31 research outputs found
Тhe possibilities for application of aerophotogrametry in forest inventory in Vojvоdina
Фотограметерија је метод и наука прикупљања и интерпретације информација о удаљеним објектима, површини или појави, који су прикупљени таквим врстама уређаја који нису у директним контакту са датим објектом, површином или појавом која се испитује. У шумарству Србије квантитативни и квалитативни подаци о шумском фонду су се добијали углавном применом терестричких метода прикупљања података. Позитивна искуства развијених земаља у примени аерофотограметрије говоре да се може применити за добијање информација и у шумарству. Резултати ових истраживања указују да се аерофотограметријa у знатној мери као дисциплина може користити у састојинској инвентури шума. У већини случајева, посебно код шума лужњака, разлике елемената одређених тестираним методама инвентуре су статистички значајне када су у питању структурни и производни елементи добијени аерофотограметријом и терестричком инвентуром шума. Због покривености крошњама стабала, чак и у засадима топола веће старости, информације о састојини и станишту не могу се поуздано одредити са снимка. Тачност у одређивању нумеричких елемената пре свега броја стабала указују да се код вештачки подигнутих састојина топола добијају тачне процене овог елемената. Код изданачких састојина багрема долази до потцењивања броја стабала и добија се мањи број у односу на број стабала добијен тоталним премером. Када су у питању засади топола и изданачке шуме багрема, повећањем интензитета премера на снимцима износи грешака и одступања у односу на потпуни премер би се смањили у прихватљиве оквире. Код вештачки подигнутих састојина храста лужњака број стабала је значајно потцењен. Узрок лежи у чињеници да су се на бази авио снимка успешно могла идентификовати стабала која се налазе у горњем спрату, док стабала осталих врста дрвећа која се налазе у доњем спрату нису видљива због склопљености крошњи стабала храста лужњака и немогућности њихове индентификације на авио снимку. Комбинацијом терестричке и инвентуре шума на бази авио снимака постигла би се већа тачност резултата у односу на тачност која се добија премером на снимку, и као компромисно решење за састојинску инвентуру шума у Републици Србији би била комбинована инвентура, која у себи спаја позитивна својства терестричке инвентуре и инвентуре на бази аероснимака,Photogrammetry is a method and the science of collecting and integrating information about remote objects, a surface or a phenomenom that are collected by the types of devices that are not in direct contact with the given object, surface or phenomenon being examined. In Serbia, quantitative and qualitative data on the growing stock were obtained mainly by applying a terrestrial method of data collection. The positive experiences of developed countries in the application of aerophotogrammetry indicate that it can be used to obtain information in forestry as well. Results of these studies indicate that aerial photographs can be used to a considerable extent as a discipline in the inventory of forests. In most cases, especially in the case of common oak forests, the differences in the elements determined by the tested inventory methods are statistically significant when it comes to structural and production elements obtained by aerophotogrammetry and terrestrial forest inventory. Due to the coverage of tree canopies, even in older poplar plantations, information on stands and habitats cannot be reliably determined from the image. The accuracy in determining the numerical elements, primarily the number of trees, indicates that this element is accurately estimated in the artificially established poplar stands. The number of trees in the coppice black locust stands is underestimated and a smaller number is obtained in comparison to the number of trees obtained by total measurement. When it comes to poplar plantations and coppice black locust forests, the increase in the intensity of measurement on the aerial images would result in reduction of errors and deviations in relation to the total measurement to acceptable levels. In artificially established stands of common oak, the number of trees is significantly underestimated. The reason lies in the fact that trees in the upper storey can be successfully identified based on images, while trees of other species in the lower storey are not visible due to the closure of canopy of common oak trees and thus cannot be identified on the aerial images. A combination of terrestrial and inventory based on aerial images would result in higher accuracy of the results compared to the accuracy obtained by measurement on images, and a compromise solution for the forest inventory in the Republic of Serbia would be a combined inventory that couples the positive features of the terrestrial inventory and the inventory based on aerial images, thus providing both reliable and usable information obtained in a cost-effective manne
