27 research outputs found

    Satisfaction in life conditions and well-being

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    In this note we focus on the relations between analytical life satisfaction measures and a general well-being indicator, measured by the two general subjective well-being (SWB) questions. A global SWB factor, measured by the single happiness and by the general life satisfaction questions, is explained through regression of first order factors on the questionnaire of satisfaction in the life domains. The research is based on the 2008 wave of the European Value Study (EVS) for Luxembourg. The validity of the personal living conditions as a measure of general well-being has been assessed by a MIMIC-model. Therefore, satisfaction in personal affairs indicators can constitute an enrichment of general well-being measures.subjective well-being; Mimic-model; EVS wave 2008 Luxembourg

    Rasch Model and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement

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    The topic of the multidimensionality of poverty is currently at the heart of many theoretical, empirical and institutional debates in the European Union. Despite this increasing interest, there seems to be no consensus on how to define and measure multidimensional poverty. Two aspects may be considered in measuring poverty: the number of dimensions and the nature of the underlying continuum. The question of the dimensionality of poverty, one versus many dimensions, has to be resolved in applying specific multidimensional methods, like factor analysis, where the one-dimensional solution is a special case of the multidimensional procedure. The question of the nature of the continuum concerns the relationship between the items in each dimension. Two kinds of relationship are considered here: homogeneous and hierarchical. In this paper, the interest of the Rasch model for verifying the hierarchical and cumulative nature of the relationship between the items is underlined. After presenting the main characteristics of the model, and its adjustment for testing poverty, an application confirming the multidimensional nature of poverty is performed on a Luxemburgish dataset (PSELL-3).multidimensional poverty ; Rasch model ; accumulation of disadvantages

    A multidimensional assessment of social cohesion in 47 European countries

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    This paper presents a theoretically based, multidimensional and comparable measurementof social cohesion applicable in 47 European countries using the most recent micro-level data of European Value Study (EVS) from 2008. The analysis is conducted in four steps. In the first part, we create a set of measurable intermediate indicators that correspond to social cohesion dimensions suggested by the theory. In the second part, we verify whether these indicators empirically corroborate the multidimensional structure of the concept proposed by the theory. The third part examines whether the obtained intermediate indicators of social cohesion form the same constructs across countries and whether they can yield a cross country equivalent measure of social cohesion. In the fourth step, composite scores of all dimensions of social cohesion are calculated for all 47 countries to demostrate applicability of this constructed measurement in comparative research.social cohesion; measurement equivalence; multidimensional scaling; LISREL; multidimensional indicators

    Measuring and validating social cohesion: a bottom-up approach

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a synthetic macro index of social cohesion based on the observation of several individual level variables. Based on the definition of social cohesion by Bernard (1999) and Chan et al. (2006) an index of social cohesion (henceforth VALCOS Index) was created. It covers the political and sociocultural domains of life in their formal and substantial relations. Results suggest that the VALCOS-Index of social cohesion is strongly and significantly correlated with other macro indicators largely used by the scientific community. The aggregation of EVS 2008 data on social cohesion together with many macro indicators of several dimensions of social life (including economic, socio-demographic, health and subjective well-being indicators) allowed us to rank social cohesion across 39 European countries and to explore differences across groups of countries. Subsequently, we validated our index by correlating it with many national level variables.social cohesion; methodology; macro index; micro index; EVS

    Valeurs de base et cohésion sociale. Enquête EVS Luxembourg 2008

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    L?objectif général de cette publication est de mettre en relation les valeurs et la cohésion sociale. Nous menons ici une démarche originale visant à mesurer les valeurs pour les intégrer ensuite dans des modèles de régression multiple, et ce, afin d?identifier leur contribution à la prédiction de la cohésion sociale. Trois objectifs spécifiques sont ainsi poursuivis. Le premier vise à vérifier la théorie des valeurs de Schwartz au moyen d?analyses par échelonnement multidimensionnel appliquées aux données luxembourgeoises de l?European Values Study (EVS) de 2008. Cette démarche n?aboutit pas aux résultats attendus. Cependant, au moyen de méthodes plus classiques, nous parvenons à dégager des valeurs particulières et des valeurs de base convenant à une interprétation hiérarchique pour notre recherche. Le deuxième objectif a pour but de mesurer, au moyen d?analyses de régression multiple, la dépendance des valeurs de base des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des individus. Le dernier objectif, enfin, consiste à mesurer l?effet de ces valeurs sur la cohésion sociale. Le résultat sans doute le plus intéressant est que, la plupart du temps, les valeurs de base contribuent fortement à améliorer la prédiction de la cohésion sociale, dès lors que les variables sociales et démographiques sont contrôlées.valeurs; social cohesion; Schwartz; Luxembourg; EVS; méthodologie

    Jugement moral et cohésion sociale

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    Dans ce document nous étudions les réponses aux questions concernant le jugement moral. Après avoir présenté les items portant sur le jugement moral et les avoir classés du point de vue théorique, nous procéderons à l?analyse de leur structure nous permettant de mesurer celle-ci avec des indicateurs composites. La dépendance du jugement moral 1)des variables sociodémographiques et 2)des variables sociodémographiques et des deux vagues d?enquête, sera ensuite étudiée au moyen de régressions multiples. En dernier lieu, la dépendance de la cohésion sociale sera étudiée en fonction des variables sociodémographiques, de la vague d?enquête et du jugement moral.jugement moral; cohésion sociale; structure; indicateurs composites

    Desmet (Hugette). & Pourtois (Jean-Pierre). — Prédire, comprendre la trajectoire scolaire

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    Dickes Paul. Desmet (Hugette). & Pourtois (Jean-Pierre). — Prédire, comprendre la trajectoire scolaire. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 107, 1994. pp. 146-148

    Configurations perceptives et difficulté des stimuli construits d'après la technique de Kohs

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    Dickes Paul. Configurations perceptives et difficulté des stimuli construits d'après la technique de Kohs. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 42 n°388, 1988. Psychologie différentielle. 7emes Journées. pp. 210-218

    Desmet (Hugette). & Pourtois (Jean-Pierre). — Prédire, comprendre la trajectoire scolaire

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    Dickes Paul. Desmet (Hugette). & Pourtois (Jean-Pierre). — Prédire, comprendre la trajectoire scolaire. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 107, 1994. pp. 146-148

    La métamémoire (proposition de formalisation et étude de ses relations avec des performances de mémoires)

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    NANCY2-BU Lettres (543952103) / SudocSudocFranceF