as carrier materials for microparticles. These proteins could be suitable shell or matrix materials and show good process efficiency. Some other plant proteins, such as rice, oat or sunflower, with interesting functional properties could be investigated as potential matrices for microencapsulation

    Characterization of Non-Derivatized Cellulose Samples by Size Exclusion Chromatography in Tetrabutylammonium Fluoride/Dimethylsulfoxide (TBAF/DMSO)

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the use of tetrabutylammonium fluoride/dimethylsulfoxide (TBAF/DMSO) to characterize the molar mass distribution of non-derivatized cellulosic samples by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Different cellulose samples with various average degree of polymerization (DP) were first solubilized in this solvent system, with increasing TBAF rates, and then analyzed by SEC coupled to a refractive index detector (RID), using DMSO as mobile phase. The Molar Masses (MM) obtained by conventional calibration were then discussed and compared with suppliers’ data and MM determined by viscosimetry measurements. By this non-classic method, molar mass of low DP samples (AvicelÂź and cotton fibers) have been determined. For high DP samples (α-cellulose and VitacelÂź), dissolution with TBAF concentration of 10 mg/mL involved elution of cellulose aggregates in the exclusion volume, related to an incomplete dissolution or the dilution of TBAF molecules in elution solvent, preventing the correct evaluation of their molar mass

    Preparation of aqueous anionic poly(urethane-urea) dispersions. Influence of the structure and molecular weight of the macrodiol on the dispersion and polymer properties

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    Aqueous poly(urethane‐urea) dispersions were prepared by the prepolymer mixing technique, without any organic solvent, using two aliphatic diisocyanates (α,α,αâ€Č,αâ€Č‐tetramethyl‐1,3‐xylylene diisocyanate and isophorone diisocyanate) and various macrodiols, in conjunction with a fixed proportion of emulsifying agent (dimethylol propionic acid, neutralised with triethylamine) and the same chain extender (1,2‐ethylene diamine). The properties of both the dispersions and the dried polymer films were characterised as a function of the two main parameters studied in this investigation, viz the structure of the macrodiols and their molecular weight, in order to establish criteria leading to optimised performances in terms of dispersion stability, particle size, and polymer film properties

    Cryo-TEM and Image Analysis of Polymer Nanoparticle Dispersions

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    International audienceThe interest in aqueous-based resins for various applications such as coating or in the pharmaceutical field has recently increased due to the need for constant cost reductions and the necessity to control emissions of volatile organic compounds. As most polymers used in these applications are water insoluble, aqueous- based resins generally contain particles in suspension. The average particle size and size distribution are essential data on which the stability and properties of the dispersions depend [1]. Light scattering and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) have proved to be complementary techniques to characterise various natural [2] or synthetic [3] polymer nanoparticles dispersed in water. Light scattering is non-destructive and provides fast measurements in a wide range of particle size. However, it cannot analyse double populations, large distributions, absorbent materials, or mixtures of substances with different densities [4]. In this study, cryo-TEM and image analysis were combined to characterise a variety of aqueous polyurethane dispersions. The results were compared with those obtained from dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments

    Étude et fonctionnalisation de protĂ©ines vĂ©gĂ©tales en vue de leur application en microencapsulation

