11,482 research outputs found

    Metallic nanorings for broadband, enhanced extraction of light from solid-state emitters

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    We report on the increased extraction of light emitted by solid-state sources embedded within high refractive index materials. This is achieved by making use of a local lensing effect by sub-micron metallic rings deposited on the sample surface and centered around single emitters. We show enhancements in the intensity of the light emitted by InAs/GaAs single quantum dot lines into free space as high as a factor 20. Such a device is intrinsically broadband and therefore compatible with any kind of solid-state light source. We foresee the fabrication of metallic rings via scalable techniques, like nano-imprint, and their implementation to improve the emission of classical and quantum light from solid-state sources. Furthermore, while increasing the brightness of the devices, the metallic rings can also act as top contacts for the local application of electric fields for carrier injection or wavelength tuning.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Fabrication and tuning of plasmonic optical nanoantennas around droplet epitaxy quantum dots by cathodoluminescence

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    We use cathodoluminescence to locate droplet epitaxy quantum dots with a precision \lesssim nm before fabricating nanoantennas in their vicinity by electron-beam lithography. Cathodoluminescence is further used to evidence the effect of the antennas as a function of their length on the light emitted by the dot. Experimental results are in good agreement with numerical simulations of the structures

    Universal expansions of scattering amplitudes for gravitons, gluons and Goldstone particles

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    Tree-level scattering amplitudes for gravitons, gluons and Goldstone particles in any dimensions are strongly constrained by basic principles, and they are intimately related to each other via various relations. We study two types of "universal expansions" with respect to gauge bosons and Goldstone bosons: the former express tree amplitudes in Einstein gravity (Yang-Mills) as linear combinations of single-trace Einstein-Yang-Mills (Yang-Mills-ϕ3\phi^3) amplitudes with coefficients given by Lorentz products of polarizations and momenta; the latter express tree amplitudes in non-linear sigma model, (Dirac-)Born-Infeld and a special Galileon theory, as linear combinations of single-trace mixed amplitudes with particles of lower "degree of Adler's zero" and coefficients given by products of Mandelstam variables. We trace the origin of gauge-theory expansions to the powerful uniqueness theorem based on gauge invariance, and expansions in effective field theories can be derived from gauge-theory ones via a special dimension reduction.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Moving boundary and photoelastic coupling in GaAs optomechanical resonators

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    Chip-based cavity optomechanical systems are being considered for applications in sensing, metrology, and quantum information science. Critical to their development is an understanding of how the optical and mechanical modes interact, quantified by the coupling rate g0g_{0}. Here, we develop GaAs optomechanical resonators and investigate the moving dielectric boundary and photoelastic contributions to g0g_{0}. First, we consider coupling between the fundamental radial breathing mechanical mode and a 1550 nm band optical whispering gallery mode in microdisks. For decreasing disk radius from R=5R=5 μ\mum to R=1R=1 μ\mum, simulations and measurements show that g0g_{0} changes from being dominated by the moving boundary contribution to having an equal photoelastic contribution. Next, we design and demonstrate nanobeam optomechanical crystals in which a 2.52.5 GHz mechanical breathing mode couples to a 1550 nm optical mode predominantly through the photoelastic effect. We show a significant (30 %\%) dependence of g0g_{0} on the device's in-plane orientation, resulting from the difference in GaAs photoelastic coefficients along different crystalline axes, with fabricated devices exhibiting g0/2πg_{\text{0}}/2\pi as high as 1.1 MHz for orientation along the [110] axis. GaAs nanobeam optomechanical crystals are a promising system which can combine the demonstrated large optomechanical coupling strength with additional functionality, such as piezoelectric actuation and incorporation of optical gain media

    A formal framework for modeling and validating Simulink diagrams

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    10.1007/s00165-009-0108-9Formal Aspects of Computing215451-483FACM

    Decay dynamics and exciton localization in large GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy

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    We investigate the optical emission and decay dynamics of excitons confined in large strain-free GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy. From time-resolved measurements combined with a theoretical model we show that droplet-epitaxy quantum dots have a quantum efficiency of about 75% and an oscillator strength between 8 and 10. The quantum dots are found to be fully described by a model for strongly-confined excitons, in contrast to the theoretical prediction that excitons in large quantum dots exhibit the so-called giant oscillator strength. We attribute these findings to localized ground-state excitons in potential minima created by material intermixing during growth. We provide further evidence for the strong-confinement regime of excitons by extracting the size of electron and hole wavefunctions from the phonon-broadened photoluminescence spectra. Furthermore, we explore the temperature dependence of the decay dynamics and, for some quantum dots, observe a pronounced reduction in the effective transition strength with temperature. We quantify and explain these effects as being an intrinsic property of large quantum dots owing to thermal excitation of the ground-state exciton. Our results provide a detailed understanding of the optical properties of large quantum dots in general, and of quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy in particular.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    SCC-based improved reachability analysis for Markov decision processes

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) are extensively used to model systems with both probabilistic and nondeterministic behavior. The problem of calculating the probability of reaching certain system states (hereafter reachability analysis) is central to the MDP-based system analysis. It is known that existing approaches on reachability analysis for MDPs are often inefficient when a given MDP contains a large number of states and loops, especially with the existence of multiple probability distributions. In this work, we propose a method to eliminate strongly connected components (SCCs) in an MDP using a divide-and-conquer algorithm, and actively remove redundant probability distributions in the MDP based on the convex property. With the removal of loops and parts of probability distributions, the probabilistic reachability analysis can be accelerated, as evidenced by our experiment results.No Full Tex