752 research outputs found

    Stabilizer Formalism for Operator Quantum Error Correction

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    Operator quantum error correction is a recently developed theory that provides a generalized framework for active error correction and passive error avoiding schemes. In this paper, we describe these codes in the stabilizer formalism of standard quantum error correction theory. This is achieved by adding a "gauge" group to the standard stabilizer definition of a code that defines an equivalence class between encoded states. Gauge transformations leave the encoded information unchanged; their effect is absorbed by virtual gauge qubits that do not carry useful information. We illustrate the construction by identifying a gauge symmetry in Shor's 9-qubit code that allows us to remove 4 of its 8 stabilizer generators, leading to a simpler decoding procedure and a wider class of logical operations without affecting its essential properties. This opens the path to possible improvements of the error threshold of fault-tolerant quantum computing.Comment: Corrected claim based on exhaustive searc

    Lieb-Robinson Bound and Locality for General Markovian Quantum Dynamics

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    The Lieb-Robinson bound shows the existence of a maximum speed of signal propagation in discrete quantum mechanical systems with local interactions. This generalizes the concept of relativistic causality beyond field theory, and provides a powerful tool in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum information science. Here, we extend the scope of this seminal result by considering general Markovian quantum evolution, where we prove that an equivalent bound holds. In addition, we use the generalized bound to demonstrate that correlations in the stationary state of a Markov process decay on a length-scale set by the Lieb-Robinson velocity and the system's relaxation time

    Deformed symmetries from quantum relational observables

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    Deformed Special Relativity (DSR) is a candidate phenomenological theory to describe the Quantum Gravitational (QG) semi-classical regime. A possible interpretation of DSR can be derived from the notion of deformed reference frame. Observables in (quantum) General Relativity can be constructed from (quantum) reference frame – a physical observable is then a relation between a system of interest and the reference frame. We present a toy model and study an example of such quantum relational observables. We show how the intrinsic quantum nature of the reference frame naturally leads to a deformation of the symmetries, comforting DSR to be a good candidate to describe the QG semi-classical regime

    Hardness of decoding quantum stabilizer codes

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    In this article we address the computational hardness of optimally decoding a quantum stabilizer code. Much like classical linear codes, errors are detected by measuring certain check operators which yield an error syndrome, and the decoding problem consists of determining the most likely recovery given the syndrome. The corresponding classical problem is known to be NP-complete, and a similar decoding problem for quantum codes is also known to be NP-complete. However, this decoding strategy is not optimal in the quantum setting as it does not take into account error degeneracy, which causes distinct errors to have the same effect on the code. Here, we show that optimal decoding of stabilizer codes is computationally much harder than optimal decoding of classical linear codes, it is #P

    Degenerate Viterbi decoding

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    We present a decoding algorithm for quantum convolutional codes that finds the class of degenerate errors with the largest probability conditioned on a given error syndrome. The algorithm runs in time linear with the number of qubits. Previous decoding algorithms for quantum convolutional codes optimized the probability over individual errors instead of classes of degenerate errors. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that this modification to the decoding algorithm results in a significantly lower block error rate

    Sampling from the thermal quantum Gibbs state and evaluating partition functions with a quantum computer

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    We present a quantum algorithm to prepare the thermal Gibbs state of interacting quantum systems. This algorithm sets a universal upper bound D^alpha on the thermalization time of a quantum system, where D is the system's Hilbert space dimension and alpha < 1/2 is proportional to the Helmholtz free energy density of the system. We also derive an algorithm to evaluate the partition function of a quantum system in a time proportional to the system's thermalization time and inversely proportional to the targeted accuracy squared
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