2 research outputs found


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    We propose a novel algorithm to decide the language inclusion between (nondeterministic) Büchi automata, a PSPACE-complete problem. Our approach, like others before, leverage a notion of quasiorder to prune the search for a counterexample by discarding candidates which are subsumed by others for the quasiorder. Discarded candidates are guaranteed to not compromise the completeness of the algorithm. The novelty of our work lies in the quasiorder used to discard candidates. We introduce FORQs (family of right quasiorders) that we obtain by adapting the notion of family of right congruences put forward by Maler and Staiger in 1993. We define a FORQ-based inclusion algorithm which we prove correct and instantiate it for a specific FORQ, called the structural FORQ, induced by the Büchi automaton to the right of the inclusion sign. The resulting implementation, called FORKLIFT, scales up better than the state-of-the-art on a variety of benchmarks including benchmarks from program verification and theorem proving for word combinatorics. Artifact: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.655287

    Inclusion Testing of B\ufcchi Automata Based on Well-Quasiorders

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    We introduce an algorithmic framework to decide whether inclusion holds between languages of infinite words over a finite alphabet. Our approach falls within the class of Ramsey-based methods and relies on a least fixpoint characterization of \u3c9-languages leveraging ultimately periodic infinite words of type uv^\u3c9, with u a finite prefix and v a finite period of an infinite word. We put forward an inclusion checking algorithm between B\ufcchi automata, called BAInc, designed as a complete abstract interpretation using a pair of well-quasiorders on finite words. BAInc is quite simple: it consists of two least fixpoint computations (one for prefixes and the other for periods) manipulating finite sets (of pairs) of states compared by set inclusion, so that language inclusion holds when the sets (of pairs) of states of the fixpoints satisfy some basic conditions. We implemented BAInc in a tool called BAIT that we experimentally evaluated against the state-of-the-art. We gathered, in addition to existing benchmarks, a large number of new case studies stemming from program verification and word combinatorics, thereby significantly expanding both the scope and size of the available benchmark set. Our experimental results show that BAIT advances the state-of-the-art on an overwhelming majority of these benchmarks. Finally, we demonstrate the generality of our algorithmic framework by instantiating it to the inclusion problem of B\ufcchi pushdown automata into B\ufcchi automata