2 research outputs found

    Researches regarding the influence of distance between rows on the stem and fiber yields at some monoecious hemp varieties under the center of Moldavia pedoclimatic conditions

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    Hemp is part of the textile plants group with high-value for human and industrial use. Hemp has over 25,000 uses, ranging from food, paints and fuels to clothing and building materials. Hemp is currently considered to be a plant of increasing importance for Europe, being used for fiber and oil extraction and as medicinal plant. Hemp fibers are the most resistant plant fibers and as such, in the past, they were the most prized raw material of the textile industry worldwide.In this paper we present the results regarding the evolution of monoecious hemp crop on the production of stems and fiber, under the pedoclimatic conditions of the Center of Moldova, between 2012 – 2015. The biological material used was represented by three varieties created at A.R.D.S. Secuieni, respectively, Denise, Diana and Dacia and were sown at a distance of 12.5 cm, 25 cm respectively 50 cm between rows. The obtained results revealed that the studied factors influenced to a great extent the production of stems, which varied widely, ranging from 8113 kg / ha to the Denise variety at a distance of 12.5 cm in 2015 (agricultural year characterized as very dry from pluviometric point of view), and the highest yields were obtained at the Denise variety of 15683 kg / ha, at a distance of 25 cm in 2013 (agricultural year characterized as normal from rainfall point of view). On average, for the four years studied, the highest obtained production of fiber was achieved by Dacia variety, at 12.5 cm, of 3388 kg / ha, and the lowest yield of 2546 kg / ha was achieved by Denise variety at a distance of 50 cm between row

    Partial results on the influence of fertilization on grain production of Sorghum bicolor L., in the climatic conditions of Central Moldavia

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    Sorghum is the species that has the same uses varied as the corn. Hundreds of millions of people in Africa, China and India consume sorghum bread. Also used as the feed for poultry and focused mainly raw material for spirits and beer. Climate evolution for heating and aridity of Romania, forcing a reconsideration of sorghum as: food grains, fodder plants and Technical plant. Improvement of technological sequences cultivation of sorghum, is a thing of great importance to our country the purpose of obtaining high yields, to ensure the necessary human food, animal feed raw material in the production of bioethanol - considered a fuel of the future. For this purpose, in the specific conditions of ARDS Secuieni (Center of Moldova) has placed a bifactorial experience in which followed the influence of the fertilization on grain production at Sorghum bicolor L. The biological material used were the hybrids F32, Armida, Alize, Quebec and KSH2G06. The results showed that the applied mineral fertilization has positively influenced sorghum crop production. Variation of the production obtained at sorghum hybrid varied depending on the dose of mineral fertilizers applied (N0P0, N40P40, N80P80, N120P120) and ranged from 2910 kg / ha (KSH 2G06 - unfertilized) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida - N120P120 ). At the interaction genotype x fertilizer, the highest level of production was recorded in variants fertilized with N120P120 dose variation yields being from 7043 kg / ha (KSH 2G06) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida)