21 research outputs found

    Intra/ Sections:Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicity

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    The DFG-Network ‘Dispositiv der Menge’ (= crowd, mass, multitude) is based on the recognition that ‘the crowd’ has been constituted, classified, regulated, or dispersed throughout history in various, heterogenous, conflictual ways, which make it impossible to hold onto any understanding of the crowd as a clearly delimited and substantiated entity or to the forms in which it is represented as such. This workshop extends this approach by taking ‘the crowd’ itself as a multitude or multiplicity. It will address phenomena related to more fluctuating and in/determinate intra/sections of collectivities in order to transform the image of ‘the crowd’ from an in-divi-dual-ized One into a mani-fold multiplicity. Such a multiplicity in the singular plural is characterized by movement and motion, fragmentation and friction, ongoingness and inherent contestation. By focusing on this multiplicity, the workshop seeks to un-work a persistent conceptual anthropocentrism of the ways in which agentiality is conceptualized and imagined, instead searching for more dynamic relations with/in a variety of agencies (human, animal, plant, things, propositions) that can be seen as ‘intra-active’. Yet, while ‘the crowd’ will be approached from a critique of anthropomorphism, the turn towards ecological or relational co-existence cannot be a turn away from the violent asymmetrical relations of power and the continued flexibilization and hierarchical re- ordering of global social structures. The workshop sounds out conceptual and phenomenal resonances between what in Western academic discourses has of late become known as ‘New Materialism’ (in its different strands) and the long tradition of (but also always newly emerging) indigenous and decolonial epistemologies. The idea is to look for ways to concretize the potential for intra/sections in-between posthuman(ist) and indigenous/decolonial thought-practices, hoping for a dialogue between more Western-oriented approaches — e.g., actor-network theory (Bruno Latour), the figures of the cyborg and companion species (Donna Haraway), vital materialism (Jane Bennett), un/limited ecologies (Vicky Kirby), or agential realism (Karen Barad) — and alternative indigenous cosmologies and ethical praxes such as ‘buen vivir/sumac kawsay’ (Alberto Acosta/Eduardo Gudynas), Amerindian perspectivalism (Eduardo Viveiros de Castro) or shape-shifting border/lands (Anzaldúa). The workshop invites its participants to diffract heterogeneous ways of thinking and enacting multiplicity. Collecting insights from literary and cultural studies, natural sciences, sociology, non-western cosmologies, or religion, it hopes to produce a vision of how a post- anthropocentric perspective can enrich an understanding of ‘world’ as a plurivocal worlding process.Intra/ Sections: Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicity, workshop, ICI Berlin, 24–25 March 2022 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e220324

    Real-Time Particle Systems and their Application to Flow Visualization Echtzeit-Partikelsysteme

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    flow particles path lines time surface streak lines streak volume Visualization of a typhoon flow (data set: courtesy of MPI for Meteorology) Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Andreas Kolb for his long-time support and countless advices during my time as a PhD student at the University of Siegen. Being my supervisor, he has shown me the scientific way to interpret and solve problems. I thank the co-authors of all the papers and articles I worked on during my stay in Siegen: Dr. Robert Strzodka introduced me to particle level sets, and he gave me useful hints to adapt them for graphics hardware. I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Weiskopf for accepting the co-advisorship of my PhD thesis and for helpful discussions related to the flow visualization aspects of my work. I would like to acknowledge the German Climate Computing Centre Hamburg for providing an interesting typhoon data set. Special thanks go to Michael Böttinger, who was our primary contact person. His knowledge of climate flow visualization aspects has been of great value. I also thank my colleagues, especially Marvin Lindner for his friendliness, his encouragement and for extensive discussions about every imaginable C++ language feature. Finally, the largest thanks belong to my parents, my brothers, my dear girlfriend, and my former schoolmates and fellow students, who all contributed to what I am now in their very own way

    eingereicht beim Fachbereich Mathematik

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    möchte ich meinen Dank für anregende fachliche Gespräche zum Ausdruck bringen. Besonderer Dank gebührt meinen Eltern, die mich in jeder Hinsicht unterstützten, ermutigten und stets ein offenes Ohr für mich hatten. Meinem Bruder Daniel und meinen Freunden — vor allem Anne und Chrissi — danke ich für so manchen motivierenden Gedankenaustausch und für gemeinsame Unternehmungen, die immer wieder für die nötige Abwechslung sorgten. Bei Onkel Brian bedanke ich mich herzlich für die Unterstützung bei der sprachlichen Korrektur. Schließlich möchte ich all denen ein Dankeschön aussprechen, die hier nicht namentlic