84 research outputs found
Bernhard Riemann's Lebenslauf / neu hrsg. von Gabriele Dörflinger, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Richard Dedekind (1831-1916) schrieb die Biographie des vielseitigen Mathematikers Bernhard Riemann für dessen posthum zusammengestellter Werkausgabe. Riemann gründete u.a. die Funktionentheorie und untersuchte die Eigenschaften gekrümmter Flächen (Riemannsche Geometrie). Die Seitenzählung des Originals ist am Seitenrand angegeben
The creative photographic image
ThesisThe author ha.s chosen to explore the po ss ibilit y that the
creative talent exhibited by an artist's perceptive powers can be
by the photographer through subtle use of special
To this e nd the author has explo l'ed a pl'obiem encountered
particularly in 1990's photography which has resulted ill a mass
of high quality photographs taken by large numbers of amateurs
world- wide, who are u si ng sophisticated moderrl camet's technology
as a recording tool without achieving that element of creativity
which captul'es DU I' attention and communicates with our inmost
The authol' ha s used his own photogl'aphic work and t.ha t of
contempor"ary photogr'aphers in his field of s tudy, to su bstantiate
the claim that thl'ough use of subtle special effects in a ,'ariety
of topics, the photograph can be used a s imaginatively and
c reative ly a s an i mage pI'oduced by a competent artist o r' painter.
This observati.on could have important implication s for an
industry which throug}l co mput er' tec}lnology PI'oposes t o go beyond
the technical re strictions o f the painter whil s t main tai ning that
p rofession's cl"eative flexibility. These spec ial effects should, i n the Buttlo r"s opinion be u sed not
as an e nd to th e mselves, bu t as a mea n s o f transfol~ min g the
of ten c linical med ium of pho tography into a creative tool li lni te d
only by th e photographer's imaginative power's
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