9 research outputs found
Ink overprint simulated watermark
Bakalářská práce se zabývá inkoustovým přetiskem simulovaného vodoznaku. Tento přetisk způsoboval reakci bezbarvých roztoků pevného kaučuku vytvářejících vodoznak s inkoustovou barvou. Byly odzkoušeny různé druhy prostředků vytvářející simulovaný vodoznak a různé technologie tisku (ofsetový tisk, flexotisk) motivů vodoznaku. Následovaly přetisky inkoustovým tiskem. Z těchto přetisků byly rozděleny dvě strany papíru se simulovaným vodoznakem - na lícní a rubovou, z nichž každá reaguje jinak na inkoustový přetisk. K dosažení kvalitního přetisku prostředků vytvářejícího simulovaný vodoznak musela být použita technologie digitálního elektrofotografického tisku. Výsledky tisku simulovaného vodoznaku a jeho přetisků byly hodnoceny vizuálně, na základě čtyřstupňové bodové stupnice.This bachelor thesis deals with a simulated watermark ink overprint. This trapping causes the reaction solution colorless solid rubber forming a watermark ink color. They were tested in various types means of producing a simulated watermark and various printing technologies (offset, flexo) motifs watermark. Subsequent reprints inkjet printing. These overprints were divided two sides of paper with a simulated watermark on the front and reverse. For each one reacts differently to ink overprint. To achieve overprinting without means of creating a simulated watermark had to be used in rubber technology, the digital EP. The results of a simulated watermark printing and reprints were evaluated visually, based on four-point scale.Katedra polygrafie a fotofyzikyIng. Jan Vališ,Ph.D. - Na jakém principu fungují simulované vodoznaky? Proč je toner lepší než inkoust? Jaký inkoust použít, aby s tím nebyly problémy?
prof. Ing. Petr Kalenda,CSc. - Které částice jsou větší na 2 obrázcích z elektornového mikroskopu? Proč vodoznak žloutne? Jaké látky v pojivu jsou za to odpovědné?
doc. Ing. Michal Veselý,CSc. - Co to je nepřímý přetisk? Co to znamená pigmentovaný inkoust? Jaký je rozdíl mezi barvivem a pigmentem
Is it time to enter eurozone for Czech Republic? Arguments for and against in the context of deepening political and debt crisis of eurozone after the year 2009
Práce se zabývá pozadím existence evropské měnové unie a následně vyhodnocuje přínosy a náklady vstupu do eurozóny z pohledu České republiky. Zároveň se zaměřuje na aktuální politické a ekonomické dění v problémových státech eurozóny (PIIGS) v období hluboké dluhové krize, která již téměř dekádu trápí státy jižního křídla. Dochází k závěru, že náklady na vstup do měnové unie jsou příliš vysoké a přistoupení do eurozóny v kontextu současného dění by nejen mohlo být pro českou ekonomiku nežádoucí, ale také riskantní. Státy jihu trpí extrémně vysokou mírou zadlužení k HDP, některé z nich nezaměstnaností vyšší než 15 %, u moci jsou nevypočitatelné strany radikální levice či pravice a tlak Troiky přímo brání expanzivní fiskální politice. Eurozóna je destabilizovaná, Španělé chtějí separovat Katalánsko, existují obavy, že příští krize propukne v Itálii a Řecký dluh je dlouhodobě neudržitelný. Nejen, že by Česká republika neměla přistupovat nyní, ale pokud nedojde k reformě měnové unie či stabilizaci PIIGS, neměla by přistupovat ani v dlouhodobém horizontu navzdory tomu, že se vstupem do EU se zavázala společnou měnu převzít.Thesis focuses on the history of existence of the European monetary union. It evaluates the costs and benefits of entering the eurozone from the Czech Republic’s point of view. Also, it examines current political and economical events that are taking place in the troubled states of the eurozone (PIIGS) in the time of deep debt crisis which is afflicting those southern states for almost a decade. It concludes that the costs of entering the eurozone in the context of current events are way too high. For Czech Republic it is not just unnecessary but also risky because those Southern states have enormous debt to GDP ratio, in some the unemployment rates are greater than 15 % also in some of these states there are unpredictable radical right or left-wing political parties running the countries and the pressure that is being put on them by Troika keeps them from performing expansive fiscal policies. The eurozone is destabilized, the Spanish want to separate Catalonia, there are real concerns that the next crisis will begin in Italy and the Greek debt is unsustainable in the long run. Not only that Czech Republic shouldn’t enter any time soon but if there will not be any reforms of the monetary union or if stabilization of PIIGS will not happen, Czech Republic should not enter even in the long-term horizon despite it promised to enter by entering European Union
Is the European Monetary Union endangered on existence? An analysis of the state of the euro area in the context of the current economic and pandemic crisis 2008-2020
