48 research outputs found


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    Psychopathy is associated with several behavioral and psychophysiological deficits. Lynam (2002) has argued that the use of an overarching conceptualization of psychopathy can provide a parsimonious explanation of psychopathic pathology. The current study examined relations between tasks used to explore psychopathic pathology and dimensions from the Five Factor Model of personality. Undergraduate participants completed the NEO PI-R, the BART, a go/no-go task, an emotional morph task, and provided physiological responses to stimuli. While hypothesized relations to FFM psychopathy composites were generally unsupported, other interesting relations to traits were identified. Results indicated that hypoarousal to negative stimuli was negatively related to pan-impulsivity. Maladaptive risk taking was positively related to panimpulsivity and high self-directed negative affect. Response modulation deficits were negatively related to pan-impulsivity, low self-directed negative affect, and facets of openness. Deficits in empathic responding were positively related to other-directed negative affect and self-directed negative affect, and negatively related to pan-impulsivity and interpersonal assertiveness. Although it remains unclear whether the failure to support hypotheses was related to the study variables or population, results indicate that the FFM can provide additional information with regard to what deficit tasks assess

    The Effects of Stimulant Medication on the Online Story Narrations of Children with ADHD

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    The current study investigated the inclusion of goal-based story events in the online story narrations of children with ADHD, as compared with their peers, and explored the effect of stimulant medication on the narrations in children with ADHD. Children completed a narration task on two separate occasions. Children with ADHD (n = 17) completed one narration on medication and the other one on placebo. Results indicated that narrations of comparison children (n= 25) were significantly more likely than narrations of children with ADHD to include the story’s positive outcome, completion of the story’s overall goal, and specific attempts linked to the goal. Children with ADHD included a larger total number of clauses in their narrations when on stimulant medication than when on placebo, but medication showed no significant effects for any other variables. Results indicate that stimulant medication may not be effective at reducing goal-based story comprehension deficits in children with ADHD

    The Effects of Stimulant Medication on Free Recall of Story Events among Children with ADHD

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    This study investigated group differences in the recalls of stories by children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comparison peers. Further, the study examined whether stimulant medication improved the story recall of children with ADHD relative to a placebo condition. Children were asked to recall both televised and audio taped stories. Free recall protocols were assessed for what information was recalled as a function of story structure features (i.e. status on or off the causal chain and event importance) and were rated for overall coherence. Relative to comparison peers, children with ADHD showed less influence of story structure features on recall, and produced less coherent recall of the audio taped stories. Medication had only limited effects on the story recall of children with ADHD. Specifically, medication did not increase these children’s sensitivity to events central to the stories and had no effect on the coherence of children’s recalls. The implications of the results for guiding future academic interventions are discussed

    Cross-Lagged Relations Between Motives and Substance Use: Can Use Strengthen Your Motivation Over Time?

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    Motives for substance use have garnered considerable attention due to the strong predictive utility of this construct, both in terms of use and problems associated with use. The current study examined the cross-lagged relations between alcohol use and motives, and marijuana use and motives over three yearly assessment periods in a large sample (N = 526, 48% male) of college students. The relations between substance use and motives were assessed at each time point, allowing for the examination of these inter-relations over time. Results indicated different trends based on the type of substance. For alcohol use, cross-lagged trends were found between freshman and sophomore year for coping, social, and conformity motives with cross-lagged relations between enhancement motives and alcohol use across all years. However, outside of enhancement motives, cross-lagged relations were not found between sophomore and junior year. In contrast, cross-lagged effects were found for marijuana use and coping, enhancement, and expansion motives between sophomore and junior year, but not freshman year. These results suggest that people’s expectations that drinking or smoking marijuana makes activities more reinforcing and helps them cope with distress may perpetuate use. In turn, use itself may enhance these expectations over time. Results have direct implications for treatment, with recommended focus on motives, behavior activation, and healthy coping skills in order to interrupt the cycle of substance use

    Response Style Differences in the Inattentive and Combined Subtypes of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study examined potential differences between the inattentive and combined ADHD subtypes using laboratory tasks assessing behavioral inhibitory processes. Seventy-five children completed two tasks of behavioral inhibition believed to isolate different processes: the cued reaction time task (CRT), a basic inhibition task, and the go/no-go task (GNG), a complex inhibition task that incorporates motivational contingencies. Three groups of participants were identified, including ADHD/Inattentive (n = 17), ADHD/Combined (n = 37), and comparison (n = 21). Results indicated that rather than showing behavioral inhibition deficits, the ADHD/I children appeared overly inhibited, as evidenced by slower reaction times across the two tasks and significantly higher errors of omission in the GNG task. Additionally, the ADHD/I children did not demonstrate cue dependency effects on the CRT task, suggesting that they were failing to incorporate relevant information before making a response. The sluggish and inhibited performance of the ADHD/I group challenges the idea that it is a subtype of ADHD

