69 research outputs found

    BMC 15--Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae Nec Non Pennsylvaniae et Partis Virginiae Tabula multis in locis emendata . . .; circa 1684

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    Second state of Danckerts’ map of New Netherlands, including a view of New Amsterdam, now also called Nieuw Yorck. Includes inset view of the Dutch colony on Manhattan Island. The cartographic information is based upon Jansson\u27s map of 1650. This map was issued about 1684 and shows Philadelphia for the first time, as well as adding farm animals. It also shows the Battery and Dutch buildings on the waterfront. The Delaware River is completely revised so that it no longer connects with the Hudson River. Pennsylvania is named; its boundary is marked. The addition of domesticated farm animals in the New Netherlands colony is of historical note. The Dutch colonists were, by the 1680s, increasingly disillusioned with the support they were receiving from Holland. A delegation was sent to Den Haag to appeal for more support, money, settlers, etc. One of the by-products of the colonist\u27s meeting / plea was the revision of this map as a propaganda tool, displaying farm animals in New England in order to entice prospective new colonists to emigrate, on the theory that life in the New World was similar to life in Holland.https://digitalmaine.com/arc_baxter/1037/thumbnail.jp

    BMC 25--Novissima et accuratissima totius Americae descriptio, circa 1680

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    Map of North and South America. California is shown as an island and Great Lakes are shown with an open western coastline. No northwestern coast drawn beyond 40 degrees. The Mississippi River is still very vaguely drawn and pushed far west of its true location. South America retains its excessively wide format. An extension from Button\u27s Bay is shown as a possible Northwest Passage. The map is embellished with two cartouches, 9 sailing vessels and vignettes of native villages, native warriors and indigenous animals.https://digitalmaine.com/arc_baxter/1015/thumbnail.jp

    BMC 25--Novissima et accuratissima totius Americae descriptio, circa 1680

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    Map of North and South America. California is shown as an island and Great Lakes are shown with an open western coastline. No northwestern coast drawn beyond 40 degrees. The Mississippi River is still very vaguely drawn and pushed far west of its true location. South America retains its excessively wide format. An extension from Button\u27s Bay is shown as a possible Northwest Passage. The map is embellished with two cartouches, 9 sailing vessels and vignettes of native villages, native warriors and indigenous animals.https://digitalmaine.com/arc_baxter/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Novissima et accuratissima Helvetiae, Rhaetiae, Valesiae et partis Sabaudiae tabula

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    [Justus Danckerts der Ă„ltere]KoloriertMit Privile

    BMC 15--Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae Nec Non Pennsylvaniae et Partis Virginiae Tabula multis in locis emendata . . .; circa 1684

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    Second state of Danckerts’ map of New Netherlands, including a view of New Amsterdam, now also called Nieuw Yorck. Includes inset view of the Dutch colony on Manhattan Island. The cartographic information is based upon Jansson\u27s map of 1650. This map was issued about 1684 and shows Philadelphia for the first time, as well as adding farm animals. It also shows the Battery and Dutch buildings on the waterfront. The Delaware River is completely revised so that it no longer connects with the Hudson River. Pennsylvania is named; its boundary is marked. The addition of domesticated farm animals in the New Netherlands colony is of historical note. The Dutch colonists were, by the 1680s, increasingly disillusioned with the support they were receiving from Holland. A delegation was sent to Den Haag to appeal for more support, money, settlers, etc. One of the by-products of the colonist\u27s meeting / plea was the revision of this map as a propaganda tool, displaying farm animals in New England in order to entice prospective new colonists to emigrate, on the theory that life in the New World was similar to life in Holland.https://digitalmaine.com/arc_baxter/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Ducatus Mantuensis, in qua sunt ducatus Guastallae, principatuum Castiglionae, Solverinae, Bosolae et Sabbionettae nec non Mirandolae ducatus, cum omnibus adjacentibus provinciis

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    per I. Danckerts"Cum privilegio"Massstab in graph. Form (Milliaria Germanica Communia, Milliaria Gallica Communia). - Titel u. Massstabsleisten ĂĽber d. Karte

    Archiepiscopatus et electoratus Coloniensis, ducatuum Iuliacensis, Montensis Limburgensis comitatus Meursiae et Geldriae hispanicae, novissima descriptio

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    per Iustinum Danckerts"Cum privilegio ordinum Hollandiae et Westfrisiae"Titel und Massstabsleisten obe

    Accuratissima totius regni Hispaniae tabula / per Justinus Dankeris

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    1 Mapa. Datat al 1690 aproximadament.53 x 62 c
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