4 research outputs found

    Science, Utilization, Conservation and Co-Management of the George River Caribou Herd

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    Four objectives of the George River Caribou Workshop were identified: (1) to consider present and past assessments of caribou numbers and population trends in the GRC (2) to explore the role of environmental factors such as climate and habitat change on population dynamics (3) to consider actual and potential human activities on the population and distribution of the caribou (4) to discuss caribou management strategies and the co-management concept. The workshop was organized around four half-day sessions focused on each of these objectives and each session featured three or four keynote speakers

    From Membrane Pores to Aquaporins: 50 Years Measuring Water Fluxes

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    This review focuses on studies of water movement across biological membranes performed over the last 50 years. Different scientific approaches had tried to elucidate such intriguing mechanism, from hypotheses emphasizing the role of the lipid bilayer to the cloning of aquaporins, the ubiquitous proteins described as specific water channels. Pioneering and clarifying biophysical work are reviewed beside results obtained with the help of recent sophisticated techniques, to conclude that great advances in the subject live together with old questions without definitive answers