20 research outputs found

    Police reorganization and crime : evidence from police station closures

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    Policy makers often try to optimize local law enforcement by reorganizing police forces. We study the effects of police reallocation via station closures on municipal crime by exploiting a quasi-experiment where a centrally administered reform substantially reduced the number of police stations. Combining a matching strategy with an event-study design, we do not find aggregate effects on crime. Instead, we find changes in the way theft is committed. We observe increases in car theft, apartment and basement burglary but less bicycle theft. We argue that station closures provide an opportunity for criminals to shift from low-value to high-value theft

    Heterogeneity in criminal behavior after child birth: the role of ethnicity

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    This paper documents behavioral differences in parental criminality between majority and minority ethnic groups after child birth. The particular effect we exploit is that of the gender of the first-born child on fathers’ convictions rates. Based on detailed judicial and demographic data from New Zealand, we first show that the previously documented inverse relationship between having a son and father’s criminal behaviour holds across the average of the population. However, when splitting the fathers’ sample by ethnicity, the effect appears to be entirely driven by the white part of the population and that there is no effect on the native Māori. The strong ethnic divide is observed along many dimensions and challenges the implicitly made assumption in the economics of crime literature that findings are universally applicable across cultures and race

    Preferred field of study and academic performance

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    This paper investigates the impact of studying the first-choice university subject on dropout and switching field of study for a cohort of students in Germany. Using detailed survey data, and employing an instrumental variable strategy based on variation in the local field of study availability, we provide evidence that students who are not enrolled in their preferred field of study are more likely to change their field, delay graduation and drop out of university. The estimated impact on dropout is particularly strong among students of low socio-economic status and is driven by lower academic performance and motivation

    Do politicians affect firm outcomes? Evidence from connections to the German Federal Parliament

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    We study how connections to German federal parliamentarians affect firm dynamics by constructing a novel dataset to measure connections between politicians and the universe of firms. To identify the causal effect of access to political power, we exploit (i) new appointments to the company leadership team and (ii) discontinuities around the marginal seat of party election lists. Our results reveal that connections lead to reductions in firm exits, gradual increases in employment growth without improvements in productivity. The economic effects are mediated by better credit ratings while access to subsidies or procurement contracts are documented to be of lower importance

    Committing to grow: Privatizations and firm dynamics in East Germany

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    This paper investigates a unique policy designed to maintain employment during the privatization of East German firms after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The policy required new owners of the firms to commit to employment targets, with penalties for non-compliance. Using a dynamic model, we highlight three channels through which employment targets impact firms: distorted employment decisions, increased productivity, and higher exit rates. Our empirical analysis, using a novel dataset and instrumental variable approach, confirms these findings. We estimate a 22% points higher annual employment growth rate, a 14% points higher annual productivity growth, and a 3.6% points higher probability of exit for firms with binding employment targets. Our calibrated model further demonstrates that without these targets, aggregate employment would have been 15% lower after 10 years. Additionally, an alternative policy of productivity investment subsidies proved costly and less effective in the short term

    FĂŒr einen besseren Datenzugang im Bereich Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialversicherung: Stellungnahme aus dem Verein fĂŒr Socialpolitik

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    Der Arbeitsmarkt ist von zentraler Bedeutung fĂŒr WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit, StabilitĂ€t und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt einer Volkswirtschaft. Die Stellungnahme der Arbeitsgruppe zu Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialversicherungsdaten verdeutlicht, dass die DatenverfĂŒgbarkeit zur Beantwortung von Forschungsfragen in diesem wichtigen Gebiet jedoch erhebliche MĂ€ngel hat. Die Probleme werden in vier Feldern diskutiert: ZusammenfĂŒhrung von Daten, fehlende Daten, Datenschutz und Zugangsbedingungen. Es werden konkrete LösungsvorschlĂ€ge erarbeitet, die unter anderem im geplanten Forschungsdatengesetz der Bundesregierung umgesetzt werden sollten

    Aktuelle Trends: Entwicklung der FirmengrĂŒndungen in Deutschland

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    Das ProduktivitĂ€tswachstum in entwickelten Volkswirtschaften hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich verlangsamt. Ein Indikator fĂŒr die wirtschaftliche Dynamik in einer Volkswirtschaft ist die FirmengrĂŒndungsaktivitĂ€t. Wenn neue Ideen entstehen, kann dies in eine zunehmende GrĂŒndungsaktivitĂ€t mĂŒnden und so positiv auf die ProduktivitĂ€tsentwicklung wirken

    The closure of police stations leads to an increase in theft crime

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    Regional access to local police infrastructure matters for crime outcomes, Exploiting a police reform, we show that closing police stations increases car theft and residential burglary. Our findings are consistent with lower deterrence due to a lower visibility of the local police. Police closures lead local private security firms to exit the market, which exacerbates local crime. Fewer visible local police stations have severe and unintended consequences which need to be considered by bureaucrats and policy makers pushing for more efficiency in providing public safet

    Die Schließung von Polizeiposten fĂŒhrt zu einem Anstieg der DiebstahlkriminalitĂ€t

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    Die Zusammenlegung von PolizeikrĂ€ften durch die Schließung von Polizeiposten, die ein bedeutender und sichtbarer Teil der öffentlichen Infrastruktur sind, ist ein PhĂ€nomen in entwickelten Volkswirtschaften. Als Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Schließung von Polizeiposten zu einem Anstieg von AutodiebstĂ€hlen und WohnungseinbrĂŒchen fĂŒhrt

    Die Schließung von Polizeiposten fĂŒhrt zu einem Anstieg der DiebstahlkriminalitĂ€t

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    Die Zusammenlegung von PolizeikrĂ€ften durch die Schließung von Polizeiposten ist ein vielbeobachtetes PhĂ€nomen in entwickelten Volkswirtschaften. Polizeiposten stellen einen bedeutenden und sichtbaren Teil der öffentlichen Infrastruktur dar. Als Ergebnis der vorliegenden Studie zeigt sich, dass die Schließung von Polizeiposten zu einem Anstieg von AutodiebstĂ€hlen und WohnungseinbrĂŒchen fĂŒhrt. Diese Resultate können nicht durch VerdrĂ€ngungseffekte in andere Regionen, verĂ€nderte Einsatzstrategien der Polizeieinheiten oder eine geringere Inhaftierung von Kriminellen erklĂ€rt werden. Vielmehr sind sie konsistent mit einer verĂ€nderten Wahrnehmung der AufklĂ€rungswahrscheinlichkeit. Somit zeigt sich, dass die Sichtbarkeit von lokalen Polizeiposten zur Abschreckung und demnach zur KriminalitĂ€tsbekĂ€mpfung beitrĂ€gt