3 research outputs found

    Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Croatia ā€“ A Hazard for Humans and Animals

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    Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) have increased and now there is a world-wide problem related to significant mortality of wildlife, habitat fragmentation, change in behavior and even disappearance of local endangered populations. Along with these deleterious effects on wildlife, WVC can also result in injuries and deaths of humans. During the three-year monitoring, a total of 7,495 wildlife-vehicle collisions were recorded, including mainly roe deer (73%), while other species were less frequently affected (wild boar ā€“ 9%; brown hare ā€“ 5%; and red deer and pheasant each with 4%). Incidence of wildlife-vehicle collisions were observed according to territorial distribution, seasonal and daily occurrence and type of road (total and per 1 km)

    Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Croatia ā€“ A Hazard for Humans and Animals

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    Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) have increased and now there is a world-wide problem related to significant mortality of wildlife, habitat fragmentation, change in behavior and even disappearance of local endangered populations. Along with these deleterious effects on wildlife, WVC can also result in injuries and deaths of humans. During the three-year monitoring, a total of 7,495 wildlife-vehicle collisions were recorded, including mainly roe deer (73%), while other species were less frequently affected (wild boar ā€“ 9%; brown hare ā€“ 5%; and red deer and pheasant each with 4%). Incidence of wildlife-vehicle collisions were observed according to territorial distribution, seasonal and daily occurrence and type of road (total and per 1 km)

    Ichthyofauna of the lower part of Bliznec stream

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    Uzorci riba lovljeni su elektroagregatom na donjem toku potoka Blizneca u dva navrata tijekom studenoga 2008. godine. Ukupno je ulovljeno 50 riba. Zabilježene su četiri vrste i to Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis i Squalius cephalus, od kojih je S. cephalus najbrojniji. Sve vrste, osim klena imaju negativan alometrijski rast s b vrijednostima nižima od 3. Iako klen ima pozitivnu alometriju, b vrijednost mnogo je niža od hrvatskog prosjeka. I ostale proučavane vrste imaju b vrijednost ispod hrvatskog prosjeka. Faktor kondicije je vrlo nizak i ispod je hrvatskog prosjeka kod klena i grgeča, u prosjeku kod krkuŔe, a lagano iznad prosjeka kod babuŔke. Potok Bliznec vrlo je siromaŔan biotop kako za grgeča tako i ostale proučavane vrste.The fish were sampled in the lower parts of the Bliznec stream using an electroaggregate on two separate occasions in November 2008. A total of 50 fish were sampled. The samples belonged to 4 distinct species: Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis and Squalius cephalus. Chub was found to be the most abundant. All species apart from chub were found to exhibit negative allometric growth (b<3), yet all of them exibit a b value lower than the croatian average. CF was found to be very low and below croatian average for chub and perch, average for gudgeon, and slightly above average for prussian carp. The freshwater environment of Bliznec stream was found to be a species poor biotope