Práce se zabývá zejména dluhovou krizí, která již více než 10 let sužuje některé státy eurozóny. Dochází k závěru, že eurozóna i nadále není optimální měnovou oblastí, nedochází k reálné konvergenci členských států, a také že měnová politika prováděná Evropskou centrální bankou se ukazuje jako neúčinná v naplňování stanovených cílů. ECB si v období ekonomického růstu nevytvořila manévrovací prostor a vyčerpala veškeré dostupné nástroje měnové politiky a současné ekonomické poznání jí nenabízí mnoho alternativ. Některé předlužené země navíc nemohou vykonávat ani expanzivní fiskální politiku vzhledem k závazkům vůči troice. Pod nátlakem předlužení a klesající účinnosti kvantitativního uvolňování, které uměle stlačuje výnosnosti vládních dluhopisů, tak znovu hrozí odříznutí Řecka, Itálie, Španělska a Portugalska od levného financování veřejných deficitů, nicméně tentokrát bez možnosti zásahu ECB. Hrozí tak kolaps celé měnové unie.The thesis deals in particular with the debt crisis that has afflicted some euro area countries for more than 10 years. It concludes that the euro area is still not an optimal currency area, that there is no real convergence of the member states, and that the monetary policy pursued by the European central bank is proving ineffective in meeting the stated objectives. The ECB has not created any room for the next recession in a period of economic growth and has used every available monetary policy instrument and current economic knowledge does not offer many alternatives for it. Moreover, some over-indebted countries cannot even pursue an expansionary fiscal policy because of their obligations to the troika. Thus, under the pressure of over-indebtedness and the declining effectiveness of quantitative easing, which is artificially depressing government bond yields, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal are once again at risk of being cut off from cheap financing for public deficits, but this time without the possibility of ECB intervention. The entire monetary union is thus in danger of collapsing
Self-healing turing-universal computation in morphogenetic systems
A morphogenetic system (M system) is an abstract computational model inspired by characteristic properties of morphogenetic phenomena such as controlled growth, self-reproduction, homeostasis and self-healing in living systems. Besides selected principles of membrane computing, M systems also rely on algorithmic self-assembly of abstract tiles unfolding in a 3D (or generally, dD) space. Explicit spatial arrangements for interaction among an M system’s components are crucial for its function. From a computational viewpoint, key features of M systems include their computational universality and their efficiency to solve difficult problems. Both computational universality (in the Turing sense) and self-healing properties (in the sense of the algorithmic tile assembly model) have been demonstrated for different M systems in prior publications. Here, we demonstrate that both of these properties can be simultaneously achieved in a single M system. We present a Turing universal string acceptor M system that also exhibits self-healing capabilities of degree 1. This result is rather surprising since Turing machines are usually very sensitive to minor damage to their internal structure. The result thus sheds light on the power and importance of geometric and spatial arrangements for the reliability and robustness of a computational system
Morphogenetic systems for resource bounded computation and modeling
A further exploration is presented of recent approaches to morphogenetic processes where geometry and form are fundamental primitives. Prior bottom-up approaches in morphogenetic modeling usually target a specific biological process aiming for optimal fidelity. We take a novel, more integrative and more abstract view of these phenomena and aim at properties such as (computational) universality, homeostasis, self-reproduction or self-healing, in both living and artificial evolving systems with explicit geometric 3D arrangements. We refine the recently introduced model of M systems (for morphogenetic systems) that leverages certain constructs in membrane computing and DNA self-assembly. The model is still based on local interactions of simple atomic components under explicit geometric constraints given by their shapes and spatial arrangements. We demonstrate two types of capabilities of the extended models. First, they are computationally universal in the Turing sense because they can simulate Turing machines very efficiently, with only a linear slowdown factor. Furthermore, they have the theoretical capability to probabilistically solve NP-hard problems in polynomial time. Second, more importantly, they unfold to exhibit certain macro-properties characteristic of living organisms (particularly, the ability of self-assembly of complex structures, self-reproduction and self-healing) as global properties observable at the macro-level, without explicit programming of these properties beyond simple rules of interaction. Besides providing a new theoretical background for this type of model, we provide quantitative evidence of these properties in a simple cell-like M system model. These results have been obtained using an M system simulator and visualizer that is available as open source software for further research in this area
From P systems to morphogenetic systems: an overview and open problems
Morphogenetic (M) systems are an abstract model of computation inspired by morphogenetic processes in living cells and organisms. They were created as a generalization of P systems with proteins on membranes. Abstract cells are not used as atomic elements but they can be assembled from simpler primitives called tiles with pre-defined shapes, sizes and changeable positions in 2D or 3D Euclidean space. This additional level of realism provides a closer relation to fields as synthetic or systems biology. We summarize known results on M systems which include studies of computational universality, computational efficiency in solving intractable problems, and we discuss their relation to other models of P systems. An important capability of M systems is their robustness under injuries and their self-healing properties which has been established theoretically and verified experimentally. Finally, we present results of computational experiments inspired by cell mitosis processes. All topics are accompanied with related open problems
