477 research outputs found

    The possible impact of sortilin in reducing HBsAg expression in chronic hepatitis B

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major global health problem. Chronically infected people are at risk for progressive hepatic fibrosis and consequent cirrhosis. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) level in serum is a complementary marker for intrahepatic HBV DNA and covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA). Sortilin-1 (SORT1) has been reported to be involved in the post-Golgi vesicle trafficking of Apo lipoproteins degradation pathways. This study was designed to evaluate the hepatic and serum expression of HBsAg and its association with hepatic SORT1 gene expression in patients with chronic HBV. Thirty chronic hepatitis B patients with histological examination results were enrolled in this study. Liver biopsies were analyzed for hepatic HBsAg and SORT1 gene expression by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR), respectively. Twenty seven out of 30 (90%) liver biopsies had positive staining for HBsAg and showed a significant inverse association with hepatic SORT1 fold change gene expression (β=-0.5, P=0.042). There was significant association between HBV DNA levels and HBsAg expression in hepatocyte or serum titer of HBsAg (r=0.39, P=0.029; r=0.39, P=0.032 respectively). Serum ALT was also correlated with hepatic activity index (HAI) score (β=0.6, P=0.001). Inverse association between hepatic SORT1 gene expression and hepatic HBsAg expression indicates the possible role of sortilin in HBsAg particle formation. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Brain-computer interface analysis using continuous wavelet transform and adaptive neuro-fuzzy classifier.

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of imaginary left and right hand movements, an application of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). We propose here to use an Adaptive Neuron-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as the classification algorithm. ANFIS has an advantage over many classification algorithms in that it provides a set of parameters and linguistic rules that can be useful in interpreting the relationship between extracted features. The continuous wavelet transform will be used to extract highly representative features from selected scales. The performance of ANFIS will be compared with the well-known support vector machine classifier

    Analysis and synthesis of environmental sounds

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    Reproduction and feeding biology of Sind Sardinella (Sardinella sindensis) from coastal waters of Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf

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    Sardinella sindensis is one of the dominant small pelagic fishes of Persian Gulf, especially in Qeshm Island's coastal waters. Investigation on some of the biological parameters of Sind Sardinella was carried out from April 2005 to March 2006. Sind Sardinella is economically the most important small pelagic fish species mainly caught by double boat purse seine in this area. Reproductive studies showed that peak maturity season occurred in May. The female to male ratio was calculated at 1:1.08 and chi-square analysis showed the difference in ratio was not statistically significant (P>0.05). LM_(50) is attained at a total length of 112 mm. The average absolute and relative fecundity were estimated to be 23396 (± 5337) and 739 (±117), respectively. This fish is planktonivore, and we found the diet of the species consisted of a broad spectrum of food types, but Crustaceans were dominant, comprising 44% of the food. The other major food groups and their share were Dinophyceae 17%, Bacillariophyceae 15%, Cyanophyceae 13%, fish eggs, larvae, scale 7% and finally Euglenahyceae, Chlorophyta, and others 4%. Analysis of monthly variation in the stomach fullness indicated that feeding intensity fluctuated throughout the year, with a high level during March and April. Vacuity index indicated this species is a semi-voracious fish

    Population dynamics of Sind Sardine, Sardinella sindensis, in coastal waters of Qeshm Island

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    Sardinella sindensis is economically the most important small pelagic fish species in the coastal area of Qeshm Island. Population dynamics of Sind sardinella from Qeshm Island coastal waters, during April 2005 to March 2006 were studied. The asymptotic length (Lx) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated at 178mm and 1.11yr ^(-1), respectively. The minimum and maximum T.L was recorded at 42 and 172mm respectively. The value of t0 was calculated at -0.17, and Tmax was estimated at 2.7 year. The Von Bertalanffy growth equation was obtained at L_(t) = 178^(1-exp(-1.1 l(t-(-0.17))) for this species. Total mortality (Z) rate was estimated to be 3.48yr ^(-1) (r ^(2) = 0.88) on length-converted catch curve method. The rates of natural mortality (M) based on Pauly's empirical equation, fishing mortality (F) and exploitation ratio were estimated at 1.13yr ^(-1), 2.35yr ^(-1) and 0.67, respectively. Four cohorts were distinguished annually based on Bhattacharya's method with mean length of 56, 89, 107 and 141mm. Maximum recruitment was in September at 18.62 percent. The length-weight relationship was determined as W= 0.000005 L ^(3.1399)

    Spatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton population in coastal waters of Hormozgan province (Qeshm and Leangeh)

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    The relationship between diversity or density of phytoplankton and other marine fisheries sector is of great importance. The study of Spatial and temporal variability of distribution of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of the Northern Persian Gulf (QESHM, LENGEH) were studied during 2008. In this study, five groups (47 genera) of phytoplankton include, Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Crysophyceae and Euglenophyceae were identified. The result showed that Diatoms group (79.6 %) and Rhizosolenia genus (45.5 %), contributed more towards the percentage composition of different groups and genera of phytoplankton at the during Study. The annual changes in relative abundance and Margalef, Shannon, pielu and Simpson indices were estimated, 0.58-2.56, 0.08-0.97, 0.23-2.6, 0.09-0.93 respectively. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that during the study, density and biological indicators of phytoplankton were significant between seasons (p<0.05). The spatial cluster analysis based on similarity coefficients obtained two clusters in the areas studied. According to the results obtained can be concluded that both the area of ecological conditions in ranks are instead moderate. Also, phytoplankton of diversity and richness is good

