341,262 research outputs found

    Frontostriatal deficit in Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (MND/ALS)

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    So far, cognitive derangements in MND/ALS have not been widely studied. Nevertheless, it seems that in subgroups of patients cognitive functions are impaired in different degree, so that often at least two sub-types of the syndrome are reported: Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Dementia Syndrome (MND/ALS/DS) and Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/ Aphasia Syndrome (MND/ALS/AS. A third subtype showing both symptoms of cognitive impairment may be identified in subgroups of patients and denominated Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Dementia-Aphasia Syndrome (MND/ALS/DAS). Frontostriatal system is reported as a network heavily damaged in MND/ALS/DS, MND/ALS/AS, MND/ALS/DAS. The system is plausibly responsible of motor skills and verbs production, hence to become aware of a possible frontostriatal deficit in subgroup of MND/ALS patients might consent us to link at the brain level (motor) action and verbs and possibly ideomotor praxia and verbs. We have used Goal-Oriented Perception Task (GOPT) and Action Fluency Task (AFT) in order to detect with some accuracy impairments related to gestaltic analysis directed toward a goal, and verb retrieval deficits possibly underlying executive system dysfunction that destabilizes the ability to mentally coordinate the information associated with a verb. These tests should consent to detect possible frontostriatal derangements. We have tested 10 MND/ALS patients and 10 healthy subjects matched fore age, sex and laterality. AFT showed that 3 out of 6 patients are heavily impaired in this test (6.3 (mean) verbs generated vs 13.3 of the control group). GOPT detected a remarkable impairment in all patients: p=0.0021 (grammatical side), p=0.0002 (perceptual side). Reported frontostriatal deficit in MND/ALS seems confirmed by this study, and probably it is more easily detected by GOPT than by AFT

    Soil fertility comparison among organic and conventional managed citrus orchards in Sicily.

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    In recents years, organic farming is expanding in Southern Italy and in the Mediterranean area, due to interest of consumers and EU agricultural policies. Evaluation of organic farming system introduction on soil quality and fertility status should be taken into account in order to define medium-long term environmental and agricultural strategies, on both locol and national scale. Soil physical, chemical and biological parameters represent effective tools to evaluate soil quality and changes in soil fertility status, as a consequence of different agronomic management (i.e. organic vs coventional). The aim of this work was to compare soil fertility of conventional and organic managed citrus Orchards, using specific soil system descriptors. The research was carried out in a Mediterranean environment (Sicil Region, Southern Italy), on Navelina and Tarocco orchards. Soil characteristics were analysed in 54 farms under both organic and conventional management. Farms were selected to obtain similar pairs (27) in the same environmental conditions. Moreover, orchards pairs were homogeneous for age, cultivar and rootsock to reduce effects not linked to soil management. For each soil, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, mineral NO3-N and NH4-N were determined. In addition, in order to evaluate biological fertility of the considered soils, carbon mineralisation and nitrogen mineralisation in anaerobic conditions were studied. Soils' humic fraction was at least characterised qualitatively by isoelectric focusing technique,to obtain information on soil organic matter stability. Potenzially mineralisable carbon and cumulative mineralised carbon determined on 21 days experimental trials differed significantly in organic and conventional soils. Since this significance was detected also for cumulative mineralised carbon after 7 days, probably C-mineralisation represents the more reliable and prompter indicator to discriminate soil biological fertility with respect to the other tested ones. Moreover, it should be remarked that some parameters (as total nitrogen content, mineralised carbon after 1 days and the more humified organic matter fraction), even if not yet significantly different, revealed a strong tendency to increase in organic managed soils, attesting that the organic citrus orchards can be considered systems able to conserve energy and store nutrients more than the conventional ones

    Delayed Manifestation of Transurethral Syndrome as a Complication of Transurethral Prostatic Resection

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    Metabolic encephalopathy as a part of ‘transurethral syndrome’ is an immediate complication following transurethral resection of prostate. It occurs during or few hours after the surgery. However, delayed manifestation of this complication is rare. It is also possible that pretreatment with diuretics can exaggerate this problem by predisposing the patient to electrolyte abnormalities. Here we present a report of such a patient who manifested with neurological complications six days after the prostate surger

    A Giant Lipoma In The Hand - Report Of A Rare Case

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    A 38 years old male patient presented with a large painless swelling in the right palm with ultrasound examination suggestive of fatty nature of the swelling MRI showing a well-circumscribed soft tissue swelling in the deep palmar space. The giant tumor of 6.5 X 4 cm was excised and the patient was symptom free two years following the surgery

    Adapted Extended Baum-Welch transformations

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    The discrimination technique for estimating parameters of Gaussian mixtures that is based on the Extended Baum-Welch transformations (EBW) has had significant impact on the speech recognition community. \ud In this paper we introduce a general definition of a family of EBW transformations that can be associated with a weighted sum of updated and initial models. We compute a gradient steepness measurement for a family of EBW transformations that are applied to functions of Gaussian mixtures and demonstrate the growth property of these transformations. We consider EBW transformations of discriminative functions in which EBW controlled parameters are adapted to a gradient steepness measurement or to the likelihood of the data given the model. We present experimental results that show that adapted EBW transformations can significantly speed up estimating parameters of Gaussian mixtures and give better decoding results

