2 research outputs found

    Identifying the Factors Distinguishing Timber Sales on Industrial and Non-Industrial Private Forest Lands in Arkansas

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    Although forests provide a wide variety of products and services, timber still continues to be the most valued forest product in the marketplace. More than two-third of the nation\u27s forests are under private control, some are owned by industries (about 10%) while a much larger portion (about 59%) is owned by individuals. This study investigates the differences between timber sales offered by industrial and non-industrial ownerships. A test of means revealed that there is a significant difference between per hectare bid for these 2 types of sales. A logistic regression model was then estimated to identify important factors characterizing this difference. Results indicated that industrial forests were more likely to obtain higher bids. They were also more likely to have shorter contract lengths. Industrial ownerships were found to be more likely to have clearcuts. However, they had a higher likelihood of restricting harvesting during wet-weather conditions. Forest industries were also found to be less likely to have pulpwood for sale than non-industrial private owners

    Effects of Herbicide Application of Foliar Morphology and Nutrient Concentrations in Mid-Rotation Pine Plantations

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    Application of herbicide to reduce competing brush and hardwood species is a common silvicultural activity in young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands. A reduction in competition generally increases the amount of available resources to the loblolly pine crop trees thereby increasing foliage biomass, fascicle dimensions, and foliar nutrient concentrations. To what extent herbicide application and competition control alters these foliar characteristics in mid-rotation stands has rarely been reported. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether the application of herbicide alters the morphology, mass, and/or nitrogen concentration of mid-rotation loblolly pine foliage. We aerially applied an imazapyr herbicide to 6 study plots within each of four mid-rotation stands in Louisiana and Arkansas. Another 6 plots in each stand were untreated and served as a control Average fascicle length, fascicle mass, and foliage nitrogen concentrations in the herbicided-treated plots did not significantly differ from that in the control plots. However, foliage concentrations and fascicle size one year after herbicide application were greatest in plots with the greatest competing vegetation mortality