8 research outputs found
Performance evaluation of the multiple output queueing switch with different buffer arrangements strategy, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 3
Performance evaluation of the multiple output queueing (MOQ) switch recently proposed by us is discussed in this paper. In the MOQ switch both the switch fabric and buffers can operate at the same speed as input and output ports. This solution does not need any speedup in the switch fabric as well as any matching algorithms between inputs and outputs. In this paper new performance measures for the proposed MOQ switch are evaluated. The simulation studies have been carried out for switches with different buffer arrangements strategy and of capacity 2脳2, 4脳4, 8脳8, 16脳16 and 32脳32, and under selected traffic patterns. The simulations results are also compared with OQ switches of the same sizes
Graphene on quartz modified with rhenium oxide as a semitransparent electrode for organic electronic
Our research shows that commercially available graphene on quartz modified
with rhenium oxide meets the requirements for its use as a conductive and
transparent anode in optoelectronic devices. The cluster growth of rhenium
oxide enables an increase in the work function of graphene by 1.3 eV up to 5.2
eV, which guarantees an appropriate adjustment to the energy levels of the
organic semiconductors used in OLED devices.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Economic and social dimension of the Polish brands valuation
W pracy dyplomowej zosta艂 om贸wiony wp艂yw zasob贸w niematerialnych na konkurencyjno艣膰 przedsi臋biorstwa ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem marki oraz znaku towarowego. Dokonano analizy metodologii wyceny warto艣ci marki oraz oceniono poziom u偶yteczno艣ci r贸偶nych metod w relacji do polskiego rynku. Na podstawie Rankingu Warto艣ci Polskich Marek oraz przeprowadzonych bada艅 podj臋to pr贸b臋 weryfikacji rynkowej rankingu, a tak偶e rozgraniczenia wymiaru ekonomicznego i spo艂ecznego wyceny warto艣ci marki.The thesis was discussed the impact of intangible assets on the competitiveness of business, with special emphasis on the brand and trademark. Based on analysis methodology of the brand valuation rated the level of usability of different methods in relations to the Polish market. On the basis of Polish Brand Value Ranking and studies verified the adequacy ranking on the market, as well as delimitation of economic and social dimensions of the brand valuation
Econometric study of the impact cities in tourist traffic in the region based on example of gmina Jan贸w
Poj臋cie promocji regionu coraz bardziej nabiera na znaczeniu w kontek艣cie gmin i miast. Wiele jednostek samorz膮du terytorialnego przyk艂ada du偶膮 uwag臋 do promocji swoich podmiot贸w, us艂ug i walor贸w turystycznych. Praca ma na celu wykazanie wp艂ywu dzia艂a艅 gminy na zmian臋 wielko艣ci ruchu turystycznego. G艂贸wn膮 narz臋dziem badawczym b臋dzie analiza ekonometryczna przeprowadzona na przyk艂adzie gminy Jan贸w, kt贸ra pozwoli na zweryfikowanie tezy, 偶e dzia艂ano艣膰 gminy ma wp艂yw na ruch turystyczny w regionie.The concept of region promotion is becoming more and more important for municipalities and cities. Many local governments take care about their promotion policy focusing on promote their companies, unique services and tourist attractions. In this thesis has been discussed the impact of local governments on the volume of tourist traffic. On the basis on the econometric analysis based on example of Jan贸w commune, the thesis that the cities has an impact on tourism traffic, has been verified
W dzisiejszych czasach coraz cz臋艣ciej spo艂ecze艅stwo podejmuje r贸偶nego rodzaju formy aktywno艣ci ruchowej. W tym celu poszukuje najlepszych ofert spe艂niaj膮cych ich indywidualne oczekiwania. Przedmiotem pracy jest przedstawienie strategii rozwoju przedsi臋biorstwa sportowego na przyk艂adzie kompleksu Rueda w Januszkowicach oraz analiza podstawowej dzia艂alno艣ci tego kompleksu, kt贸ra zosta艂a przeprowadzona na podstawie anonimowych ankiet w艣r贸d mieszka艅c贸w miasta Januszkowic oraz sympatyk贸w wakeboardu. Dzi臋ki temu mo偶liwa by艂a ocena strategii rozwoju kompleksu sportowego.Nowadays, more and more people take some form of physical activity. To this end, looking for the best offers that meet their individual needs. The subject of the study is to present the development strategy of the sports company as an example of sports complex Rueda Januszkowice. Also analyzed was the core activity of this complex. This analysis was based on anonymous surveys of wakeboard supporters. As a result, it was possible to analyze the development strategy of the sports complex
Knowledge transfer in franchise agreements
In this thesis has been discussed the process of knowledge transfer between companies using a product which is the franchise relationships. The concept of knowledge has been described, including its types and the development processes of its resources. The importance of knowledge in modern enterprises has been pointed out and the functions of knowledge management processes have been presented. The concept of franchising and its particular elements being the basis have been described. The positive and negative aspects of franchising and the stage of Polish franchise market development have been presented. On the basis on the conducted survey research, the thesis that franchising is the channel of knowledge distribution between companies, has been verified.W pracy dyplomowej zosta艂 om贸wiony proces transferu wiedzy pomi臋dzy przedsi臋biorstwami przy u偶yciu 艣rodka jakim s膮 stosunki franchisingowe. Opisane zosta艂o poj臋cie wiedzy z uwzgl臋dnieniem jej rodzaj贸w oraz proces贸w tworzenia jej zasob贸w. Wskazano na znaczenie jakie ma wiedza we wsp贸艂czesnych przedsi臋biorstwach, a nast臋pnie zaprezentowano funkcje proces贸w zarz膮dzania wiedz膮. Przybli偶one zosta艂o poj臋cie franchisingu oraz poszczeg贸lne jego elementy b臋d膮ce podstaw膮 system贸w franchisingowych. Przedstawiono pozytywne i negatywne aspektyfranchisinguorazstadiumrozwojupolskiegorynku franchisingowego. W oparciu o przeprowadzone badania ankietowe zweryfikowano tez臋, 偶e franchising jest kana艂em dystrybucji wiedzy pomi臋dzy przedsi臋biorstwami