49 research outputs found

    A Recovery Capital and Stress-Buffering Model for Post-deployed Military Parents

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    We tested a recovery capital model for military families employing the After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT) randomized control trial, a longitudinal preventive intervention study of 336 post-deployed military parents. Recovery resources included measures of social capital (parenting support, observed partner support behaviors), personal capital (parenting efficacy, education), and community capital (the ADAPT behavioral parent-training intervention). We hypothesized higher levels of recovery capital would buffer the negative impact of military stress on growth in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms for deployed and civilian parents. Outcome data were evaluated with three waves across 2-years. Hypotheses were tested with latent growth models in a structural equation modeling framework. Military stress was assessed by reports of exposure to combat and battle aftermath. Recovery capital was measured by reported support for parenting and direct observation of behavioral interactions during problem-solving discussions of deployment-related stressors. Fathers had higher levels of military-related stress and PTSD symptoms over time compared to mothers. Growth curve models showed that fathers were characterized by individual differences in 2-year average levels of PTSD symptoms while mothers were characterized by individual differences in initial status and linear growth trajectories. Results supported a recovery capital model. Higher levels of parenting efficacy and parenting support were associated with lower PTSD symptoms, representing common pathways for both mothers and fathers. Similarly, parenting support operated as a moderating buffer for both parents. That is, effects of military trauma exposure on psychological distress were lower for mothers and fathers with higher levels of parenting support relative to parents with lower levels. Regions of significance indicated that half a standard deviation above the mean of support was beneficial for mothers, while one and half standard deviations were needed to impact the effects of trauma on fathers’ PTSD. For mothers assigned to the ADAPT parent training intervention – but not fathers – the intervention was associated with linear reductions in PTSD symptoms over 2 years. The recovery capital model explained 36% of the variance in father outcomes and 46% for mothers. The intervention obtained a medium effect size in reducing mothers’ symptoms (d = 0.41). Implications for prevention and treatment within a recovery capital model are discussed

    Depressive symptom trajectories among girls in the juvenile justice system: 24-month outcomes of an RCT of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care

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    Youth depression is a significant and growing international public health problem. Youth who engage in high levels of delinquency are at particularly high risk for developing problems with depression. The present study examined the impact of a behavioral intervention designed to reduce delinquency (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care; MTFC) compared to a group care intervention (GC; i.e., services as usual) on trajectories of depressive symptoms among adolescent girls in the juvenile justice system. MTFC has documented effects on preventing girls' recidivism, but its effects on preventing the normative rise in girls' depressive symptoms across adolescence have not been examined. This indicated prevention sample included 166 girls (13-17 years at T1) who had at least one criminal referral in the past 12 months and who were mandated to out-of-home care; girls were randomized to MTFC or GC. Intent-to-treat analyses examined the main effects of MTFC on depression symptoms and clinical cut-offs, and whether benefits were greatest for girls most at risk. Depressive symptom trajectories were specified in hierarchical linear growth models over a 2 year period using five waves of data at 6 month intervals. Depression clinical cut-off scores were specified as nonlinear probability growth models. Results showed significantly greater rates of deceleration for girls in MTFC versus GC for depressive symptoms and for clinical cut-off scores. The MTFC intervention also showed greater benefits for girls with higher levels of initial depressive symptoms. Possible mechanisms of effect are discussed, given MTFC's effectiveness on targeted and nontargeted outcomes. © 2013 Society for Prevention Research

    Improving parenting practices among fathers who misuse opioids: fathering through change intervention.

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    Fathers have been largely neglected in the parenting literature though there is a critical need to improve parenting practices among fathers who misuse opioids in the midst of the opioid epidemic. Urgency is critical to rapidly intervene in the lives of fathers and children to reduce misuse and interrupt intergenerational cycles of substance misuse. Thus, we provide an overview of solutions to adapt existing parenting interventions for fathers who misuse opioids to accelerate the pace of science for this population

    Peer Relations at School Entry: Sex Differences in the Outcomes of Foster Care

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    Converging evidence indicates that maltreated foster children have more behavior problems and poorer peer relations than nonmaltreated, biologically reared youths. However, it is unclear whether deficits in peer relations operate independently or as a result of increased behavior problems and whether outcomes for foster children differ by sex. To address these questions, multi-informant methods were used to assess peer relations at school entry among maltreated foster children and a comparison sample of low-income, nonmaltreated, biologically reared children (N = 121). Controlling for caregiver-reported behavior problems prior to school entry, results from a multigroup structural equation modeling analysis suggested significant relationships between foster care status and poor peer relations at school entry and between foster care status and level of behavior problems prior to school entry for girls only. These Sex Ă— Foster Care Status interactions indicate that the unique needs of each sex should be addressed when intervening with maltreated foster children