27 research outputs found

    Costs analysis of milk production

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    Analizirana je problematika ukupnih troÅ”kova i rentabilnost proizvodnje mlijeka simulacijom na tri razine proizvodnje 4.000, 5.000 i 6.000 l/god iz čega je razvidno da troÅ”kovi proizvodnje i cijene koÅ”tanja imaju direktan utjecaj na ekonomičnost proizvodnje mlijeka. Proizvodnjom vlastite voluminozne hrane i primjenom novih tehnologija povećava se proizvodnja mlijeka uz značajno smanjenje troÅ”kova. Uslijed stalnog ekonomskog poboljÅ”anja proizvodnje mlijeka, pariteti mlijeka u odnosu na stočnu hranu su vrlo povoljni jer niti jedno krmivo, čak ni sačma soje, kao komponenta obroka nije skuplje od jedne litre mlijeka. Proizvođačko prodajne (otkupne) cijene mlijeka zajedno s premijom su na razini ili čak i neÅ”to veće od europskih cijena. Uz povoljnu otkupnu cijenu mlijeka na ekonomski položaj ove proizvodnje pozitivan utjecaj imaju i različite potpore, ali unatoč tome mnoga obiteljska gospodarstva ostvaruju nisku dobit, prvenstveno zbog niske proizvodnje po kravi i zbog loÅ”eg managementa.The paper presents total costs and profitability of milk production with simulation on three-production levels (4000, 5000 and 6000 lit per year). From this it can be seen that costs of production and prices have a direct influence on milk production profitability. If we produce own roughage with the application of a new technology, the result will be increased milk production and significant cost decrease. Due to permanent improvement of milk production, the parity of milk and cattle food is very favourable. The reason for it is in the fact that forage even soybean grits, a part of cattle food, is not more expensive then one litter of milk. Sale values of milk with the premium are equal or even higher in comparison with the EU. Different subsidies and favourable values of milk have positive influence on economic position of the production. But in spite of that, many family farms have low profit primarily because of low production per cow and bad management

    A review of Holstein cows state in the Republic of Croatia

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    U radu je analizirano stanje holÅ”tajn pasmine krava u Hrvatskoj s posebnim osvrtom na 2004. godinu. Promatran je ukupan broj krava u razdoblju od 1981. ā€“ 2004. godine i proizvodnja holÅ”tajn populacije krava, a za komparaciju je poslužila prosječna veličina stada na obiteljskim gospo-darstvima i na velikim farmama. Kao doprinos Å”irenju holÅ”tajn pasmine u Hrvatskoj i povećanju proizvodnje mlijeka naglaÅ”eni su osnovni problemi u proizvodnji mlijeka kao Å”to su tehnologija proizvodnje, hranidba i istraživački rad.In this paper the Holstein cows state in the Republic of Croatia is analysed with special reference to the year 2004. The total number of cows from 1981 to 2004 and the production of the Holstein cow population have been observed. For comparison the average size of herds on small family farms and big farms was used. As our contribution to increasing milk production major problems in milk production such as production such as production technology, nutrition of dairy cows and scientific research are emphasized

    Estimation of Bull.s Gene Effects for Milk Amount

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    In this paper we tried to estimate gene effects of three bulls that are mated with five populations of half-sisters by sire line for milk amount. We wanted to fortify whether the order of bull.s gene effects was unchangeable or it was modified. Totally we analyzed 2824 lactation. Investigation was made on two different generations of Holstein cows (mothers and daughters). Analysis of results for milk production of mothers showed that between different populations of mothers exist significant differences (P<0.05 and P<0.01). It was fortified that order of bulls wasn.t same i.e. that their breeding value (like sum of all present genes in one individual) was various on the different populations of cows

    The Evolution of Holstein Breed CowsĀ“ Health Udder of Different Provenance According to Somatic Cell Count in Milk

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    A high quality milk production requires a constant health udder observation. The somatic cell count is used as a reliable and internationally recognized method. The former research showed a jeopardized udder health condition of high productive milk cows. An insufficient milk production in the last few years caused Croatia to import a large number of Holstein cows. We wanted to compare a possible distinction of health udder in imported and domestic cows. Research was conducted on 257 Holstein cows out of which 155 were domestic and 102 imported. During the research period, domestic cows had a lower medium rate for LSCC (3,77) than the imported cows (3,94). Better results in domestic cows were also found in percentage share to 400.000 SCC/ml of milk (72,90% in domestic cows and 65,69% in imported cows). Results were compared according to lactations, lactation stages and farms, but statistically significant differences were not found. Health udder as the most important factor of quality milk production should be included into cattle-breeding program of Croatia as soon as possible. According to research results, domestic cows have good predispositions for maintaining a healthy udder and quality milk

