84 research outputs found
Archaeoacoustic analysis of the ancient town of Alatri in Italy
SBRG\u2019s research of archaeoacoustic and physical phenomena at ancient sites has developed over a number of years. Our research group uses a practical standard (SBSA) which complements the field of archaeology. Studying archaeoacoustics and natural phenomena over the last five years, it has enabled us to offer an explanation of some of the enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not previously possible to explain using other methods. Following our experience, we utilised the same archaeoacoustic methodology to study the town of Alatri in Italy. The present Cathedral of Alatri stands at the highest point of the town underneath which lays a Cyclopean temple. We sought to understand why such a temple was built on top of the hill. Using our SBRG protocol we discovered very strong and significant low vibrations (seismic waves) continuously emitted from the subsoil. Our hypothesis suggests the exposure to such vibrations in the absence of noise could have a significant effect on the psyche of those who came for prayer and meditation, facilitating access into a mystical state. Even though ancient people did not own the same equipment we have today, they would have been aware of the conditions required to achieve such a mystical state, perhaps by simply sensing they were closer to God in a given location. The seismic waves would appear to arise from the geological fault located on the side of the hill where the town has stood since ancient times. The presence of these seismic frequencies would have increased the effect of rituals by enhancing the psyche of the participants due to the influence of these low vibrations on human brain waves. This suggests the builders of this temple had some sort of knowledge of this effect and offers a possible explanation as to why the temple was built in that particular location
Archaeoacoustic exploration in Montebello Castle (Rimini, Italy)
After seven years of research on sacred sites in Europe and Asia from an archaeoacoustic point of view, another study was completed in Montebello Castle, otherwise known as Azzurrina\u2019s castle. It is located in Montebello Torriana (Rimini, Italy) above the Valley of Marecchia and Uso. The hill on which the castle was built is an interesting archaeological site whose origin has been lost in time. We know that in the third century AD the Roman Empire erected an observation tower in a part of the castle, the remains of which are still present today. However this tower was built on a well known sacred site, used by Celtic civilizations, which had been present for a long time in this valley before Roman domination. All our results show that a lot of the historical myths connected to the castle could be ascribed to physical phenomena located in this site, in a similar way to other recognized sacred sites we have analysed in Europe
Archaeoacoustic analysis of Cybele\u2019s temple, Imperial Roman Palace of Felix Romuliana, Serbia. An interpretation using a method complementary to archaeology.
Archaeoacoustic and physical phenomena research at ancient sites has developed beyond the initial stage. Our research group uses a practical standard (SBSA) complementing the field of archaeology. Studying archaeoacoustics and natural phenomena over the last four years, has enables us to offer an explanation as to some of the enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not possible to explain with other methods.
Following our experience, we applied the same method to look at an interesting question about the orientation of Cybele\u2019s Temple situated within the Imperial Roman Palace Felix Romuliana, South-East Serbia. This temple and its fixtures are the only place within the palace that is not oriented along the east-west axis of the complex as was the Roman tradition (Decumanus). Historians also made reference to mysterious rituals, so we used archaeoacoustical methods to better understand why this ought be. We found that the temple\u2019s orientation followed the direction of some infrasound and low frequency vibrations most likely originating from an underground flow of water. These frequencies would have increased the effect of rituals by enhancing the psyche of the participants due to the influence of these low vibrations on human brain waves. This suggests the builders of this temple had some sort of knowledge of this effect
Archaeoacoustic analysis of Xaghra Hypogeum, Gozo, Malta