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    Les protéines extraites des végétaux sont des matériaux relativement peu coûteux, non toxiques, biocompatibles et biodégradables. Elles représentent une bonne alternative aux protéines d origine animale et aux polymÚres dérivés du pétrole. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les protéines extraites de graines de soja et de tournesol ont été utilisées en tant que matériaux enrobants pour la microencapsulation de la matiÚre active hydrophobe (a-tocophérol) ou hydrophile (acide ascorbique) par le procédé d atomisation. Les protéines de soja sont largement utilisées dans les applications alimentaires et non-alimentaires, notamment en microencapsulation. Elles sont donc étudiées dans ce travail comme matériau enrobant de référence. Les protéines de tournesol n ont quant à elles pas d application industrielle concrÚte, si ce n est sous la forme de tourteaux dans l alimentation animale. C est pourquoi il nous semble pertinent de trouver des nouvelles voies de valorisation pour ce coproduit d origine agricole. Plusieurs modifications des protéines, telles que l hydrolyse enzymatique, l acylation, la réticulation enzymatique et la cationisation ont été étudiées dans le but d améliorer les propriétés encapsulantes du matériau enrobant. Dans le contexte de la chimie verte, toutes les modifications ont été effectuées sans utilisation de solvants organiques ni de catalyseurs chimiques. L influence des modifications chimiques et enzymatiques des protéines, et des paramÚtres du procédé (pression d homogénéisation, ratio matériau enrobant/matiÚre active et concentration en protéines) sur les différentes caractéristiques des préparations liquides et des microparticules (viscosité, taille des gouttelettes dans le cas des émulsions, morphologie et taille des microparticules), ainsi que sur les paramÚtres liés au procédé d atomisation (rendement et efficacité de microencapsulation) a été particuliÚrement étudiée au cours de ce travail. Les résultats obtenus confirment que l extrait protéique de tournesol est tout à fait pertinent comme matériau enrobant et permet d obtenir des efficacités de microencapsulation significativement plus élevées par rapport à celles obtenues avec l extrait protéique de soja.Proteins extracted from vegetables are relatively low-cost, non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable raw materials. They represent a good alternative to animal-based proteins and petroleum-extracted polymers. In this study, proteins derived from soybean and sunflower seeds were used as wall materials for microencapsulation of hydrophobic ( -tocopherol) or hydrophilic (ascorbic acid) active material by spray-drying technique. Soybean proteins are widely used in food and non-food applications, especially in microencapsulation. They were studied in this work as wall material of reference. Sunflower proteins are not actually used in industrial application, but only in the form of oil-cake for animal feeding. That s why new ways of valorization of this agricultural by-product should be investigated. Several proteins modifications such as enzymatic hydrolysis, acylation, cross-linking and cationization were studied in order to improve encapsulating properties of wall material. In the context of green chemistry, all the modifications and preparations were performed without use of organic solvents and chemical catalysts. The effect of protein chemical and enzymatic modifications, and process parameters (homogenization pressure, wall/core ratio and protein concentration) on different characteristics of liquid preparations and microparticles (viscosity, emulsion droplet size, microparticle size and morphology) and on parameters related to the spray-drying process (yield and efficiency of microencapsulation) was particularly investigated in this study. The obtained results confirmed that sunflower proteins are quite suitable as encapsulating agent and provide the microencapsulation efficiencies significantly higher compared to those obtained with soy proteins.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparative study of encapsulation of vitamins with native and modified soy protein

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    Microencapsulation of hydrophobic (α-tocopherol) and hydrophilic (ascorbic acid) vitamins by native (non-modified) and modified soy protein isolate (SPI) was carried out using a spray-drying technique. Proteins' functional properties were modified by acylation and cationization reactions in aqueous alkaline media. The results obtained demonstrated that SPI modification resulted in decreased emulsion droplet size and viscosity. All preparations with ascorbic acid (AA) had lower viscosity and microparticle size than those with α-tocopherol (T). Moreover, grafting of fatty acid chains to SPI by acylation improved its amphiphilic character and affinity with hydrophobic substances. Thus, the microencapsulation efficiency of T was increased from 79.7% to 94.8% and the microencapsulation efficiency of AA was reduced from 91.8% to 57.3% compared to native SPI. Conversely, attachment of quaternary ammonium cationic groups to proteinic chains by cationization, increased SPI solubility and favored the AA microencapsulation. This study illustrated that an appropriate modification of SPI can improve the microencapsulation efficiency of suitable active cores

    Soy Protein Microparticles for Enhanced Oral Ibuprofen Delivery: Preparation, Characterization, and In Vitro Release Evaluation