Morphological study of intra and interpopulation variability of black poplar leaves was carried on four natural populations located in the basin of the major rivers at the area of Vojvodina, Serbia. Research was conducted on the basis of nine leaf morphometric parameters, with descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis. Results show that within and between studied populations exists considerable variability, with the variability much more pronounced within than between populations. Given that the environmental conditions of investigated locations are uniform, it is assumed that the variability is consequences of the specific gene pool of these populations.Crna topola (Populus nigra L.) predstavlja jednu od bitnih pionirskih drvenastih vrsta (Pospiškova et al. 2004) koja je prilagođena specifičnim uvijetima poplavnog područja. Budući da unatrag nekoliko desetljeća čovek intenzivno kontroliše plavna područja, utvrđeno je da prirodna staništa autohtonih ritskih vrsta polako nestaju. Uzevši u obzir nestanak ovih ekosustava, prekomjernu eksploataciju autohtonih topola, introdukciju superiornih hibrida topola i mogućnost introgresija gena kultiviranih topola, crna topola se smatra ugroženom vrstom. Kako bi se mogle primijeniti odgovarajuće metode konzervacije, potrebno je utvrditi postojanje varijabilnosti unutar preostalih prirodnih populacija (Flush et al. 2002). Varijabilnost postojećih prirodnih populacija crne topole na području Vojvodine je u ovom istraživanju ispitana pomoću niza morfoloških svojstava lista.Istraživanja unutarpopulacijske i međupopulacijske morfološke varijabilnosti listova crne topole (Populus nigra L.) rađeno je na razini četiri prirodne populacije koje se nalaze u dolinama najvećih rijeka Vojvodine (Dunav, Tisa, Sava – Slika 1). Skupljanje uzoraka obavljeno je metodom slučajnog odabira u tijeku vegetacijskog perioda kada su listovi potpuno razvijeni. Prikupljeni su listovi srednjeg djela grančice dugorasta koje Tucović (1965) ističe kao najvažnije za karakteriziranje pojedinih sistematskih kategorija. Na herbariziranom materijalu analizirano je devet morfometrijskih svojstava (slika 2).Standardna deskriptivna statistika (prosječna vrijednost, min/max vrijednost, raspon varijacije, standardna devijacija, relativna standardna devijacija), analiza varijance (one way ANOVA), post hoc Tukey HSD test i klaster analiza (metoda najbližeg susjeda, Euklidska udaljenost) su provedeni kako bi se utvrdile razlike na unutarpopulacijskom i međupopulacijskoj razini.Rezultati analize varijance (tabela 2.) ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između individua u okviru populacija za sva ispitivana morfometrijska svojstva (p<0,000). Dok su rezultati analize varijance provedeni radi utvrđivanja značajnosti razlika između populacija pokazali da za svojstva b, d, f, h i i postoji statistički značajna razlika između populacija. Tukey testom i klaster analizom utvrđeno je da se populacija A najviše ističe, potom slijedi populacija C, dok su populacije B i D najsličnije. Rezultati analiza pokazuju izraženu varijabilnost kada su u pitanju parametri c, e, f i d za koje se smatra da su pod izrazitom genetskom kontrolom, dok parametri b, a i g koji se odlikuju velikom plastičnošću pokazuju manju varijabilnost, što ukazuje na slične stanišne uvjete istraživanih populacija.Dobijene statističke analize ukazale su da na unutarpopulacijskoj i međupopulacijskoj razini postoji značajna varijabilnost, pri čemu je varijabilnost unutar populacija dosta izraženija od varijabilnosti između populacija. Imajući u vidu da su stanišni uvijeti istraživanih populacija ujednačeni i na osnovi utvrđenih statističkih značajnosti može se zaključiti da su njihove razlike zanemarive, možemo zaključiti da je unutarpopulacijska različitost uzrokovana izrazitom heterogenošću analiziranih genotipova ovih populacija
New model of enterprises resource planning implementation planning process in manufacturing enterprises
This article presents new model of enterprises resource planning implementation planning process in manufacturing enterprises based on assessment of risk sources. This assessment was performed by applying analytic hierarchy process. Analytic hierarchy process method allows variation of relative importance of specific risk sources dependent on the section from which the risk source originates (organizational environment, technical issues, people issues, adoption process management, and external support). Survey was conducted on 85 manufacturing enterprises involved with an enterprises resource planning solution. Ranking of risk sources assessments returns most frequent risks of enterprises resource planning implementation success in manufacturing enterprises, and representative factors were isolated through factor analysis by risk source origin. Finally, results indicate that there are hidden causes of failed implementation, for example, risk source "top management training and education," from risk origin "adoption process management.
