25 research outputs found

    Melen Havzası yayılı kirleticilerinin belirlenmesi için akım ayırımında kullanılabilecek uygun hidrolojik modellerin araştırılması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Yayılı kirletici kaynakların akarsudaki kirlilik yüküne etkisinin anlaşılabilmesi için, akım bileşenlerinin doğru olarak belirlenmesi önemli bir ihtiyaçtır. Bu ihtiyaçtan yola çıkılarak yapılan bu çalışmada, Uyarlamalı Sinirsel Bulanık Çıkarım Sisteminin (CANFIS), toplam akımı yüzeysel akış ve taban akışı olarak bileşenlerine ayırma işleminde sıklıkla uygulanan matematiksel modellerden, Dijital Filtreleme (DFM) ve İngiliz Hidroloji Enstitüsü Yöntemlerine (İHEY) alternatif olarak kullanılabilirliği ve akım verileri kullanılarak taban suyu seviyesinin belirlenmesindeki başarısı incelenmiştir. Türkiye' nin Kuzey Batı Karadeniz Bölgesindeki Melen Havzası'nda bulunan ve ana havza ve alt havzayı temsil etmesi amacıyla seçilen Büyük Melen Nehri (ana havza) ve Aksu Deresine (alt havza) ait uzun dönemli günlük ortalama akım verileri önce DFM (α=0,830) ve İHEY (N=5) yöntemleri kullanılarak bileşenlerine ayrılmış ve uygulamanın başarısı kontrol edilmiştir. Her iki yöntem ile belirlenmiş yüzeysel akış ve taban akışı değerleri, akım ayırma işleminde yeni bir alternatif olarak önerdiğimiz CANFIS' in, eğitim ve test verileri olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen akım ve BFI sonuçları, DFM- CANFISDFM (Yüzeysel Akış R2=0,89-0,93, Taban Akışı R2=0,87-0,91) ve İHEY- CANFISİHEY (Yüzeysel Akış R2=0,78-0,92, Taban Akışı R2=0,61-0,77) uygulamalarının sonuçlarının önemli ölçüde benzer olduğunu ve 1339 nolu istasyonda en başarılı yüzeysel akış ve taban akışı tahminlerinin yapıldığını göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte CANFISDFM ve CANFISİHEY yöntemlerinin her ikisinde de, eğitim için kullanılan yöntemlerin yüzeysel akış (R2= 0,93-0,97) ve taban akışı (R2= 0,91-0,97), sonuçları üzerindeki, etkilerinin sınırlı olduğu ve sonuçların önemli ölçüde benzerlik gösterdiği anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca taban suyu derinliğini belirlemek için yapılan CANFIS uygulamalarının sonuçları sadece toplam akarsu akımı kullanılarak, taban suyu derinliğinin, kurak veya yağışlı dönemlerden etkilenmeksizin, başarı ile tahmin edilebileceğini göstermiştir (R2= 0,73). Sonuç olarak bu çalışma CANFIS' in DFM ve İHEY yöntemlerindeki çekilme sabiti ve minimum gruplarının eleman sayıları gibi parametrelere ihtiyaç duymadan, yüzeysel akış ve taban akışını belirlemede ve havzadaki taban suyu derinliğinin tahmin edilmesinde kullanılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar yayılı kaynakların akarsularda sebep olduğu kirliliğin belirlenmesinde, kirlilik önleyici çalışmaların planlanmasında ve uygulanmasında önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akımın bileşenlerine ayrılması, yüzeysel akış, taban akışı, taban suyu derinliği, canfısDetermining the streamflow components accurately is an important requirement to understand the effects of non-point pollution sources in pollution of rivers. In this study this way the basis of necessity, usability of Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (CANFIS) as an alternative to the Digital Filtering (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology (UKIH) mathematical methods, which are frequently used for separating total stream flow into surface and base flow, and the succes at prediction of groundwater depth using only stream flow data was examined. Long-term average daily flow data of Büyük Melen River (main basin) and Aksu Stream (sub-basin), selected to represent the main basin and sub-basin, in the Melen Basin of Turkey's Northern Black Sea Region was separated into surface flow and base flow flow components using DFM (α=0,830) and UKIH (N=5) and success of the application was controlled. Surface flow and base flow values that identified by both methods are used as training and test data of CANFIS that proposed in this study as a new alternative in the separation of stream flow components. Obtained flow values and BFI results showed that estimations of DFM-CANFISDFM (surface flow R2=0,89-0,93; base flow R2=0,87-0,91) and UKIH-CANFISUKIH (surface flow R2=0,78-0,92; base flow R2=0,61-0,77) methods are significantly similar and the most successful surface flow and base flow estimations are obtained at gauging station 1339. In addition, it was understood that in both of the CANFISDFM and CANFISUKIH methods, the effects of the methods used for training were fairly limited on the surface flow (R2= 0,93-0,97) and base flow (R2= 0,91-0,97) values. In addition, the results of the CANFIS applications which are caried out to determine the groundwater depth revealed that the groundwater depth is estimated successfully using only the total stream flow data without affecting the dry or rainy periods (R2= 0,73). In conclusion, the study demonstrated that CANFIS may be used in the determination of surface flow and base flow without needing parameters required by the DFM and UKIH methods, namely recession coefficient and number of members in minimum groups, and estimation of groundwater depth in the basin. Obtained results from this study will make a significant contribution for the determination of pollution in rivers caused by non-point pollutants and planning and implementation of pollution preventive applications. Keywords: Separation of stream flow components, surface flow, base flow, groundwater depth, CANFI

