6,944 research outputs found

    Study of cascade ring-closing metathesis reactions en route to an advanced intermediate of Taxol

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    A highly functionalized intermediate in the synthesis of Taxol has been synthesized, which features the tricyclic core and the required oxygen substituents at C1, C2, C7, C10 and C13. The key step, a ring-closing dienyne metathesis (RCDEYM) reaction, has been thoroughly optimized to favor the tricyclic product over the undesired bicyclic product resulting from diene metathesis

    Synthetic considerations in the self-assembly of coordination polymers of pyridine-functionalised hybrid Mn-Anderson polyoxometalates

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    The incorporation of polyoxometalates (POMs) as structural units into ordered porous constructs such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is desirable for a range of applications where intrinsic properties inherited from both the MOF and POM are utilised, including catalysis and magnetic data storage. The controlled self-assembly of targeted MOF topologies containing POM units is hampered by the wide range of oxo and hydroxo units on the peripheries of POMs that can act as coordinating groups towards linking metal cations leading to a diverse range of structures, but incorporation of organic donor units into hybrid POMs offers an alternative methodology to programmably synthesise POM/MOF conjugates. Herein, we report six coordination polymers obtained serendipitously wherein Zn2+ and Cu2+ link pyridine-appended Mn-Anderson clusters into two- and three-dimensional network solids with complex connectivities and topologies. Careful inspection of their solid-state structures has allowed us to identify common structure-directing features across these coordination polymers, including a square motif where two Zn2+ cations bridge two POMs. By correlating certain structural motifs with synthetic conditions we have formulated a series of design considerations for the self-assembly of coordination polymers of hybrid POMs, encompassing the selection of reaction conditions, co-ligands and linking metal cations. We anticipate that these synthetic guidelines will inform the future assembly of hybrid POMs into functional MOF materials

    Short and efficient synthesis of fluorinated δ-lactams

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    The diastereoselective synthesis of fluorinated δ-lactams has been achieved through an efficient five step process. The route can tolerate a range of functionalities, and provides a quick route for the generation of new fluorinated medicinal building blocks

    Tellurite-squarate driven assembly of a new family of nanoscale clusters based on (Mo2O2S2)2+

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    We report the preparation and characterization of a new family of four polyoxothiometalate (POTM) clusters, with varying size and complexity, based upon the dimeric [Mo2O2S2(H2O)6]2+ with the general formula (NMe4)aKb[(Mo2O2S2)c(TeO4)d(C4O4)e(OH)f] where a,b,c,d,e,f = {1,7,14,2,4,10} = 1, {Mo28Te2}; {2,26,36,4,10,48} = 2, {Mo72Te12}; {0,11,15,3,3,21} = 3, {Mo30Te3}; {2,6,12,2,4,16} = 4, {Mo24Te2}. The incorporation of tellurite anions allowed the fine tuning of the templation and bridging of the available building blocks leading to new topologies of increased complexity. The structural diversity of this family of compound, ranges from the highly symmetrical cross-shaped {Mo24Te2} to the stacked ring structure of {Mo72Te12} which is the largest chalcogen-containing POTM cluster reported so far. Also a detailed experimental analysis revealed that the pH isolation window extends form acidic to basic values. ESI-MS analyses not only confirmed the stability of this family in solution but also revealed the stability of the observed virtual building blocks

    On the fly multi-modal observation of ligand synthesis and complexation of Cu complexes in flow with ‘benchtop’ NMR and mass spectrometry

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    Exploring complex chemical systems requires reproducible and controllable ways to access non-equilibrium conditions. Herein we present a programmable flow system that can do both ligand synthesis and complexation on the fly, and the conditions of the reaction can be monitored using two simultaneous techniques, namely NMR and mass spectrometry. By using this approach we monitored the formation of unknown complexes, followed by crystallization that resulted in the characterisation of their structures giving 5 new compounds (4 isolated and fully characterised) which can be formulated as: Cu2(L1)4(μ-CO3)](BF4)2 (2); [Cu3(L1)6(μ-CO3)](PF6)2(OH)2 (3) [Cu2(L2)2](BF4)2 (4) and [Cu(L2)2](BF4)2·CH3CN (5)

    Spontaneous formation of a chiral (Mo2O2S2)2+-based cluster driven by dimeric {Te2O6}-based templates

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    Utilization of [Mo2S2O2(H2O)6]2+ and a tellurite anion led to the formation of three new clusters, 1–3, with unique structural features. The tellurite anion not only templated the formation of [(Mo2O2S2)4(TeO3)(OH)9]3− 1 and [(Mo2O2S2)12(TeO3)4(TeO4)2 (OH)18]10− 3, but also the in situ generation of two different types of dimeric {Te2O6} based moieties induced the spontaneous assembly of the chiral [(Mo2O2S2)10(TeO3)(Te2O6)2(OH)18]8− anionic cluster, 2

    Encapsulation of a {Cu16} cluster containing four [Cu4O4] cubanes within an isopolyoxometalate {W44} cluster

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    We report a {Cu16} embedded within a {W44} cluster containing four cubane-like [Cu4O4] units within an isopolyoxotungstate (isoPOT) in a {Na4Cu4[(H2W11O38) (CH3COO)(OH)3]}4·88H2O (1) and a polyanion Cu-linked {W11} chain Na6Cu2[(H2W11O38)(CH3COO)(OH)]·26H2O (2). Electronically, the redox properties show that both compounds 1 and 2 undergo irreversible reductions resulting in the demetalation of the compounds, whilst the magnetic behavior of 1 and 2 shows a weak antiferromagnetic and a stronger ferromagnetic coupling, respectively

    Redox-mediated reactions of vinylferrocene: Toward redox auxiliaries

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    Chemical redox reactions have been exploited to transform unreactive vinylferrocene into a powerful dienophile for the Diels–Alder reaction and reactive substrate for thiol addition reactions upon conversion to its ferrocenium state. We have further investigated the ability of these reactions to facilitate redox-auxiliary-like reactivity by further hydrogenolyisis of the Diels–Alder adduct to the corresponding cyclopentane derivative

    Rearrangement of {α-P2W15} to {PW6} moieties during the assembly of transition-metal-linked polyoxometalate clusters

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    We report the formation of two polyoxotungstates of the general formula [M6(PW6O26)(α-P2W15O56)2(H2O)2]23− (M = CoII or MnII), which contain {PW6} fragments generated from the [P2W15O56]12− precursor, which demonstrates for the first time the transformation of a Dawson lacunae into a Keggin lacunary building block. Solution analysis of the clusters has been conducted via electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry
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