108 research outputs found

    Distributed cognition: cognizing, autonomy and the Turing Test

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    Some of the papers in this Special Issue distribute cognition between what is going on inside individual cognizers’ heads and their outside worlds; others distribute cognition among different individual cognizers. Turing’s criterion for cognition was for individual, autonomous input/output capacity. It is not clear that distributed cognition could pass the Turing Tes

    Decision making under time pressure: an independent test of sequential sampling models

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    Choice probability and choice response time data from a risk-taking decision-making task were compared with predictions made by a sequential sampling model. The behavioral data, consistent with the model, showed that participants were less likely to take an action as risk levels increased, and that time pressure did not have a uniform effect on choice probability. Under time pressure, participants were more conservative at the lower risk levels but were more prone to take risks at the higher levels of risk. This crossover interaction reflected a reduction of the threshold within a single decision strategy rather than a switching of decision strategies. Response time data, as predicted by the model, showed that participants took more time to make decisions at the moderate risk levels and that time pressure reduced response time across all risk levels, but particularly at the those risk levels that took longer time with no pressure. Finally, response time data were used to rule out the hypothesis that time pressure effects could be explained by a fast-guess strategy

    Making training more cognitively effective: making videos interactive

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    The cost of health and safety (H&S) failures to the UK industry is currently estimated at up to ÂŁ6.5 billion per annum, with the construction sector suffering unacceptably high levels of work-related incidents. Better H&S education across all skill levels in the industry is seen as an integral part of any solution. Traditional lecture-based courses often fail to recreate the dynamic realities of managing H&S on site and therefore do not sufficiently create deeper cognitive learning (which results in remembering and using what was learned). The use of videos is a move forward, but passively observing a video is not cognitively engaging and challenging, and therefore learning is not as effective as it can be. This paper describes the development of an interactive video in which learners take an active role. While observing the video, they are required to engage, participate, respond and be actively involved. The potential for this approach to be used in conjunction with more traditional approaches to H&S was explored using a group of 2nd-year undergraduate civil engineering students. The formative results suggested that the learning experience could be enhanced using interactive videos. Nevertheless, most of the learners believed that a blended approach would be most effective

    A method to induce stress in human subjects in online research environments

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    This paper presents a method to induce stress in human subjects during online participation in research studies without the presence of researchers. In this study, participants in the stress-inducing condition (N = 52, 44%) were asked to answer general knowledge and mathematical questions which people often get wrong, and did so under time pressure as well as receiving feedback. In contrast, participants in the control condition (N = 66, 56%) did not have time pressure or receive feedback. The stress manipulation was found to be effective, as the reported state anxiety and visual analog scale on stress scores were higher for the stress group than for the non-stress group (both findings, p < 0.001). Consistent findings were found when accounting for trait anxiety as a moderator, with the exception of the state anxiety levels in high trait anxiety group. This stressing method combines the established stress conditions of uncontrollability (such as time pressures) and social evaluative threats (such as negative feedback). In addition, the method contains specific measures (such as a commitment statement and attention check questions) to enhance the internal validity by preventing and detecting cheating or random responses. This method can be deployed through any commonly available online software. It offers a simple and cost-effective way to collect data online - which fits the increasing need to carry out research in virtual and online environments

    The impact of human-technology cooperation and distributed cognition in forensic science: biasing effects of AFIS contextual information on human experts*

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    Experts play a critical role in forensic decision making, even when cognition is offloaded and distributed between human and machine. In this paper, we investigated the impact of using Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) on human decision makers. We provided 3680 AFIS lists (a total of 55,200 comparisons) to 23 latent fingerprint examiners as part of their normal casework. We manipulated the position of the matching print in the AFIS list. The data showed that latent fingerprint examiners were affected by the position of the matching print in terms of false exclusions and false inconclusives. Furthermore, the data showed that false identification errors were more likely at the top of the list and that such errors occurred even when the correct match was present further down the list. These effects need to be studied and considered carefully, so as to optimize human decision making when using technologies such as AFIS

    Decision making under time pressure: An independent test of sequential sampling models

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    Choice probability and choice response time data from a risk-taking decision-making task were compared with predictions made by a sequential sampling model. The behavioral data, consistent with the model, showed that participants were less likely to take an action as risk levels increased, and that time pressure did not have a uniform effect on choice probability. Under time pressure, participants were more conservative at the lower risk levels but were more prone to take risks at the higher levels of risk. This crossover interaction reflected a reduction of the threshold within a single decision strategy rather than a switching of decision strategies. Response time data, as predicted by the model, showed that participants took more time to make decisions at the moderate risk levels and that time pressure reduced response time across all risk levels, but particularly at the those risk levels that took longer time with no pressure. Finally, response time data were used to rule out the hypothesis that time pressure effects could be explained by a fast-guess strategy

    Land mines and gold mines in cognitive technologies

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    Technology has long played an important role in human activity. However, with technological advances we are witnessing major changes in the role technology plays. These changes are especially revolutionary in two senses: First, new technologies are playing greater than ever roles in human cognitive activities. These activities include: 1. New levels of cognitive interactions between people. These interactions, both quantitatively and qualitatively, are at an intensity and scale that allow new forms of cognition to emerge, such as distributed cognition. 2. Technologies that cognitize with us, thus playing an active part in our cognitive processes and constituting themselves as inherent components in human cognition. 3. These new technologies do not only cognitize with us, but they also cognitize for us. In this sense they go beyond supplementing human cognition; rather than playing a facilitating role they actually take over and replace certain aspects in human cognition altogether

    Perception is far from perfection. The role of the brain and mind in constructing realities.

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    When viewed from a distance, visual hallucinations fall into one of two symptom patterns, a dichotomy which poses a problem for theoretical models treating them as a single entity. Such models should be broadened to allow for two distinct but overlapping syndromes – one likely to relate to visual de-afferentation, the other to Perception and Attention Deficit (PAD) cholinergic pathology

    Technology and human expertise: do's and don'ts

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    As technological innovation progresses, people are mankind is increasingly seeing tasks that were once performed by humans shifting into the domain of the machine. Are we inevitably going to reach the state where technology can perform and take over any human activity? And even if it were possible, do we want to reach this state? Leaving aside the moral, philosophical, and social aspects of this trend, what is the most efficient and productive way to use technology, in terms of its interactions and in relation to humans
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