276 research outputs found

    Anticipations with the Personal Savings Rate: An Outlook in the US Economy Today

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    The personal savings rate is identified as an average savings rate for the individual American. The current rate is 5.7%, and that means for every $100 of after tax income an American brings in, he or she saves 5.7% of it. Since the 1980’s Americans have been saving less and less possibly because there more comfortable with their wealth. Looking forward though we try to identify in an environment where the cost of living will be rising, and the interest rates will be rising, will Americans face fiscal troubles if they don’t start saving more now? One thing we can understand is that you can’t necessarily predict the personal savings rate because you don’t know how much one factor will influence another. With increased real wages, increased interest rates, and inflation that has been fairly steady but increasing, it’s really a matter of how much one factor offsets the other

    Gambling on Revenue

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    My findings from my study have concluded that median age and subprime credit population were actually significant for every test when I thought they would be the least significant. If the evidence suggested is true Sedgwick county has a population that is focused on the younger population with higher credit scores when income is insignificant so this tells us that the college aged people with parents that have high credit scores are fueling casino revenue. Wyandotte county can be seen as the exact opposite because it is focused on the older population with higher income and higher credit scores. Ford County can be seen as focused on the lower income bracket because of higher poverty rates and lower credit scores. We can make conclusions about Crawford county Kansas Crossing Casino will continue to be successful and if we were able to run a test the results would suggest that all variables except unemployment will have positive relationships

    Which Affects GDP More: Exchange Rates or FDI

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    Which affects GDP First, Exchange Rates or FDI? Many people have argued which comes first, FDI or Exchange rates. This is very important to countries because it could allow them to know which is more likely to affect their GDP first and possibly take counter measures to make sure these affects are managed properly

    An Inquiry into the Causes of Growth in Gross Domestic Product

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    This study is an inquiry into the causes of growth in nationwide gross domestic product in the United States of America. The primary objective has been to measure the effects of taxation, saving rate and government investment on this important economic indicator. “Taxation” has been broken down into three components; personal income tax, corporate income tax and consumption tax. Personal income tax is separated once again into the highest and lowest brackets to facilitate more incisive analysis of the results. Consumption taxes are decided at the state level which meant that an average national consumption tax had to be calculated for every period in study. An ordinary least squares regression, in keeping with econometric studies of this kind, will be the method employed for exploring the relationships of the exogenous variables to the endogenous. This project covers the thirty year stretch between 1977 and 2007, just before the Great Recession. The data for each of the variables have been arranged as indices with the first quarter of 1977 as the base period in all cases. The anticipated outcome, based on the existing research, is that lower levels of taxation and a lower saving rate, will be positively correlated with GDP growth, and that lower levels of government investment will be negatively correlated with GDP growth

    An Analysis of Retail Sales in Micropolitan Areas in the Year 2000

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    In this paper retail sales will be used to help understand the consumer spending habits of micropolitan areas in the year 2000. The year 2000 was a big year for American consumers, it was at the turn of the century, some said that the world was ending; others said it was just the begging of a new technological era. This paper will take a look at many factors that could have affected the retail sales (i.e. consumer spending) in micropolitan areas, as well as be able to help explain the consumer confidence in the year 2000. Areas such as population growth, wages, sales tax, and poverty among many other things will help explain their effects on consumer spending. This paper will first take a look at what is consumer spending and consumer confidence, and then lead into a statistical model with multiple tests in order to analyze the numbers behind consumer spending in this year. Ordinary least squares regression will be used to help explain statistically what effected retail sales in the year 2000. The data used is from the US Census Bureau, and includes 554 micropolitan areas in the lower 48 states of America. Most studies previously conducted only analyze America as a whole of Metropolitan areas, this study is significant in finding effects on retail sales in micropolitan areas only. This study was rather inconclusive to the existing data. The model found that only sales tax and national amenity scale were significant to the study. In this paper we find that micropolitan areas have a hard time being measured based off retail sales alone. I would recommend further studies be conducted, however some findings in this model do exist