Archaeoacoustics offers a new way to interpret anthropological questions pertaining to ancient architecture and populations. Studies conducted at a number of ancient sites throughout Europe and Asia, have found the presence of natural phenomena capable of influencing the human brain. Earlier studies show that ancient populations most likely through use of empirical methods chose the location of their ceremonial sites for this reason. In Xaghra Hypogeum a stone circle located on the island of Gozo, Malta, infrasounds and audible low frequencies capable of affecting the brain were discovered. The caves and surrounding stones act like a musical box amplifying the natural sounds present and it is possible the natural caves could have been modified to enhance this aspect. Similar natural characteristics were also discovered at other archaeological sites in Europe and Asia, including Epidauros in Greece and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. This is the third and final article on results of our researches in Malta e Gozo islands (Mediterranean Sea) from archaeoacoustic point of view
Archaeoacoustic Analysis of the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta
Abstract Recently we studied the acoustic properties of the underground Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta. Identified as "architecture in the negative", it is a unique prehistoric complex, intentionally sculpted with features that mirror megalithic temples above ground. It is known that the Hypogeum was used in the Neolithic not only as a depository for bones, but also as a shrine for ritual use. In a room known as the "Oracle Room" set in the second level of the hypogeum, we have been able to detect the presence of a strong resonance effect: a double resonance frequency at 70Hz and 114Hz. With a male voice tuned to these frequencies it is possible to stimulate the resonance phenomenon throughout the hypogeum. It was further detected that percussion instruments can stimulate the resonance by their harmonics. Laboratory testing indicates that these frequencies have a strong effect on human brain activity. Since it is likely that the chambers served as centers for social or spiritual events, the resonance of the chamber cavities would have supported human ritual chanting and mystic consciousness
Osservazioni sul carcinoma del margine linguale
The author points out some elements of differential diagnosis concerning the problem of early diagnosis of the toungue margin cancer that must be always considered the mucous membrane injury of the mouth that demands the most diagnostic care. - L'autore si impegna a puntualizzare alcuni elementi di diagnosi differenziale sulla problematica della diagnosi precoce del carcnoma del margine linguale che deve essere costantemente ritenuto la lesione mucosa pi\uf9 delicata del cavo orale
Problemi diagnostici nelle fratture atipiche del complesso orbito-maxillo-zigomatico (C.O.M.Z.)
The increase of the incidence of facial trauma justifies paying constant attention towards atypical clinical cases, particularly with respect to the zygomatic bone in which the anatomic complexity and the superimosition of x-rays in some cases disorient the study. The scope of this work is to consider the reality based on some clinical cases in which the simptomatology is not always indicative nor evident of the clinical picture. - L'aumento dei traumi facciali giustifica la costante attenzione verso i quadri clinici atipici, in particolare nelle regioni come lo zigomo in cui la complessit\ue0 anatomica e le sovrapposizioni radiodiagnostiche, in taluni casi, disorientano l'indagine. Scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 quello di considerare la realt\ue0 sulla base della casitica disponibile con sintomatologia clinica non sempre chiarificatrice
Effetto dei cibi cariogeni nello sviluppo della placca dentaria
L'autore presenta i risultati iniziali di una ricerca clinica sullo sviluppo della placca sovragengivale in pazienti con diete ad alto tenore di zuccheri. I pazienti motivati e con igiene orale attenta sviluppano la placca dentaria con maggior lentezza che i pazienti che non applicano la stessa rigorosit\ue0
Il carcinoma verrucoso
The author points out clinical and histological aspects oral verrucous carcinoma. Early diagnosis is important and surgical resection is the treatment of choice. - L'autore prende in esame gli aspetti clinici ed istologici del carcinoma verrucoso del cavo orale. Una diagnosi precose e la tempestiva rimozione chirurgica della neoformazione sono risolutive
Interferenze cliniche tra patologia orale e sinusale
After an examination of the etiological,clinical and radiological aspects on pathology of maxillary sinus, the author describes an unusual case of antral mucocele associated with radicular cyst. Surgical resection and occurences are examined. - L'autore dopo aver esaminato gli aspetti eziopatogenetici, clinici e radiologici della patologia dei seni paranasali, discute sulla contestualit\ue0 di un reperto clinico di mucocele associato a cisti radicolare del seno mascellare. Vengono a questo proprosito discusse le diagnosi differenziali e le indicazioni chirurgiche relative
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