    Reproduction and feeding of Buccaneer anchovy (Encrasicholina punctifer) from coastal waters of Qeshm Island, the Persian Gulf

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    Encrasicholina punctifer is one of the dominant small pelagic and economically most important fishes of the Persian Gulf, especially in Qeshm Island's coastal waters. Specimens of the fish were collected monthly from the fishing area in the coastal waters of Qeshm Island by random sampling method. Investigation on biological parameters of E. punctifer continued from April 2005 to March 2006. E. punctifer is mainly caught by double-boat purse seine in this area. Reproductive studies showed that maturity season of the fish occur in August. The sex ratio fulfill the theoretical 1:1 (P>0.05). L sub(M50) was attained at a total length of 84 mm. The absolute fecundity was estimated at 1217 plus or minus 331. We showed that the species is planktonivore, its diet consisted of a board spectrum of food types, but crustaceans dominated the food with copepods and their eggs, naplius and semi digested copepods constituting 54% of the diet. The next major food groups found in the diet of the fish were Cyanophyceae 21%, Bacillariophyceae 11%, fish egg and scale 6%, Dinophyceae 4%, with Euglenahyceae, Chiorophyta, Dinoflagellates and others items consisting only 4% of the diet. Analysis of monthly variation in the stomach fullness indicated that feeding intensity fluctuated throughout the year, with the highest value in winter. Vacuity Index indicated this species was of semi-voracious appetite fishes

    Fishing pattern, maximum constant yield (MCY) and recruitment pattern of Thunnus tonggol in Hormuzgan province

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    Thunnus tonggol is one of the most important large pelagic fish species in Hormuzgan province waters. Nominal catch of T. tonggol in 2010 was 32405 tones comprising 65% of total catch of large pelagic fishes. For sustainable exploitation of the resources of this fish, we need to identify its fishing pattern, maximum constant yield and recruitment pattern. Hence, length and weight data were collected randomly from 6 major artisanal fish-landing sites Hassineh, Kong, Bandar Abbas, Salakh, Sirik and Jask in Hormuzgan province, starting in April 2010 over one year. Growth parameters L∞ and K were estimated at 112.23cm 0.3 and (1/year), respectively. Hence, the natural mortality was calculated at 0.43 (1/year) and the maximum constant yield was computed at 11880 tones. Length-weight power relationship, W= aFLb , was W= 3×10-05FL2.82 that showed T. tonggol have isometric growth. Fishing pattern indicated that almost 85% of the catch was under the size at first maturity. Maximum recruitment pattern was in November with average fork length being 27cm. For optimum exploitation of T. tonggol stocks, we suggest two approaches including fishing ban in the maximum recruitment time and gear (Drift gillnet) modification

    Evaluation inhibitory effect of essential oil Savory (Satureja hortensis) in food fish

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    Aflatoxins are a group of fungal metabolites that are produced by the growth of fungi on food. These toxins cause illness in animals and humans, and are important in economic and humans health. In this investigation, inhibitory effects of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) essential oil were evaluated on the growth of Aspergillus flavus in fish food. A gas chromatograph apparatus linked to a mass spectrometer (GC/MS) was used to identify the effective components in Satureja hortensis essential oil after extraction. Essential oils against Aspergillus flavus incubated in PDA media and antifungal properties of essential oil Satureja hortensis was investigated. About of 300g of food samples was weighted and samples were sterilized by autoclave. Fungal suspension (3cc) was spraied into the feed samples, and various concentrations of essential oils (0, 300, 400, 500, 600ppm) added to samples. The samples were incubated at temperature of (±SD) 28±2°C. After 20-40 and 60 days period, randomly, some sampled were taken from containers and the production of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2 was measured in the laboratory. This result confirms that 500ppm concentrations of oil savory have antifungal properties against Aspergillus flavus

    Population dynamics and reproduction biology of slender mudskipper (Scartelaos tenuis) from Hormuzgan Province creeks, Persian Gulf

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    Slender Mudskipper (Scartelaos tenuis) is one of the dominant fishes in inter-tidal mud flats area. Reproduction and population parameters of 2047 Slender mudskipper were studied monthly from october 2008 to september 2009. The asymptotic length (L∞) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated as 19.43(cm) and 0.64(yr-1), respectively. The minimum and maximum T.L. was 1.1 and 19.5cm, respectively. The value of to was -8.28, and Tmax was 4.6 year. The growth equation of Von Bertalanffy was obtained at L(t) = 19.43(1- exp (-0.64(t(-0.28))) for this species. The rates of natural mortality (M) on Pauly's empirical equation, was estimated 1.51 (yr-1). Five cohorts were distinguished annualy on Bhattacharya's method with mean length of 7.89, 11.42, 13.86, 15.6 and 16.81cm. Maximum recruitment was in Seprember at 18.8 percent. Reproductive studies showed that peak of maturity season occurred in April. The female to male ratio was calculated as 1:1.47 and chi-square analysis showed that it was statistically significant deviated from 1:1. LM50 is attained at a total length of 13.3cm. The mean of absolute and relative fecundity were 6742 (±1939) and 707 (±210), respectively. The length-weight relationship was as W= 0.02735 L 2.1655, that was isometric growth. Result showed that slender mudskipper population was in congenial condition, nevertheless less not evaluated
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