1 research outputs found
An?lise da motiva??o para o exerc?cio profissional dos docentes no IFNMG/Ara?ua?: influ?ncia dos fatores intr?nsecos e extr?nsecos da carreira
Na Folha de Rosto consta o t?tulo: "An?lise da motiva??o para o exerc?cio profissional dos docentes: influ?ncia dos fatores intr?nsecos e extr?nsecos da carreira".A motiva??o docente ? um dos fatores que colaboram com a efici?ncia no exerc?cio das
fun??es profissionais na ?rea da educa??o e pode ser influenciada por fatores internos e
externos em um continuum, segundo a Teoria da Autodetermina??o. A presente pesquisa
objetivou analisar a influ?ncia dos fatores intr?nsecos e extr?nsecos da carreira profissional,
na motiva??o docente. A popula??o foi constitu?da por 27 docentes do IFNMG Campus
Ara?ua?. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi disponibilizado na tecnologia Google Google
formul?rios software. Adotou-se a uma pesquisa institucional com a metodologia da pesquisa
descritiva de opini?o p?blica. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a estabilidade, o
reconhecimento externo de alunos, comunidade acad?mica e colegas, as atitudes dos
superiores hier?rquicos a estrutura e organiza??o do trabalho e o plano de carreira foram
considerados como os fatores que exercem maior influ?ncia na motiva??o docente. Estes
fatores podem direcionar a cria??o de estrat?gias institucionais, capazes de mobilizar
mudan?as positivas e fomentar a motiva??o docente. Considerando as circunst?ncias nas
quais o estudo foi realizado e suas particularidades, as conclus?es e recomenda??es s?o
restritas ao universo de estudo. Sugere-se que as contribui??es tenham continuidade
contrapondo caracter?sticas regionais das Institui??es e outras teorias que permeiam o tema
motiva??o.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.Motivating teachers is one of the factors which contribute to effectiveness when it comes to
the exercising of professional functions in the field of education and it can be influenced by
internal and external factors in a continuum. This research aims to analyze the influence of
intrinsic and extrinsic factors related to that professional career, particularly regarding the
motivating of educators. The population invited to answer the questionnaire consisted of civil
servants in the field of education who teach at the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais
(Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG) at the Ara?ua? Campus, totaling 56
educators. 27 of these responded. The data collection instrument was made available through
Google forms technology. An institutional descriptive public opinion poll was the adopted
methodology. The conclusion, based on results obtained was that stability, the external
recognition from students as well as the academic community and colleagues, hierarchical
superiors? attitudes, the structure and organization of work and an internal career reward were
considered as the factors that exercise the greatest influence on an educator?s motivation.
These factors can guide the creation of institutional strategies, capable of mobilizing positive
changes and fostering motivation on the part of both teachers and professors. Considering the
circumstances in which the study was carried out and its peculiarities, the conclusions and
recommendations are restricted to the universe of study. It is suggested that further studies
be conducted, counter-posing Institutions? own regional characteristics in addition to other
theories that permeate the theme of motivation