4 research outputs found

    Im Fokus: Zeitarbeit im ostdeutschen Verarbeitenden Gewerbe

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    Neben „klassischen“ Beschäftigungsverhältnissen zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern gewinnen mit Zeitarbeit auch Dreiecksbeziehungen zunehmende Bedeutung am Arbeitsmarkt. Ein Personal-Leasing-Unternehmen fungiert hier als Intermediär am Arbeitsmarkt und vermietet gewerbsmäßig seine Beschäftigten an andere Unternehmen. Als „Kollegen auf Zeit“ sind sie dann an die Weisungen des entleihenden Unternehmens gebunden und erbringen dort ihre Arbeitsleistung. Zwar umfasste diese Form der Arbeitsorganisation Mitte 2007 sowohl in Ost- als auch in Westdeutschland jeweils erst rund 2% der Erwerbstätigen (bzw. 140 000 Personen in Ostdeutschland einschließlich Berlin), jedoch waren die Zuwachsraten beachtlich: Unter den eine Million zusätzlichen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen, die zwischen 2003 und 2007 in Deutschland entstanden sind, entfielen allein 40% auf das Konto von Zeitarbeit. Unternehmen mit Personalbedarf eröffnet sie die Möglichkeit, ohne aufwendiges Screening von Bewerbern kurzfristige Spitzen in den Auftragseingängen abzuarbeiten, gerade in einem stark regulierten Arbeitsmarkt.

    Koexistenz von Arbeitslosigkeit und Fachkräftemangel? Befunde für Thüringen

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    In the light of favourable business conditions during the previous years, business organizations have repeatedly cautioned about a skilled labour shortage that could constrain future development of enterprises. While shortages may be typical of phases of economic expansion, the skilled labour shortage might turn into a permanent phenomenon if one takes into account the shrinking of the working-age population. The demographic transition occurs at an especially rapid pace in Eastern Germany. At the same time, this region still exhibits high rates of chronic unemployment, which renders the possibility of a skilled labour shortage questionable. We focus on the federal state of Thuringia and investigate two questions. Firstly, we evaluate to what extent occupation-specific bottlenecks exist both in Germany and in Thuringia, using a set of criteria based on official labour market statistics. We find evidence of high utilization of labour supply in technical and metalworking professions in Germany. In the majority of these occupations, the same is true for Thuringia. Hence, a high level of unemployment and skilled labour shortage may coexist, at least in a transition phase. Secondly, we investigate whether companies in Thuringia already expect problems when searching for skilled personnel in the near future. For this purpose, the IWH has conducted a survey among approximately 1 000 companies. It turns out that 61% of the interviewed companies anticipate such problems, with statistically significant differences with respect to the companies’ characteristics. In addition, we discuss selected policies that companies plan to implement in the field of human resource management when anticipating problems.

    Will There Be a Shortage of Skilled Labor? An East German Perspective to 2015

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    We analyze the supply and demand of skilled labor in an East German federal state, Thuringia. This state has been facing high unemployment in the course of economic transformation and experiences population ageing and shrinking more rapidly than most West European regions. In a first step, we use extrapolation techniques to forecast labor supply and demand for the period 2009-2015, disaggregated by type of qualification. The analysis does not corroborate the notion of an imminent skilled-labor shortage but provides hints for a tightening labor market for skilled workers. In the second step, we ask firms about their appraisal of future recruitment conditions, and both current and planned strategies in the context of personnel management. The majority of firms plan to expand further education efforts and hire older workers. The study closes with policy recommendations to prevent occupational mismatch.demographic change, labor demand for high-skilled workers, labor force forecast, vocational training

    Der Fachkräfteneubedarf in Thüringen bis 2015: Prognose und Handlungsoptionen

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    We forecast the number of qualified workers required in the German federal state Thuringia until 2015 on the basis of the manpower requirement approach. Disaggregated by types of qualification, this method distinguishes between two sources of recruitment requirements: replacement demand for old workers and expansion demand to reflect structural changes of industry sectors and productivity growth. Both components are calculated from register data on employment covered by social security. Relative to current employment, recruitment requirements vary across occupations. A comparison of recruitment requirements for medium-skilled workers with the structure of vocational training reveals potential mismatch between demand and supply of medium-skilled labor in the near future if the composition of apprenticeship programs remains unchanged. The study closes with policy recommendations to prevent occupational mismatch.