1 research outputs found

    A rare case of acute lumbar strain

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    Introduction: Acute lumbar pain is a suddenly caused pain in the lower back region, and there are spasms in the lower back that result in more severe pain. It occurs in all age groups. The first attack of the lower back pain is typically caused at the age of 30-50. Acute lumbar strain is caused by pushing or tugging and weight lifting heavy objects too heavy for the person's capacity. Most cases of acute lumbar strain can be treated in two to three weeks; if you can cure or take a proper precaution, then it will not cause any injury in the low back region and cannot cause any complications in the health. The lower back pain is healed by cold applications such as ice bags (to reduce the pain and swelling), and heat is applied to the back to prevent the pain. Clinical findings: Pain in the lower back region also creates spasms in the lower back region. Diagnostic evaluation: Blood test: Hb-15.6 gm%, Total RBC count-4.7millions/cu mm, Total WBC count-70000-8000/cu mm, Total Platelet count-2.8 lacs/cu mm, Albumin-4.5 gm%, Bilirubin (conjugated)-0.3 gm%, Bilirubin (unconjugated)-1.0 gm%. Therapeutic intervention: The physician suggests non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, and a physiotherapist recommends muscle relaxation exercises. Outcome: After the specialized Treatment, the patient's pain is relieved, and the patient feels very relaxed; now, the patient has a good condition till the last date of care. Conclusion: The patient was admitted with a chief complaint of pain in the lower back region, pain associated while walking, and the patient was not able to sleep properly; there was a disturbed sleeping pattern of the patient. Diagnosed with a case of acute lumbar strain after getting proper treatment and the patient condition was improved