    The Evolution of Holstein Breed CowsĀ“ Health Udder of Different Provenance According to Somatic Cell Count in Milk

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    A high quality milk production requires a constant health udder observation. The somatic cell count is used as a reliable and internationally recognized method. The former research showed a jeopardized udder health condition of high productive milk cows. An insufficient milk production in the last few years caused Croatia to import a large number of Holstein cows. We wanted to compare a possible distinction of health udder in imported and domestic cows. Research was conducted on 257 Holstein cows out of which 155 were domestic and 102 imported. During the research period, domestic cows had a lower medium rate for LSCC (3,77) than the imported cows (3,94). Better results in domestic cows were also found in percentage share to 400.000 SCC/ml of milk (72,90% in domestic cows and 65,69% in imported cows). Results were compared according to lactations, lactation stages and farms, but statistically significant differences were not found. Health udder as the most important factor of quality milk production should be included into cattle-breeding program of Croatia as soon as possible. According to research results, domestic cows have good predispositions for maintaining a healthy udder and quality milk

    Analysis of agricultural production in Posavska county ā€“ Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Posavska županija je dio entiteta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Nekada poznato poljoprivredno područje, zbog izravnih posljedica rata, sada se nalazi u vrlo nepovljnom položaju. Podaci pokazuju da područje ove Županije ima veći intenzitet poljoprivredne proizvodnje za 1,9 puta u odnosu na cijelokupnu Bosnu i Hercegovinu i 2,38 puta u odnosu na Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine. Najveći dio zasijanih ratarskih povrÅ”ina čine kukuruz i pÅ”enica. Međutim, povrtlarstvo sa samo 8 % zasijanih povrÅ”ina čini skoro 40 % ukupnih prihoda u poljoprivredi. Stočarstvo je slabije razvijeno. Ističe se samo peradarska proizvodnja koja je dostigla prijeratnu razinu. Uvođenjem poljoprivredne strategije na razini cjelokupne države Bosne i Hercegovine, Posavska županija postala bi važan državni i regionalni čimbenik u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji.Posavska County is a part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Once known for its agricultural production, now it is in a very unfavourable position because of the direct consequences of the war. Data show that of agricultural productions intensity in this County, 1.9 times higher in relation to the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 2.38 times higher in relation to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Corn and wheat are planted on most of agricultural areas. However, vegetable farming on only 8 % of planted areas makes almost 40 % of all income in agriculture. Stockbreeding is less developed. Only poultry farming, which gained the level before war, stands out. Introducing an agricultural strategy at the level of the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Posavska County would become an important state and regional factor in agricultural production


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    Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi Kozarac na 120 PIC tovljenika, genotipa ženske linije Cā€“23 i muÅ”ke linije P-337, podijeljenih u 4 skupine te ujednačenih po spolu i dobi. Cilj istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje utjecaja vrste i oblika hrane na proizvodne rezultate tovljenika. Skupina 1 tijekom pokusa dobivala je braÅ”nasti oblik krmne smjese ST-1, skupina 2 peletirani oblik krmne smjese ST-1, skupina 3 braÅ”nasti oblik krmne smjese ST-1 i ST-2, dok je skupina 4 dobivala peletirani oblik krmne smjese ST-1 i ST-2. Kontrolna vaganja rađena su svakih 21. dan a nakon 84. dana tova i pri tjelesnoj masi od 105 kg, tovljenici su poslani na klanje nakon čega su izmjerene klaoničke vrijednosti toplih polovica. Između promatranih skupina nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u pogledu prosječnog dnevnog prirasta, dok su analizom prosječne potroÅ”nje krmne smjese i prosječne dnevne konzumacije utvrđene statistički visoko značajne razlike između skupine 1 i skupine 4 (p<0,001), značajne razlike između skupine 1 i skupine 2 (p<0,05), te skupine 3 i skupine 4 (p<0,05). Između promatranih skupina nisu postojale statistički značajne razlike na liniji klanja u debljini slanine (mm), debljini miÅ”ićja (mm) i postotku mesnatosti.The research was carried out on the farm Kozarac on 120 PIC fattening pigs genotype C-23 x P ā€“ 337, divided into 4 groups, 30 pigs in each, equalized by sex and by age. Group 1 was fed meal ST-1, group 2 was fed pellets ST-1, group 3 was fed meal ST-1 and ST-2, group 4 was fed ST-1 and ST-2 pellets. Control weight was done every twenty-first day, and after 84 days of fattening and approximately 105 kg live weight the pigs were sent to the slaughterhouse. There was no statistically significant difference in average daily gain among all groups of pigs. Analyzing average food consumption statistically significant differences between groups were found. Using the Tukey test, the biggest difference was found in group 1 compared with group 4 (p< 0.001), while significant difference was found between groups 1 and 2 (p<0.05), and group 3 and 4 (p<0.05). Pigs on pellets had statistically the lowest daily feed consumption in relation to those on meal. There was no statistically significant difference in the slaughterhouse in fat thickness (mm), muscle thickness (mm) and percentage of lean meat