    Ispitivanje svojstava metoda korištenih za razdvajanje ukupnog vodnog protoka u različitim rijekama

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    In this study, the performances of methods of flow separation into the surface flow and base flow of the total stream flow in rivers with different hydraulic features have been examined. For this purpose, daily mean stream flow data of Büyük Melen and Aksu Rivers which are in the same watershed but with different features (average flow value, catchment area, mean elevation) have been separated as surface flow and base flow with the use of Digital Filtering Method (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology Method (UKIH). The recession coefficient in DFM has been used as α = 0.830; and the number of elements for the groups formed to determine the turning points of flow data in UKIH has been used as N = 5. The study has revealed that the results of surface and base flows obtained by both flow separation methods show similarity in all rivers in an acceptable level; and the surface flow values agree better (R2 > 0,76) compared to base flow values (R2 > 0.63). However, it has been seen that as long as the total flow values decrease, the surface flow results for both methods come closer to each other; but the results of base flow get differentiated. This situation has been clearly seen in the results of surface (R2 > 0.89) and base (R2 > 0.63) flows belonging to Aksu River which has lower values of flow when compared to the ones of Büyük Melen River.U ovom radu su ispitivana svojstva metoda razdvajanja protoka u površinski protok i pridneni protok ukupnog vodnog protoka u rijekama s različitim hidrauličkim profilima. U tu svrhu, podaci srednjeg dnevnog vodnog protoka rijeka Büyük Melen i Aksu, koje pripadaju istom slivu, ali s vrlo različitim odrednicama (prosječni protok, površina sliva, srednja visina) radvojeni su na površinski protok i pridneni pritok korištenjem metode digitalnog filtriranja (DFM) i metode Instituta za hidrologiju Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva (UKIH). Za koeficijent recesije u DFM-u korištena je vrijednost α = 0.830. U UKIH metodi je korišteno 5 elementa (N = 5) za određivanje točke preokreta u protocima. U radu je pokazano da površinski i pridneni protoci dobiveni pomoću obje metode razdvajanja vodnog protoka pokazuju sličnost u svim rijekama na prihvatljivoj razini, te da se podaci površinskog protoka slažu bolje (R2 > 0,76) od onih s pridnenim vrijednostima protoka (R2 > 0.63). Međutim, vidljivo je da se, dokle god vrijednosti ukupnog protoka rastu, rezultati površinskog protoka određeni objema metodama približavaju, dok se rezultati pridnenih protoka sve više razlikuju. Ova je situacija jasno vidljiva u rezultatima površinskih (R2 > 0.89) i pridnenih (R2 > 0.63) protoka rijeke Aksu, koje imaju niže vrijednosti protoka u usporedbi s onima rijeke Büyük Mele

