63 research outputs found

    Identification of resistance to Bean Rugose Mosaic Virus (BRMV) in accesses of common bean germplasm.

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    The disease known as bean rugose mosaic, also known as ?mosaico-em-desenho? caused by Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV), has been recently observed in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) fields at EMBRAPA Rice and Beans, located in Santo Antonio de Goias, Goias State, Brazil. The importance of this disease increases especially in conditions that enable infection of young plants, when there is the presence of other viruses and under sequential cultivation of susceptible common bean varieties

    O uso de fosfitos no manejo de doenças fúngicas em fruteiras e soja.

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    Detecção de Tomato chlorosis virus (Crinivirus, Closteroviridae) em tomateiro no Distrito Federal.

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    Epidemis de criniviroses (gêner Crinivirus, família Closteroviridae) têm afetado a produção do tomateiro (Solanum Lucopersicum L.) n Europa e Estados Unidos. Sintomas de infecção por crinivírus consistem em manchas poligonais predominantes em folhas mais velhas que evoluem para amarelecimento internerval, semelhante à deficiência de magnésio, além de manchas necróticas vermelhas e marrons.Resumo 1556

    Variability of the 3' terminal of the polymerase gene of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 isolates from Vale do São Francisco, Brazil.

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    Many viral diseases, including leafroll, which is of great economic importance, affect grapevines (Vitis spp.). Acomplex of eight viruses [Grapevine leafroll-associated virus (GLRaV)-1 to 8] is associated with this disease. The objectiveof this study was to compare the variability of the 3? terminal region of the polymerase gene of three isolates of GLRaV-3 (Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3), from Submédio do Vale do Rio São Francisco (Petrolina-PE) with that of other isolates available at the GenBank, including an isolate from North America and another from Southern Brazil. The viral RNA was extracted from three infected ELISA reactive plants and a fragment of 340 bp was amplified, by RT-PCR, using primers that recognize that portion of the polymerase gene found between nucleotides 8267 and 8606. The three isolates from Vale do Rio São Francisco named Pet-1, Pet-2 and Pet-3, showed similarities ranging from 98% and 94%, respectively to the isolates from North America (AF037268) and Southern Brazilian (AF438411). Considering the whole genome, the main variation found was one amino acid change at position 2766 (F2766Y). These preliminary data indicate the existence of a natural variation among GLRaV-3 isolates from grapevines. This could be due to the vegetative propagation and long cycle of the plant, associated with the error-prone nature of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

    Desenvolvimento de uma Coleção Nuclear Base de Arroz.

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    Com o objetivo de se avaliar a existência de subgrupos (indica e japônica), os 1.561 genótipos foram avaliados através do software Structure

    Resposta de espécies florestais do Cerrado à espécies virais dos gêneros

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    Este trabalho objetivou a avaliação do potencial de espécies florestais como hospedeiras de vírus economicamente importantes. Espécies de Potyvirus (Potato virus Y - PVY) e de Tospovirus (Groundnut ringspot virus - GRSV e Tomato spotted wilt virus -? TSWV) foram inoculadas mecanicamente via extrato vegetal tamponado em 22 espécies em plantas nativas do Bioma Cerrado.Resumo 304_

    Armazenamento de sementes de sucupira-branca.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a germinação de sementes de sucupira-branca, Pterodon pubescens, armazenadas em diferentes embalagens e ambientes

    Participação de germoplasma do Ciat na base genética de cultivares de arroz irrigado do Brasil.

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    No contexto da celebração dos 50 anos do CIAT, idealizou-se identificar e quantificar a contribuição de linhagens do CIAT na genealogia de cultivares de arroz irrigado do Brasil

    Análise de fatores de resistência a Tospovirus em acessos de Solanum (secção Lycopersicon).

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    Objetivou-se avaliar novas potenciais fontes de resistência às tospoviroses, em germoplasma de espécies selvagens de Solanum (Lycopersicon), bem como conduzir análises filogenéticas relacionadas à característica evolutiva do gene Sw-5b, em acessos de espécies selvagens de tomateiro