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    International audienceThe objective of this work was to evaluate soy protein isolate (SPI) and acylated soy protein (SPA) as spray-drying encapsulation carriers for oral pharmaceutical applications. SPI acylation was performed by the Schotten–Baumann reaction. SPA, with an acylation rate of 41%, displayed a decrease in solubility in acidic conditions, whereas its solubility was unaffected by basic conditions. The drug encapsulation capacities of both SPI and SPA were tested with ibuprofen (IBU) as a model poorly soluble drug. IBU-SPI and IBU-SPA particles were obtained by spray-drying under eco-friendly conditions. Yields of 70 to 87% and microencapsulation efficiencies exceeding 80% were attained for an IBU content of 20 to 40% w/w, confirming the excellent microencapsulation properties of SPI and the suitability of the chemical modification. The in vitro release kinetics of IBU were studied in simulated gastrointestinal conditions (pH 1.2 and pH 6.8, 37°C). pH-sensitive release patterns were observed, with an optimized low rate of release in simulated gastric fluid for SPA formulations, and a rapid and complete release in simulated intestinal fluid for both formulations, due to the optimal pattern of pH-dependent solubility for SPA and the molecular dispersion of IBU in soy protein. These results demonstrate that SPI and SPA are relevant for the development of pH-sensitive drug delivery systems for the oral route

    Cryo-TEM and Image Analysis of Polymer Nanoparticle Dispersions

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    The interest in aqueous-based resins for various applications such as coating or in the pharmaceutical field has recently increased due to the need for constant cost reductions and the necessity to control emissions of volatile organic compounds. As most polymers used in these applications are water insoluble, aqueous- based resins generally contain particles in suspension. The average particle size and size distribution are essential data on which the stability and properties of the dispersions depend [1]. Light scattering and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) have proved to be complementary techniques to characterise various natural [2] or synthetic [3] polymer nanoparticles dispersed in water. Light scattering is non-destructive and provides fast measurements in a wide range of particle size. However, it cannot analyse double populations, large distributions, absorbent materials, or mixtures of substances with different densities [4]. In this study, cryo-TEM and image analysis were combined to characterise a variety of aqueous polyurethane dispersions. The results were compared with those obtained from dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments

    Influence of DE-value on the physicochemical properties of maltodextrin for melt extrusion processes

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    In this study, five different types of maltodextrins (DE-2, DE-6, DE-12, DE-17 and DE-19) were characterized for the physico-chemical properties. TGA, DVS and SEC analyses were carried out and additionally apparent melt-viscosity (in a micro-extruder) and the glass transition temperature (analyzed by DMA) of maltodextrin/plasticizer mixtures were also measured in order to evaluate both the effect of plasticizer nature and content and the effect of the DE-value. For this, three plasticizing agents were compared: water, d-sorbitol and glycerin. The adsorption isotherms showed that depending on the DE-value and the relative humidity they were exposed to, different behavior could be obtained. For example, for relative humidities below 60% RH maltodextrin DE-2 was the least hygroscopic. And on the contrary for relative humidities above 75% RH maltodextrin DE-2 was the most hygroscopic. The rheology measurements showed that the viscosity decreased with the increase of the DE-value and with the plasticizer content, as expected. On the contrary, no direct correlation could be established between the DE-value and the glass transition temperature. These results demonstrated that to predict maltodextrins behavior and to better adapt the process conditions, combined analyses are mandatory as the DE-value alone is not sufficient. The most compelling evidence was obtained by size exclusion chromatography, which pointed out that maltodextrins had a bimodal molecular weight distribution composed of high and low molecular weight oligo-saccharides. Indeed, maltodextrins are highly polydisperse materials (i.e. polydispersity index ranging from 5 to 12) and that should be the reason why such distinct behaviors were observed in some of the physico-chemical analyses that were preformed