    Tuvalet kağıtlarının parçalanmasının modellenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Binalarda kullanılan atık su tasfiye boruları sadece atık su miktarı dikkate alınarak dizayn edilmektedir. Bu durumda evsel atık sularla birlikte gelen tuvalet kağıtları ihmal edilmekte ve tıkanmalar meydana gelmektedir. Tıkanmalar insanların sağlık ve mutluğunu tehdit ederek belirli bir maliyeti de beraberinde getirmektedirler. Ülke çapında, belediyeler kanalizasyonlardaki tıkanmaların giderimi için önemli harcamalar yapmaktadırlar. Tıkanma problemlerinin çözümündeki ana nokta; binalardaki pis su hatlarının tuvalet kağıtlarını taşıyacak şekilde tasarlanmasıdır.Tuvalet kağıtları kanalizasyon sistemine atıldıktan sonra sudaki türbülansa ve kağıdın yapısal özelliklerine bağlı olarak fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik olarak parçalanmaya uğrarlar. Tıkanmalar açısından en önemli mekanizma fiziksel parçalanmadır. Çünkü bu proses kağıtların küçük parçalara ayrılmasında ve taşınımında en büyük rolü üstlenmektedir.Bu tez çalışmasının amacı; tıkanmalara neden olan tuvalet kağıtlarının fiziksel parçalanmasını deneysel ve matematiksel modelleme yoluyla araştırmaktır.Bu çalışmada fiziksel parçalanma için teorik yaklaşımlar ve matematiksel model geliştirilmiş, fiziksel parçalanma teorisi ve matematiksel model kesikli reaktörde gerçekleştirilen deneysel çalışmalarla test edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalarda iki farklı markaya ait tuvalet kağıtları kullanılmış ve sırasıyla 130 devir/dakika, 160 devir/dakika, 200 devir/dakika ve 230 devir/dakika olmak üzere dört farklı karıştırma hızındaki parçalanmaları incelenmiştir. Belirli zaman aralıklarında karıştırıcıdan alınan örnekler farklı gözenek boyutlarına sahip elek düzeneğinden geçirilerek oluşan parçacıkların boyut dağılımları belirlenmiştir.Fiziksel parçalanma teorisinin testi için kesikli reaktörde gerçekleştirilen deneysel verilerin ve modelleme tahminlerinin karşılaştırılması sonucunda fiziksel parçalanma teorisinin doğru bir yaklaşım olduğu görülmüştür.Anahtar Kelimeler: Tuvalet kağıtları, parçalanma, matematiksel modelleme, kesikli reaktörSewer design equations overlook solids like toilet papers, which cause clogging problems in sewerage channels. Such problems create risk for human health, and increase maintenance costs of the municipalities. The main point to solve the clogging problem is to desing the building drainage systems considering the waste toilet papers.Toilet papers may undergo three processes after discharge to sewerage systems: (1) Physical disintegration of solids due to turbulent forces, (2) Hydrolysis of solids to form soluble components, and (3) Biodegradation of the soluble components. Among these mechanisms, physical disintegration is the most important one, because toilet papers disintegrate into small pieces through this process.In this study physical disintegration of toilet papers which cause clogging problems have been researched by mathematical modeling.It was developed a theoretical approach for physical disintegration of toilet papers. An equation and a mathematical model for physical disintegration are developed. The model is tested with experiments that are conducted in a batch reactor. To different types of toilet papers were used at experiments. Samples were rotated at 130 rpm, 160 rpm, 200 rpm and 230 rpm rotation speed respectively. During sampling, constituents of the reactor are passed through standard sieves to determine the size distribution of paper chips in water.The results show that the experimental methodology and the model are able to identify disintegration kinetics for physical disintegration.Key Words: Toilet papers, disintegration, mathematical modeling, batch reacto

    The contributing factors to poor sleep experiences in according to the university students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Sleep problems among university students are common; however, the contributing factors to poor sleep experiences are still unclear. The purpose of this study is to examine the contributing factors to poor sleep experiences in university students. Materials and Methods: The study was cross-sectional, and the students completed self-report, anonymous questionnaires provided during an in-class survey. This is a single center study. A descriptive survey was conducted randomly on 256 university students in Turkey. The instruments for data collection consisted of the demographic data, and the contributing factors to poor sleep. Results: The most frequent self-reported cause to poor sleep experiences in according to the university students were exposure psychological problems (67.2%), stress (64.8%), exposure to tobacco smoke in the sleeping room (63,7%), pain (62,9%), having family problems (62,5%), being patient (55,1%), air quality of the room (55,1%), strenuous physical activity (53,9%), fatigue (53,5%), sadness (53,1%), noise that caused by other people in the room (52.0%), room scents (sweat, perfume, humidity, naphthalene, etc.) (53.1%), depression (51, 6 %), anxiety, and tension (51, 1%). Conclusion: Students should be encouraged to solve psychological problems, to suitable stress-relieving measures, to follow sleep hygiene practice and adequate time management for academic and social activities

    Knowledge and Attitudes of University Students on Health Effects of Environmental Risk

