7 research outputs found

    Viedo tekstiliju komponentu datu bāzes izveide

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    Darbā pētīts un aprakstīts viedo tekstiliju komponentu datu bāzes izveides nolūks, problēmsfēra, realizēšanas pamatprincipi un tehniskie risinājumi. Pētījuma mērķis ir izveidot lietderīgu viedo tekstiliju komponentu datu bāzi, kas piemērota dizaina procesa īstenošanai. Tā kā nemitīgi tiek pilnveidotas zināšanas par pašām viedajām tekstilijām, turklāt arī tajās iestrādājamie komponenti pastāvīgi mainās, pašu dizaina procesu nav iespējams raksturot ar noteiktiem, neatkarīgiem elementiem, tad datu bāzei jābūt elastīgai, lai jebkurā tās stadijā un darbības posmā būtu iespējams pievienot papildus datus un to klases. Rakstā doti piemēri, kā izveidotas tabulas un relāciju saites starp tām, kā ar starptabulu palīdzību izveidota elastīga un papildināma datu bāze. Rakstā dota datu bāzes struktūra, datu pievienošanas iespējas, ieskicēti turpmākie pētījumi un datu bāzes lietojums

    Trends of the Usage of Adaptive Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    In this paper general tendencies of adaptive learning are described, which are becoming more and more common in the time when IT technologies and use of internet as well as development of web systems is live topic in researches about technology enchanted learning with the aid of intellectual learning systems. Adaptive learning analysis, intellectual tutoring system description and general ITS structure and general development principles are described based on the bibliography. ITS modules, ITS collaboration with learner, necessity of feedback and existing adaptive learning methods have been described

    The Role of Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring System

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    Improvement of IT technologies, expansion of internet and popularization of web technologies have enabled technology enhanced learning introduction in adaption of general matters and acquaintance of specialized problems. It is necessary to integrate in ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) analysis mechanisms and reactions to simulate or overcome natural tutoring environment achievements. In the development of learning systems it is necessary to take into account both individual needs and requirements, as well as the resources of information technologies. Feedback should be aligned, as much as possible, to the learner’s individuality, special needs, selfevaluation, self-explanation, self-regulation, etc

    Manekena izstrāde un sākumdatu definēšana 3D apģērbu projektēšanai

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    Lai realizētu tehnoloģiju, kas dod iespēju apģērbus projektēt 3D vidē, ir nepieciešams lietot efektīvu cilvēka ķermeņa mēru iegūšanas metodiku, kas būtu piemērota cilvēka ķermeņa ciparu modeļa izveidošanai datora atmiņā. 3D manekena izstrādei lieto skenēšanas ceļā iegūtās ķermeņa virsmas punktu koordinātas. Datni ar koordinātu parametriem saglabā un izdala apakšdatnes punktu koordinātu un trijstūru novietojuma atpazīšanai, pēc šī procesa sistēma cikliski nolasa punktu atrašanās vietas, trijstūru secību un attālumus, pēc kā veic punktu novietošanu. No novietotajiem punktiem tiek kompilēta manekena virsma un izveidots individuālais 3D manekens. Apģērbu virsmas izveidošanai nepieciešams noteikt telpisko virslaižu vērtības. kas tiek definētas kā attālums starp apģērbu un cilvēka ķermeņa virsmu. To aprēķināšanai var tikt izmantotas tradicionāli lietotās virslaides, vai daļēji arī konkrētu antropometrisko punktu mērījumi dinamikā. 3D apģērbu projektēšanai, var identificēt nepieciešamos darba posmus: •Cilvēka ķermeņa 3D manekena izveide un antropometrisko datu iegūšana. •Telpisko virslaižu definēšana ērtumam. •Telpisko virslaižu definēšana modeļa ārējam izskatam. •Apģērba virsmas iegūšana •Tekstildrānu īpašību imitēšana un detaļu dalījumu projektēšana nav iekļauta šajā pētījumā

    Anthropometrical Measurements for Three-Dimensional Clothing Design

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    tools (measuring tape, anthropometer, a.o.). as the technologies develop, new tools are created and/or the existent ones are improved. The scanning systems for human body measure acquisition uses different data acquisition methods. A human body surface reproduction dot cloud is created from the coordinate readings, which can be used as a virtual mannequin or only the coordinates themselves can be used. A virtual reproduction of the human body can be used in garment production, car production, engineering and medicine. There is still not enough research and results as to use virtual mannequins for 3D garment designing. Mostly 3D scanning results are used to generate measures used in tailoring to use them in traditional or computer aided constructing methods. The surface of the human body is an object that cannot be laid out due to the vagueness of its surface and different variations. The human body consists of many different geometrical figures, it is a complicated shape and its laying out is a complicated process. The designing of clothes includes a row of processes and one of the most time and labour consuming is constructing. A construction displays the layout of the surface of the body (garment). At present the existent garment construction ways do not provide a possibility of creating a garment without fitting, besides the plane-like projection process of a spatial object demands high level skill, imagination and creativity from the constructor. An algorithm for the development of the geometric shape of a virtual mannequin has been worked out

    Usage of 3D Anthropometric Data in CAD/CAM Individual Measurement List

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    Computer aided designing software not only the possibility to speed up the process of putting a new model into production and improve the quality of the products, but also reduces material costs and labour intensity, ensuring an elastic change of the assortment. The designing of clothes includes a row of processes and one of the most time and labour consuming is constructing. A construction displays the layout (pattern) of the surface of the body (garment). As it depends on correct anthropometric data, it is very important to get ones right. The use of 3D surface scanning technologies to produce digitized representations of the human anatomy has the potential to help change the way a wide range of products are designed and produced. Every scanning device is equipped with optic (light) appliances to ensure non-contact measuring. Measurements acquired by 3D scanning device should be checked out for compliance with CAD systems for automatized pattern making procedure. The paper introduces the experiment with scanned data usage in CAD pattern making. The project aims to implement scanned data values in the CAD/CAM individual measurement list for acquiring individualized pattern blocks