3 research outputs found

    Towards Robust Video Instance Segmentation with Temporal-Aware Transformer

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    Most existing transformer based video instance segmentation methods extract per frame features independently, hence it is challenging to solve the appearance deformation problem. In this paper, we observe the temporal information is important as well and we propose TAFormer to aggregate spatio-temporal features both in transformer encoder and decoder. Specifically, in transformer encoder, we propose a novel spatio-temporal joint multi-scale deformable attention module which dynamically integrates the spatial and temporal information to obtain enriched spatio-temporal features. In transformer decoder, we introduce a temporal self-attention module to enhance the frame level box queries with the temporal relation. Moreover, TAFormer adopts an instance level contrastive loss to increase the discriminability of instance query embeddings. Therefore the tracking error caused by visually similar instances can be decreased. Experimental results show that TAFormer effectively leverages the spatial and temporal information to obtain context-aware feature representation and outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification

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    State-of-the-art unsupervised re-ID methods train the neural networks using a memory-based non-parametric softmax loss. Instance feature vectors stored in memory are assigned pseudo-labels by clustering and updated at instance level. However, the varying cluster sizes leads to inconsistency in the updating progress of each cluster. To solve this problem, we present Cluster Contrast which stores feature vectors and computes contrast loss at the cluster level. Our approach employs a unique cluster representation to describe each cluster, resulting in a cluster-level memory dictionary. In this way, the consistency of clustering can be effectively maintained throughout the pipline and the GPU memory consumption can be significantly reduced. Thus, our method can solve the problem of cluster inconsistency and be applicable to larger data sets. In addition, we adopt different clustering algorithms to demonstrate the robustness and generalization of our framework. The application of Cluster Contrast to a standard unsupervised re-ID pipeline achieves considerable improvements of 9.9%, 8.3%, 12.1% compared to state-of-the-art purely unsupervised re-ID methods and 5.5%, 4.8%, 4.4% mAP compared to the state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation re-ID methods on the Market, Duke, and MSMT17 datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/alibaba/cluster-contrast