    Physiological response to reward and extinction predicts alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use two years later

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    Physiological responses to reward and extinction are believed to represent the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) constructs of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and underlie externalizing behaviors, including substance use. However, little research has examined these relations directly

    Physiological response to reward and extinction predicts alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use two years later

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    Physiological responses to reward and extinction are believed to represent the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) constructs of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and underlie externalizing behaviors, including substance use. However, little research has examined these relations directly

    A critical review of cannabis in medicine and dentistry: a look back and the path forward.

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    INTRODUCTION: In the last two decades, our understanding of the therapeutic utility and medicinal properties of cannabis has greatly changed. This change has been accompanied by widespread cannabis use in various communities and different age groups, especially within the United States. With this increase, we should consider the potential effects of cannabis-hemp on general public health and how they could alter therapeutic outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present investigation examined cannabis use for recreational and therapeutic use and a review of pertinent indexed literature was performed. The focused question evaluates "how cannabis or hemp products impact health parameters and do they provide potential therapeutic value in dentistry, and how do they interact with conventional medicines (drugs)." Indexed databases (PubMed/Medline, EMBASE) were searched without any time restrictions but language was restricted to English. RESULTS: The review highlights dental concerns of cannabis usage, the need to understand the endocannabinoid system (ECS), cannabinoid receptor system, its endogenous ligands, pharmacology, metabolism, current oral health, and medical dilemma to ascertain the detrimental or beneficial effects of using cannabis-hemp products. The pharmacological effects of pure cannabidiol (CBD) have been studied extensively while cannabis extracts can vary significantly and lack empirical studies. Several metabolic pathways are affected by cannabis use and could pose a potential drug interaction. The chronic use of cannabis is associated with health issues, but the therapeutic potential is multifold since there is a regulatory role of ECS in many pathologies. CONCLUSION: Current shortcomings in understanding the benefits of cannabis or hemp products are limited due to pharmacological and clinical effects not being predictable, while marketed products vary greatly in phytocompounds warrant further empirical investigation. Given the healthcare challenges to manage acute and chronic pain, this review highlights both cannabis and CBD-hemp extracts to help identify the therapeutic application for patient populations suffering from anxiety, inflammation, and dental pain

    Examining the Stress Response and Recovery Among Children With Migraine

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    Objective This study compared physiological differences between children diagnosed with migraine and their healthy peers. Method Physiological measures were obtained at baseline, after discussing an emotional stressor, and after a 5-min recovery period in 21 children with pediatric migraine and 32 healthy peers. Comparisons were also made on psychological measures investigating anxiety. Results Children with migraine exhibited a significantly higher pulse rate compared to comparison children at rest, and higher diastolic blood pressure and higher low-frequency/high-frequency ratio after a 5-min recovery from an emotional stressor. Additionally, when anxiety was entered as a covariate, group differences after the 5-min recovery period were no longer significant. Conclusions Results suggest that relative to comparison children, children with migraine exhibit some physiological elevation at rest, as well as a prolonged physiological recovery period after an emotional stressor. Group differences after the 5-min recovery period suggest that children with migraine experience delayed sympathetic hyperarousal and prolonged sympathovagal imbalance. The treatment implications of these findings are discussed

    Examining the Stress Response and Recovery Among Children With Migraine

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    Objective This study compared physiological differences between children diagnosed with migraine and their healthy peers. Method Physiological measures were obtained at baseline, after discussing an emotional stressor, and after a 5-min recovery period in 21 children with pediatric migraine and 32 healthy peers. Comparisons were also made on psychological measures investigating anxiety. Results Children with migraine exhibited a significantly higher pulse rate compared to comparison children at rest, and higher diastolic blood pressure and higher low-frequency/high-frequency ratio after a 5-min recovery from an emotional stressor. Additionally, when anxiety was entered as a covariate, group differences after the 5-min recovery period were no longer significant. Conclusions Results suggest that relative to comparison children, children with migraine exhibit some physiological elevation at rest, as well as a prolonged physiological recovery period after an emotional stressor. Group differences after the 5-min recovery period suggest that children with migraine experience delayed sympathetic hyperarousal and prolonged sympathovagal imbalance. The treatment implications of these findings are discussed