    Utjecaj hranidbe lanom na sadržaj alfa-linolenske kiseline i njenih dugolančanih n-3 metabolita u svinjskom mesu i leđnoj slanini.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of dietary linseed on fatty acid profile and lipid oxidation in pig muscle (m. longissimus dorsi) and back fat. Sixty PIC fatteners were equally allotted to dietary treatments at an initial live weight of about 27 kg and fed for 90 days with a control or a linseed diet (3% linseed, 105 mg/kg of Ī± tocopheryl acetate). Growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality were not affected by feeding linseed to any significant extent. No differences were found in the proportion of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of muscle or back fat between diets. However, both muscle and back fat from the linseed diet had a significantly higher n-3 and polyunsaturated fatty acid proportion (%), including C18:3n-3, C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3, and a lower n-6/n-3 ratio compared with the control diet (4.3 vs.1.3, 1.9 vs. 0.44, 0.76 vs. 0.14, 0.17 vs. 0.12, and 4.6 vs. 17.4 ratio in muscle, and 5.3 vs.1.2, 4.3 vs. 0.87, 0.07 vs. 0.02, 0.04 vs. 0.02, and 2.8 vs. 15.8 ratio in back fat, respectively). Lipid oxidation, measured as 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, was similar in muscle when feeding both diets after cold storage up to 6 days, but more developed in back fat when feeding the linseed diet after 3 days of cold storage. This study confirmed that continuous feeding of pigs with a relatively low level of linseed can produce a pork meat enhanced with both C18:3n-3 and pre-formed C20-22n-3, and with nutritionally optimized n-6/n-3 ratios, without adverse effects on fattenersā€™ performances, carcass traits and meat quality.Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj dodatka lana u hranidbi svinja na sastav masnih kiselina i oksidaciju lipida u mesu (m. longissimus dorsi) i leđnoj slanini. Å ezdeset PIC nazimica i muÅ”kih kastrata početne mase oko 27 kg ravnomjerno je bilo podijeljeno u dvije skupine i hranjeno tijekom tova (90 dana) uobičajenom krmnom smjesom ili krmnom smjesom s 3% sjemena lana i 105 mg/kg Ī±-tokoferol acetata. Hranidba lanom nije značajnije utjecala na dnevni prirast, svojstva trupa i kakvoću mesa tovljenika. Između skupina nisu postojale značajnije razlike u sastavu zasićenih, jednostruko nezasićenih ili viÅ”estruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina mesa ili leđne slanine. Međutim, pri hranidbi lanom u odnosu na uobičajenu hranidbu utvrđen je značajno viÅ”i udio (%) n-3 masnih kiselina, uključujući C18:3n-3, C20:5n-3 i C22:6n-3, i niži n-6/n-3 omjer u mesu (4,3% prema 1,3%, 1,9% prema 0,44%, 0,76% prema 0,14%, 0,17% prema 0,12% i 4,6 prema 17,4) i leđnoj slanini (5,3% prema 1,2%, 4,3% prema 0,87%, 0,07% prema 0,02%, 0,04% prema 0,02%, i 2,8 prema 15,8). Oksidacija lipida, mjerena reaktivnim supstancijama na 2-tiobarbituratnu kiselinu, bila je podjednaka nakon obje vrste hranidbe tijekom pohrane mesa na hladnom do 6 dana, ali jače razvijena nakon hranidbe lanom u leđnoj slanini trećeg dana pohrane. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da trajna hranidba tovljenika s relativno niskom razinom lana u obroku može proizvesti svinjsko meso s povećanim udjelom C18:3n-3 i preformiranih C20 22n-3, s nutritivno usklađenim n-6/n-3 omjerom bez negativnih učinaka na tovne performanse i kakvoću trupova i mesa