    Salary Distribution in the NFL

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    There are many different ways to construct an NFL lineup given a salary cap. This study looks at different salary structures to determine if there is an optimal strategy that General Managers should use when building their roster. The goal of every manager should be to have as many wins as possible in a given year. The purpose of this study is to determine if there is an optimal strategy for general managers to use to construct their lineup by looking at two main factors and their effect on the number of wins for a team: positional spending and salary inequality. Salary inequality is measured using a Lorenz Curve and a Gini Coefficient. This study used data from the Spotrac website and analyzes the 2013‐2014 season through the 2017-2018 season. By analyzing a pooled regression model, this study attempted to answer if there is a superstar effect in the NFL and determine which positions are undervalued/ overvalued. The findings indicate that certain positions have been overpaid and some underpaid over the last 5 NFL seasons. The results also show that there is no superstar effect in the NFL. This study aims to help NFL teams construct the best possible lineup for their team and win more games

    How Does Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Affect Environmental Pollution

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    The Research paper I am presenting is to find out the effect of FDI towards environmental pollution. Headlines of New York Times on June 15, 2011 found high level of lead concentration in 233 adults and 99 children which could lead to brain, kidney, liver, nerves, stomach damage and could lead to death. The purpose of my study is to validate three hypotheses which is the pollution haven hypothesis, endowments factor hypothesis, and chain effect hypothesis made by Soilita, 2005.The dependent variable would be environmental pollution while the independent variable of the study would be bird, fish, and plant species threatened, Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2ÂŹ) emissions from liquid fuel consumption, population exposed to levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) guideline value of particulate matter(PM) 2.5 air pollution, net foreign direct investment (FDI), FDI inflows, FDI outflows, CO2 emissions, the ease of doing business and the rate of primary completion. The data was obtained from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Bank. The methods that I will be using is the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Method on a Linear Regression Model. The result is to capture direct effect of FDI on pollution, ceteris paribus, pooled samples of countries and different country groups to prove/ reject the hypothesis above. In conclusion, is to link FDIs and pollution through analysis of the direct and conditional effects of FDI on pollution, environmental and water impacts caused by air pollutants and FDIs from ten groups of countries

    Application of the Panzar-Rosse Model: An Analysis of the Brewery Industry in the U.S.

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    Waves of mergers and acquisitions has left the brewery industry in the United States considerably concentrated. The top two firms, Anheuser-Busch InBev and MillerCoors control more than 60% of the market share. It has become very important to assess the level of competition within the industry. The Panzar-Rosse model is an assessment of competitive conduct that has been widely used to study the competitiveness of the banking industry. The associated measure of competition, called the H-statistic, is obtained as the sum of elasticities of gross revenue with respect to input prices. For this study, the Panzar-Rosse model will be applied to the United States brewery industry and finds that the H-statistic has a negative value, meaning the industry operates under a neoclassical monopolist style or a collusive oligopoly

    US micropolitan area economies in the 1990's

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    Scope and Method of the Study: This paper uses a hedonic growth model developed by Glaeser and Tobio (2008) and general dominance analysis to examine the forces contributing to the growth of micropolitan areas during the 1990's. The paper also analyses unexplained outliers of micropolitan growth. Micropolitan areas have been described by the US Census Bureau as emerging metropolitan areas and are therefore important for growth of regions.Findings and Conclusions: The results show that micropolitan growth benefitted from relatively attractive amenities compare to the rest of the nation during the 1990's. Micropolitan areas characterized by stability (high percentage of marriage households), high concentration of people in the "50-64" year old age group, high relative concentration of people with higher education degrees, mild January temperatures and access to water and highways were preferred.However, local housing markets and the state of the local regulatory environment were also very important determinants of migration and economic growth. Relatively inflexible local housing markets and difficult local regulatory environment significantly retarded overall migration and economic growth, even in micropolitan areas with relatively high level of natural amenities. Most of the outliers' performance could be explained by the state of the local regulatory environment

    U.S. Micropolitan Area Growth: A Spatial Equilibrium Growth Analysis

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    Because micropolitan areas have only relatively recently been defined, little is known about their comparative economic performance. Part of the interest in micropolitan areas stems from the successful ones often growing to become metropolitan areas. This paper examines micropolitan area growth during the 1990s, a period of strong national growth. A spatial equilibrium growth framework and estimated reduced-form regressions containing an extensive number of variables are used to assess the sources of differentials in micropolitan area growth. To varying degrees, at various levels, and through various channels, it is found that household amenity attractiveness, firm location considerations, and housing supply policies, all underlie micropolitan area growth differentials
