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    Personalidad creadora y habilidades sociales en alumnas de una instituci贸n educativa privada de Trujillo

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    El presente estudio, determin贸 la relaci贸n entre personalidad creadora y habilidades sociales en alumnas de una instituci贸n educativa privada de Trujillo; investigaci贸n de tipo sustantivo, descriptivo correlacional. Poblaci贸n conformada por 253 estudiantes con edades de 11 y 12 a帽os, del sexto grado de primaria y primer grado de secundaria. La muestra probabil铆stica estratificada qued贸 constituida con 141 estudiantes, se utiliz贸: Escala de Personalidad Creadora de Garaigordobil L. (2004) y Escala de Habilidades Sociales de Gismero G. (2000). Se evidencia correlaci贸n directa altamente significativa (p<.01), con tama帽o de efecto de magnitud mediana entre Personalidad Creadora y Habilidades Sociales y sus dimensiones: Autoexpresi贸n de situaciones sociales, y decir no y cortar interacciones y con tama帽o de efecto de magnitud peque帽a con las dimensiones: Expresi贸n de enfado o disconformidad e iniciar interacciones positivas con el sexo opuesto. No se encontr贸 correlaci贸n entre Defensa de los propios derechos como consumidor y hacer peticiones.This study determined the relationship between creative personality and social skills in female students from a private educational institution in Trujillo; substantive, descriptive correlational research. Population made up of 253 students aged 11 and 12, from the sixth grade of primary school and the first grade of secondary school. The stratified probabilistic sample was made up of 141 students. The following were used: Creative Personality Scale by Garaigordobil L. (2004) and Social Skills Scale by Gismero G. (2000). There is evidence of a highly significant direct correlation (p<.01), with an effect size of medium magnitude between Creative Personality and Social Skills and their dimensions: Self-expression in social situations, and saying no and cutting off interactions; with an effect size of small magnitude with the dimensions: Expression of anger or disagreement and initiating positive interactions with the opposite sex. No correlation was found between Defense of one's own rights as a consumer and making requests.Tesi