835 research outputs found

    Risk-based supervision of pension institutions in Denmark

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    This paper examines the move towards risk-based supervision of pension institutions in Denmark. Although Denmark has not adopted a comprehensive model to assess risk it has developed a number of building blocks which it uses for risk-based assessment. The motivations for improving risk assessment include a desire to identify emerging problems, and concerns about the solvency of pension institutions. In Denmark there is extensive use of guaranteed minimum returns in both the accumulation and payout phases which create substantial obligations on pension institutions, and focus attention on the integrity and solvency of the institutions which provide them. In conjunction with freeing up investment restrictions and moving towards market valuation of assets, the supervisor has introduced a'traffic light'stress test model which calculates the effect of several market scenarios - the red test which is the more plausible and the yellow test which is possible but less likely. In addition to the use of the traffic light system, there has been a growing emphasis on the adequacy of internal risk control systems and greater reliance on market discipline. Pension institutions have sought to reduce their exposure to market volatility by better matching of assets and liabilities. There is a much better understanding of the risks inherent in the pension institutions'portfolios, and there has been a substantial increase in the use of hedging instruments.Debt Markets,,Emerging Markets,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Banks&Banking Reform

    Simple Methods for Scanner Drift Normalization Validated for Automatic Segmentation of Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging:with data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

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    Scanner drift is a well-known magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) artifact characterized by gradual signal degradation and scan intensity changes over time. In addition, hardware and software updates may imply abrupt changes in signal. The combined effects are particularly challenging for automatic image analysis methods used in longitudinal studies. The implication is increased measurement variation and a risk of bias in the estimations (e.g. in the volume change for a structure). We proposed two quite different approaches for scanner drift normalization and demonstrated the performance for segmentation of knee MRI using the fully automatic KneeIQ framework. The validation included a total of 1975 scans from both high-field and low-field MRI. The results demonstrated that the pre-processing method denoted Atlas Affine Normalization significantly removed scanner drift effects and ensured that the cartilage volume change quantifications became consistent with manual expert scores

    Tensor Networks for Medical Image Classification

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    With the increasing adoption of machine learning tools like neural networks across several domains, interesting connections and comparisons to concepts from other domains are coming to light. In this work, we focus on the class of Tensor Networks, which has been a work horse for physicists in the last two decades to analyse quantum many-body systems. Building on the recent interest in tensor networks for machine learning, we extend the Matrix Product State tensor networks (which can be interpreted as linear classifiers operating in exponentially high dimensional spaces) to be useful in medical image analysis tasks. We focus on classification problems as a first step where we motivate the use of tensor networks and propose adaptions for 2D images using classical image domain concepts such as local orderlessness of images. With the proposed locally orderless tensor network model (LoTeNet), we show that tensor networks are capable of attaining performance that is comparable to state-of-the-art deep learning methods. We evaluate the model on two publicly available medical imaging datasets and show performance improvements with fewer model hyperparameters and lesser computational resources compared to relevant baseline methods.Comment: Accepted for publication at International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2020. Reviews on Openreview here: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jjk6bxk07

    Locally orderless tensor networks for classifying two- and three-dimensional medical images

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    Tensor networks are factorisations of high rank tensors into networks of lower rank tensors and have primarily been used to analyse quantum many-body problems. Tensor networks have seen a recent surge of interest in relation to supervised learning tasks with a focus on image classification. In this work, we improve upon the matrix product state (MPS) tensor networks that can operate on one-dimensional vectors to be useful for working with 2D and 3D medical images. We treat small image regions as orderless, squeeze their spatial information into feature dimensions and then perform MPS operations on these locally orderless regions. These local representations are then aggregated in a hierarchical manner to retain global structure. The proposed locally orderless tensor network (LoTeNet) is compared with relevant methods on three datasets. The architecture of LoTeNet is fixed in all experiments and we show it requires lesser computational resources to attain performance on par or superior to the compared methods.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA) (see https://melba-journal.org). Source code at https://github.com/raghavian/LoTeNet_pytorch

    Lung Segmentation from Chest X-rays using Variational Data Imputation

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    Pulmonary opacification is the inflammation in the lungs caused by many respiratory ailments, including the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Chest X-rays (CXRs) with such opacifications render regions of lungs imperceptible, making it difficult to perform automated image analysis on them. In this work, we focus on segmenting lungs from such abnormal CXRs as part of a pipeline aimed at automated risk scoring of COVID-19 from CXRs. We treat the high opacity regions as missing data and present a modified CNN-based image segmentation network that utilizes a deep generative model for data imputation. We train this model on normal CXRs with extensive data augmentation and demonstrate the usefulness of this model to extend to cases with extreme abnormalities.Comment: Accepted to be presented at the first Workshop on the Art of Learning with Missing Values (Artemiss) hosted by the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Source code, training data and the trained models are available here: https://github.com/raghavian/lungVAE

    Operating critical machine learning models in resource constrained regimes

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    The accelerated development of machine learning methods, primarily deep learning, are causal to the recent breakthroughs in medical image analysis and computer aided intervention. The resource consumption of deep learning models in terms of amount of training data, compute and energy costs are known to be massive. These large resource costs can be barriers in deploying these models in clinics, globally. To address this, there are cogent efforts within the machine learning community to introduce notions of resource efficiency. For instance, using quantisation to alleviate memory consumption. While most of these methods are shown to reduce the resource utilisation, they could come at a cost in performance. In this work, we probe into the trade-off between resource consumption and performance, specifically, when dealing with models that are used in critical settings such as in clinics.Comment: Accepted to the Resource Efficient Medical Image Analysis workshop at MICCAI-2023. Source code available at https://github.com/raghavian/red