A Self-Controlled and Self-Healing Model of Bacterial Cells
A new kind of self-assembly model, morphogenetic (M) systems, assembles spatial units into larger structures through local interactions of simpler components and enables discovery of new principles for cellular membrane assembly, development, and its interface function. The model is based on interactions among three kinds of constitutive objects such as tiles and protein-like elements in discrete time and continuous 3D space. It was motivated by achieving a balance between three conflicting goals: biological, physical-chemical, and computational realism. A recent example is a unified model of morphogenesis of a single biological cell, its membrane and cytoskeleton formation, and finally, its self-reproduction. Here, a family of dynamic M systems (Mbac) is described with similar characteristics, modeling the process of bacterial cell formation and division that exhibits bacterial behaviors of living cells at the macro-level (including cell growth that is self-controlled and sensitive to the presence/absence of nutrients transported through membranes), as well as self-healing properties. Remarkably, it consists of only 20 or so developmental rules. Furthermore, since the model exhibits membrane formation and septic mitosis, it affords more rigorous definitions of concepts such as injury and self-healing that enable quantitative analyses of these kinds of properties. Mbac shows that self-assembly and interactions of living organisms with their environments and membrane interfaces are critical for self-healing, and that these properties can be defined and quantified more rigorously and precisely, despite their complexity
Morphogenetic systems: Models and experiments
M systems are mathematical models of morphogenesis developed to gain insights into its relations to phenomena such as self-assembly, self-controlled growth, homeostasis, self-healing and self-reproduction, in both natural and artificial systems. M systems rely on basic principles of membrane computing and self-assembly, as well as explicit emphasis on geometrical structures (location and shape) in 2D, 3D or higher dimensional Euclidean spaces. They can be used for principled studies of these phenomena, both theoretically and experimentally, at a computational level abstracted from their detailed implementation. In particular, they afford 2D and 3D models to explore biological morphogenetic processes. Theoretical studies have shown that M systems are powerful tools (e.g., computational universal, i.e. can become as complex as any computer program) and their parallelism allows for trading space for time in solving efficiently problems considered infeasible on conventional computers (NP-hard problems). In addition, they can also exhibit properties such as robustness to injuries and degrees of self-healing. This paper focuses on the experimental side of M systems. To this end, we have developed a high-level morphogenetic simulator, Cytos, to implement and visualize M systems in silico in order to verify theoretical results and facilitate research in M systems. We summarize the software package and make a brief comparison with some other simulators of membrane systems. The core of the article is a description of a range of experiments inspired by aspects of morphogenesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The experiments explore the regulatory role of the septum and of the cytoskeleton in cell fission, the robustness of cell models against injuries, and, finally, the impact of changing nutrient concentration on population growth
Morphogenetic and homeostatic self-assembled systems
As a natural evolution of developments in membrane computing and self-assembly, the time appears ripe to hybridize their principles to explore models capable of exhibiting further properties exhibited by living organisms, while preserving the primary advantages of models in physics, chemistry and computer science, e.g. arising from local interactions of their components and implementable in silico and/or in vitro. We introduce an abstract model named M system, capable of self assembly and a developmental process, that strikes a balance between these conflicting goals, namely biological realism, physical-chemical realism and computational realism. We demonstrate that such systems are capable of being assembled from scratch from some atomic components, undergo a process of morphogenesis by the unfolding of the self-assembly rules defined by their local interactions, exhibit crucial properties of living cells as the self-healing property or mitosis (cell division), and eventually enter a stable equilibrium of adulthood in which they will continue to function as long as certain conditions in their environment remain. We present some theoretical results on the model, as well as preliminary simulations and experimental results of an M system simulator we have developed to explore this kind of model