15 research outputs found

    Le voyage inachevé... à Joël Bonnemaison

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    For a long time, recovering the land of their fathers (under colonial control) has been the main target for the Melanesian community in New Caledonia. After 1985, the objective has been changing to recovering sovereignty. But every day, the unbalance between rural Kanak tradition and urban cosmopolitan life arises, so clashes are going on between Kanaks themselves as they live more and more in different political, social and economic spaces. Pro-independance Kanak leaders are expecting changes in the near future both in terms of their economy (constructing a nickel melting plant in the Northern pro-Kanak province) and of politics (transforming the French Overseas Territory into a Free Associate State), but the future is still unclear : what kind of solidarity in the Pacific area, with Austrialia and New Zealand or Asian industrial powers ? What kind of links with France to protect the standard of living and political stability between ethnic communicites today ? (Résumé d'auteur

    Texte introductif

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    Introduction La mobilité accrue des populations et l’allongement des temps de loisir expliquent la vulgarisation du tourisme dans les pays développés et chez les gens pourvus d’un fort pouvoir d’achat dans les pays en développement. Comme le tourisme n’est pas une activité qui s’improvise, les professionnels qui l’animent et les institutionnels qui l’encadrent doivent observer et, si possible, comprendre tout autant les comportements des candidats au voyage que ceux des populations d’accueil,..