    Global challenges of graduate level Ayurvedic education: A survey

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    In the present day scenario, Ayurveda is globally being perceived in several contradictory ways. Poor quality of Ayurveda graduates produced as a result of poorly structured and poorly regulated education system is at least one of the important factors responsible for this scenario. The present study was carried out to evaluate the 'Global challenges of graduate level Ayurvedic education' and is based on the responses of Ayurvedic students and Ayurvedic teachers from various educational institutions of India to a methodically validated questionnaire. As the study indicates, the poor standard of Ayurvedic education in India is definitely a cause of concern. The curriculum of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) course of studies is required to be reviewed and restructured. The syllabi are required to be updated with certain relevant topics like laws governing the intellectual property rights, basic procedures of standardization of medicinal products, fundamental methods of evaluating the toxicity of the medicinal products, essentials of healthcare management and the basics of cultivation and marketing of medicinal plants. Furthermore, the study suggests that the Ayurvedic academicians are required to be trained in standard methods of research and documentation skills, and the educational institutions are required to be encouraged to contribute their share in building up the evidence base for Ayurveda in the form of quality education and research

    Prelimenary results on a comparative study evaluating landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in organic agriculture in a protected area (Northern Greece)

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    Organic farming requires cultivars or landraces that are specifically adapted to this low input cropping system. Six landraces of Greek common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and one from the neighbouring Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) were evaluated for different agronomic and physicochemical characteristics under organic conditions in the National Park of the lake Prespes, on the borders of Greece, FYROM and Albania. Significant differences among landraces were found in yield characteristics such as yield plant-1, pod plant-1 and seeds pod-1 with two of the landraces performing the best. The cooking time was estimated by measuring seed hardness using a penetrometer. There was a considerable variation between the landraces tested with cooking times between 25-45 minutes. Some of the landraces could be a useful resource for the development of organic farming systems in this protected area

    Generalization of Extended Baum-Welch Parameter Estimation for Discriminative Training and Decoding

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    We demonstrate the generalizability of the Extended Baum-Welch (EBW) algorithm not only for HMM parameter estimation but for decoding as well.\ud We show that there can exist a general function associated with the objective function under EBW that reduces to the well-known auxiliary function used in the Baum-Welch algorithm for maximum likelihood estimates.\ud We generalize representation for the updates of model parameters by making use of a differentiable function (such as arithmetic or geometric\ud mean) on the updated and current model parameters and describe their effect on the learning rate during HMM parameter estimation. Improvements on speech recognition tasks are also presented here

    Effect of cultivar and soil characteristics on nutritional value in organic and conventional wheat

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    Evidence of greater nutritional value in organic crops is currently a subject of intense debate. Our objectives in this study were to test for grain mineral concentration in 35 winter wheat cultivars in paired organic and conventional systems, and to determine the influence of cultivar, soil characteristics and farming system on mineral concentration. Here we report preliminary results that show that the grain mineral concentration in organic wheat was higher for copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) and lower in calcium (Ca), than the grain mineral concentration in conventional wheat. No difference was found between systems for iron (Fe) concentration. Cultivar was significant in determining mineral concentration for Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn and P. Soil mineral concentration was not responsible for grain mineral concentration, with the exception of P. The organic wheat farming systems had higher grain mineral concentrations of Cu, Mg, Mn, P and Zn than the conventional systems, possibly due in part to increased soil organic matter and pH in the organic systems. Growing specific cultivars capable of exploiting particular soil conditions may be necessary in order to optimize the nutritional value in organic farming systems

    Dopaminergic, glutamatergic but not opioidergic mechanisms mediate induction of FOS-like protein by cocaethylene

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    Cocaethylene is a psychoactive metabolite formed\ud during the combined consumption of cocaine and ethanol. As\ud this metabolite has many properties in common with cocaine, it is conceivable that cocaethylene administration may induce the activity of nuclear transcription factors that regulate the expression of late-response genes. Therefore, the temporal induction of FOS-like protein in rat brain was examined following IP administration of 60 mmol/kg cocaethylene. Immunoreactivity for the protein was detectable at 1 h in striatal neurons and had virtually disappeared 6 h after drug treatment. Administration of\ud specific dopaminergic (SCH-23390; 0.5 mg/kg) and glutamatergic (MK-801; 1 mg/kg) receptor antagonists prior to cocaethylene indicated a significant role for dopamine (D1) and Nmethyl-D-aspartate receptor subtypes in mediating the nuclear induction of the aforementioned transcription factor protein. In contrast, no significant effects on FOS-like protein in discrete neurons of the caudate putamen were found when spiradoline (U-62066), a kappa opioid-receptor agonist, was administered either IP (10 mg/kg) or directly (50 nmol) into the brain parenchyma. In addition, we uncovered a differential sensitivity of Long–Evans rats to the behavioral effects of cocaethylene, with the psychoactive metabolite producing significantly less behavioral activity (e.g., locomotion, rearing, and continuous sniffing)than that produced by cocaine (molar equivalent of 60 mmol/kg cocaethylene). These findings indicate both common and disparate effects of cocaethylene and its parent compound, cocaine, on receptor pathways that regulate target alterations in gene expression and drug-induced motor behavior
