4 research outputs found

    Encountering the downward phase: biographical work in people with multiple sclerosis living at home

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    This qualitative study examines how individuals in an advanced stage of multiple sclerosis (MS) who live at home, accommodate to their illness. The downward phase in the illness trajectory of MS often consists of a lengthy period of gradual decline. According to Corbin and Strauss's framework, accommodation is conceptualized as biographical work that refers to the actions taken to retain control over the life course and to give life meaning again. For our purpose semi-structured interviews with 22 people with MS were conducted and compared with 21 interviews with their family caregivers. The analysis consisted of fragmenting and connecting the data and involved close reading and constant comparison. The continuity of biography is at risk since body and performance failures lead to the loss of salient aspects of self. Participants interpret MS as an all-encompassing illness and emphasize the process of having to give up everything. Four case stories are described to demonstrate the complex intertwining of the biographical processes and to show the range in biographical accommodation. Some patients are capable of putting their lives back together again, while others retreat or do not consider MS a part of their lives. The unpredictable course of MS makes it impossible to give new direction to the life course.Multiple sclerosis Chronic illness Biography Illness trajectory The Netherlands Belgium

    A systematic review of predictors and screening instruments to identify older hospitalized patients at risk for functional decline

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To determine a valid, reliable and clinical user-friendly instrument, based on predictors of functional decline, to identify older patients at risk for functional decline. The predictors of functional decline are initially considered and, subsequently, the characteristics and psychometric qualities of existing screening instruments are investigated. BACKGROUND: Functional decline is a common and serious problem in older hospitalized patients, resulting in a change in quality of life and lifestyle. Studies have shown that 30-60% of older people develop new dependencies in activities of daily living (ADL) during their hospital stay. Adverse health outcomes such as mortality, a prolonged hospital stay, nursing home placement and increased dependency of older people at home are the results. Not only are the personal costs high but also, in a rapidly growing older population, the impact on health-care costs is also high. RESULTS: Age, lower functional status, cognitive impairment, preadmission disability in instrumental activities of daily life (IADL), depression and length of hospital stay were identified as predictors of functional decline. Three screening instruments to identify hospitalized patients at risk for functional decline were found in the literature: the Hospital Admission Risk Profile, the Identification of Seniors at Risk and the Care Complexity Prediction Instrument. The reported validity was moderate. Reliability and the ease of use in the clinical setting were not well described. CONCLUSION: These three instruments should be further tested in a hospitalized older population. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Screening is a first step to identify patients at risk for functional decline and this will make it possible to treat patients who are identified so as to prevent functional decline. Because of their ability to observe and to guide the patients and the overall view they have, nurses play a key role in this proces