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    Environmental risks are being threated to public health significantly. The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge and attitudes on health effects of environmental risk of university students in the region of Kocaeli as an industrial city. A questionnaire was developed that focused on university students' knowledge and attitudes of environmental risk. The questionnaire was distributed randomly to university students in Kocaeli, and completed and returned anonymously. The highest rate (74.3%) of correct answers was obtained with the question about smoking "tobacco smoking is a risk factor for respiratory disease''. The lowest rate of correct answers (30.1%) was obtained with the question "residential exposure to radon gas is a risk factor for lung cancer''. When university students were asked to self-rate "environmental risks and resulting threat to health''; 59.1% of answers were indicating "the most significant threat is water pollution'', 15.2% of answers were indicating that "the lowest threat aspect is noise". School education on significant environmental risks is extremely needed for these university students in order to correct misconceptions, provide accurate information and to develop a positive attitude towards environmental risks

    Parent's knowledge and perceptions of the health effects of environmental hazards in Sakarya, Turkey

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge and perception of parents of high school students about the health effects of environmental hazards in Sakarya province of Turkey. Method: The cross-section study was conducted in May 2009 in which randomly assigned 362 parents answered a questionnaire inquiring about the sociodemographics and a list of environmental hazards such as tobacco smoking, sunlight exposure and skin cancer, global climate change, air pollution, noise exposure, smoking during pregnancy and low birth-weight, exposure to radon and lung cancer, reducing radon, air pollution and cardiovascular diseases, base station and childhood leukaemia, extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and brain tumour. The participants were also asked about water pollution, environmental tobacco smoke, air pollution, ozone depletion, exposure to radon gas, soil pollution, noise pollution, formaldehyde related with furniture, ground ozone and pesticides etc. SPSS 15 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Among the participants 226 (62.4%) were females, and 284(78.5%) were in the 31-45 age group. There were 246(68%) high school or university graduates. Of the participants, 357 (98.6%) knew that smoking was a health risk, but exposure to radon gas was not that prevalent (n=194; 53.6%). The most intimidating risk was claimed as unsafe water (n=311; 85.9%), while noise exposure was the least source of worry among the environmental risks (n=134; 37.0%). Conclusion: There is a necessity to inform the public about less-known but significant environmental risks such as radon gas and noise exposure which may cause health problems

    Psychometric properties of the hygiene inventory in a Turkish population

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    The HI23 was as psychometrically robust in Turkish population as in an Australian population. Testing in different populations, cultures and healthcare systems will further assist in reporting the HI23 usefulness

    Hygiene behaviour in university students in Turkey

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    Conclusions: Community-based awareness and education plans must initiated to improve regular hygiene practices at the level of university students in Turkey


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    Infections of the respiratory tract are the most common acute illness of childhood. Apart from the morbidity (and occasional mortality) attributable to respiratory infections, they also represent risk factors for asthma and possibly other chronic respiratory effects in later life. Children's exposure to harmful substances of tobacco smoke begins at prenatal period, if pregnant woman smokes after the delivery, it continues postnatally to be paced. Children are especially sensitive to the respiratory effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure. ETS exposure is an significant & avoidable risk factor for respiratory diseases among children. ETS is a wide-spread environmental pollutant that has been long linked with respiratory problems. In children of all ages ETS exposure has been found to be associated with increased respiratory symptoms such as wheeze and cough. The role ETS plays in the development of atopy is of great interest, as atopy is closely related to the development of childhood asthma. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is preventable. This review discusses primarily on impact of ETS on during the fetal period and infancy and childhood. This paper reviews of several articles between year 1992-2009 obtained from the internet; Pubmed and Medline


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    In this study, the usability of a Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (CANFIS) as an alternative to the Digital Filtering (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology (UKIH) mathematical methods, which are frequently used for separating total stream flow into surface and base flow, was examined. Surface flow and base flow values determined from the daily average flow data of the Aksu Stream in the Melen Basin of Turkey's Northern Black Sea Region through the use of DFM (alpha = 0,830) and UKIH (N = 5) methods were used as the training and test data of CANFIS. The applications trained through DFM and UKIH were, respectively, titled as CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH). Performances of all of the methods used were compared by error analysis and the examination of base flow indexes (BFI). Obtained flow values and BFI results showed that the surface flow and base flow estimations of all methods are significantly similar, and that the base flow values provided by the UKIH and CANFIS(UKIH) methods were bigger than those obtained from the DFM and CANFIS(DFM) methods as reported in the studies included in the literature. In addition, it was understood that in both CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH) methods, the effects of the methods used for training were fairly limited on the surface flow (R-2=0,9709) and base flow (R-2=0,9765) test values. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that CANFIS can be used in the determination of surface flow and base flow without needing parameters required by the DFM and UKIH methods, namely, recession coefficient and number of members in minimum groups