New model of enterprises resource planning implementation planning process in manufacturing enterprises
This article presents new model of enterprises resource planning implementation planning process in manufacturing enterprises based on assessment of risk sources. This assessment was performed by applying analytic hierarchy process. Analytic hierarchy process method allows variation of relative importance of specific risk sources dependent on the section from which the risk source originates (organizational environment, technical issues, people issues, adoption process management, and external support). Survey was conducted on 85 manufacturing enterprises involved with an enterprises resource planning solution. Ranking of risk sources assessments returns most frequent risks of enterprises resource planning implementation success in manufacturing enterprises, and representative factors were isolated through factor analysis by risk source origin. Finally, results indicate that there are hidden causes of failed implementation, for example, risk source "top management training and education," from risk origin "adoption process management.
Risk based maintenance strategy selection
This paper presents decision-making model for maintenance strategy selection. Problem of right
maintenance strategy selection is one of the most important problem in manufacturing enterprises, process
industries or enterprises where failure of equipment has major impact on production flow, people, environment
or business costs. Presented decision making model for maintenance strategy selection takes into account risk
exposure to mechanical equipment failure, business costs, people health and environmental safety. At the other
hand each strategy options has its benefits expressed by cost savings. This decision making model for
maintenance strategy selection try to optimize between these opposite influential criteria
Determining the Risk Level in Client Analysis by Applying Fuzzy Logic in Insurance Sector
The aim of the paper is to determine the risk level of a contract extension with the existing policyholders, which is further propagated to the business effectiveness and long-term sustainability of the company. The uncertainties in the relative importance of risk factors, their values, and risk levels are described by the linguistic forms, which are modeled by using the fuzzy sets theory. The evaluations of the relative importance of risk factors are stated as a fuzzy group decision-making problem. The weights of risk factors are obtained by using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The determination of production rules for the assessment of the risk level is based on fuzzy IF-THAN rules. The verification of the model is performed by using real-life data originating from the insurance company which operates in the Republic of Serbia
Harmonised projections of future forest resources in Europe
Data PaperAbstract
• Key message A dataset of forest resource projections in 23 European countries to 2040 has been prepared for fores trelated
policy analysis and decision-making. Due to applying harmonised definitions, while maintaining country-specific
forestry practices, the projections should be usable from national to international levels. The dataset can be accessed at
https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4t880qh. The associated metadata are available at https://metadata-afs.nancy.inra.fr/
Harmonised statistics and maps of forest biomass and increment in Europe.
peer reviewedForest biomass is an essential resource in relation to the green transition and its assessment is key for the sustainable management of forest resources. Here, we present a forest biomass dataset for Europe based on the best available inventory and satellite data, with a higher level of harmonisation and spatial resolution than other existing data. This database provides statistics and maps of the forest area, biomass stock and their share available for wood supply in the year 2020, and statistics on gross and net volume increment in 2010-2020, for 38 European countries. The statistics of most countries are available at a sub-national scale and are derived from National Forest Inventory data, harmonised using common reference definitions and estimation methodology, and updated to a common year using a modelling approach. For those counties without harmonised statistics, data were derived from the State of Europe's Forest 2020 Report at the national scale. The maps are coherent with the statistics and depict the spatial distribution of the forest variables at 100 m resolution