19 research outputs found


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    Prestože význam logistiky v prumyslu, obchodu a dalších oborech je všeobecne uznáván, v zemedelství není tato problematika systematicky zkoumána. Predpokladem podrobných analýz je znalost objemu a struktury materiálového toku. Autori k tomuto úcelu navrhli vlastní metodiku, která vychází z technologických ukazatelu, publikovaných Ministerstvem zemedelství CR pro jednotlivé plodiny a kategorie zvírat. Tyto publikované normativní hodnoty Ministerstva pak slouží jako základní kameny, jejichž kombinací lze zjistit objem materiálového toku a jeho strukturu v podniku behem jednoho roku. Výhodou metodiky je rychlé zjištení potrebných dat a možnost zohlednení nekterých specifických podmínek ve zkoumaných podnicích.In spite that the great importance of logistics in industry, business and other branches is generally acknowledged, this problem is not systematically investigated in agriculture. As a presumption of detailed analysis, the knowledge of the volume and structure of the material flow is necessary. The authors have proposed their own methodical procedure which issues from technological indicators, published by the Czech Ministry of Agriculture for individual plants and categories of animals and which makes possible further classification of these data for enterprises with different level of farming. These published standards of the Ministry serve as basic stones and by means of their combination, the volume of material flow and its structure is possible to calculate during one year\u27s periods. The advantage of proposed method is a fast finding out of necessary data and possibility of taking into account some specific conditions in investigated enterprises

    Optimization of deacidification for concentrated grape juice

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    Excessive organic acids in grape juice will not only result in poor taste but will also cause turbidity and sedimentation. Tartaric acid exerts the most significant acidity among all organic acids in grape juice. In this study, we used tartaric acid as the main target and anion‐exchange resin to remove tartaric acid from concentrated grape juice. Factors influencing the removal process were optimized by liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and statistical analysis for optimal deacidification of concentrated grape juice. Use of the anion‐exchange resin 335 treat the concentrated grape juice at a ratio of 1:6 (2:11.98) at 15.57°C for 4.35 hr. The tartaric acid removal rate reached 69.01%; the anion‐exchange resin 335 demonstrated the best removal effect