63 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of entomopathogenic fungi and bacteria to plants secondary metabolites, for an alternative control of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in cattle

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    Boophilus (Rhipicephalus) microplus is a one host hard tick widespread in warm climates worldwide, responsible for great economic losses. To avoid resistance in ticks population, induced by the repeated administration of conventional acaricides and/or the presence of residues in the environment in meat and in milk, an alternative approach can be achieved using entomopathogenic microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria, or essential oils (EOs). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro sensitivity of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Scopulariopsis sp, Bacillus thuringiensis and Proteus mirabilis to Eucalyptus globulus, Lavandula hybrida, Pelargonium graveolens EOs and to their main constituents such as lynalool, linalyl-acetate, geraniol, citronellol and 1,8 cineole. EOs has been chemically characterized by GC-MS. Fungal isolates were tested by a microdilution assay to achieve minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of both EOs and main components. The sensitivity of bacteria was evaluated by an agar disk diffusion. The results obtained show the feasibility of an integrate approach for an eco-friendly control of R. microplus by use of both entomopathogenic fungi and P. graveolens EO. L. hybrida could be an interesting alternative when B. bassiana is not employed. Conversely, a combined use of B. thuringiensis and EOs would not be advisable in the integrate control of ticks

    Staphylococcus aureus growth and enterotoxin production in Italian caciotta cheese

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    To evaluate growth and enterotoxin production of Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk caciotta, an Italian soft cheese, experimental cheesemaking trials were carried out with and without a commercial starter. Two different inocula of selected enterotoxinproducing S. aureus strains were tested: high (mean value 5.03 log CFU/mL of milk) and low (mean value 3.22 log CFU/mL of milk). Uninoculated cheeses with milk containing 2.15 log CFU/mL mean value of coagulase-positive staphylococci were also examined. With higher inocul a coagulase-positive staphylococci counts reached 7.57 log CFU/g without starter and had significantly higher values after the acidification phase than those with starter (below 6.5 log CFU/g). Using an enzyme immunoassay, enterotoxins were detected in cheeses both without and with starter, but the latter showed significantly lower photometrical absorbance values than the former. In low inoculum and uninoculated cheeses without starter, coagulase-positive staphylococci maximum values were between 5 and 6 log CFU/g, without enterotoxin production. To enhance the safety of this cheese it is fundamental to strictly prevent coagulase-positive staphylococci contamination and multiplication, particularly at the primary production level, and to correctly acidify the curd by starter cultures, which can substantially limit total coagulase-positive staphylococci increase

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in red deer from Central Italy

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    Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii are cosmopolite protozoan parasites impacting on human and animal health. In particular, T. gondii commonly infects human beings and all warm-blooded animals, while N. caninum is responsible for bovine abortion and neuromuscular disease in dogs. The aim of the presented survey was to evaluate the occurrence and prevalence of these parasites in the most numerous Italian red deer population. The sera of 60 red deer (Cervus elaphus) inhabiting Central Italy (43°56’N 10°55’E) and killed by selective hunting were examined using an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for both N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies. White blood cells (buffy coat) were also checked by PCR and T. gondii DNA was genotyped. Thirteen out of 60 sera (22%) scored positive for Toxoplasma, 17 samples (28%) were Neospora positive. Coinfection was recorded in 5 cases (8%). T. gondii (genotype II) and N. caninum DNA was detected in one and 3 samples of buffy coat, respectively. The presented study is the first to examine the occurrence of these parasites in the most numerous red deer Italian population, confirming this animal species as carrier of the investigated pathogens. These animals spread near human settlements, co-inhabiting with final hosts of T. gondii and N. caninum and could contribute to their transmission to domestic ruminants and humans. In particular, the seroprevalence value for N. caninum was the highest among European records

    Activity of Salvia dolomitica and Salvia somalensis Essential Oils against Bacteria, Molds and Yeasts

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    Essential oils (EOs) fromSalvia dolomiticaandSalvia somalensis, widely employed in the cosmetic and perfume industry, were analyzed for composition and tested against bacterial and fungal pathogens isolated from clinical and environmental specimens. The analyses were carried out againstStaphylococcus aureus,Staphylococcus pseudointermedius,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli,Streptococcus canis,Streptococcus pyogenes,Klebsiella pneumoniae,Proteus mirabilis,Microsporum canis,Microsporum gypseum,Trichophyton mentagrophytes,Aspergillus niger,Aspergillus flavus,Candida albicans,Candida krusei,Mucorsp. andTrichothecium roseum. Both EOs showed similar percentages of total monoterpenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. The main constituents were 1,8-cineole andβ-caryophyllene inS.dolomiticaand bornyl acetate and camphor inS.somalensis. The selected EOs have no relevant antifungal or antibacterial activities if compared to conventional drugs

    Detection and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in the blood and milk of naturally infected donkeys (Equus asinus)

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    Background: Toxoplasma gondii is a worldwide zoonotic protozoan. Consumption of raw milk from infected animals is considered a risk factor for acquiring toxoplasmosis in humans. Recently, donkey milk has been indicated for therapeutic and nutritional purposes and T. gondii infection is common in donkeys. The purpose of the present paper was to detect the presence of parasite DNA in milk of T. gondii positive donkeys. Findings. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 11 out of 44 healthy lactating donkeys by IFAT. T. gondii DNA was detected by PCR in blood of 6 and milk of 3 seropositive jennies. Results of limited RFLP-PCR genotyping indicated the presence of T. gondii genotype II or III, commonly found in Europe. Conclusions: The occurrence of T. gondii DNA in milk suggests that the consumption of raw milk from seropositive donkeys could be a potential source of human infection

    Autocontrollo e sistema HACCP nella produzione e vendita degli alimenti

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    Il modulo ha l’obiettivo di fare acquisire la conoscenza delle metodologie sulle quali si basa l’igiene degli alimenti, mirando ad illustrare i principi tecnico-scientifici e normativi che definiscono l’attuale contesto del controllo finalizzato alla tutela della salute del consumatore, soffermandosi in modo particolare sugli scopi e gli strumenti dell’Autocontrollo aziendale. Attraverso la trattazione degli obbiettivi, dei metodi e degli strumenti dell’Autocontrollo aziendale, il percorso formativo vuole fornire competenze generali nell’applicazione e nella valutazione dei sistemi di prevenzione igienica impiegati nel settore alimentare. Il fruitore del modulo potrà acquisire anche capacità comunicative e relazionali in ordine ai temi dell’igiene degli alimenti e ai sistemi di controllo

    Organizzazione e livelli operativi del controllo igienico sanitario sulle filiere delle produzioni animali

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    L’articolazione didattica del corso si focalizzerà sui contenuti attuali dell’igiene dei prodotti alimentari di origine animale, individuando i fattori strategici per la realizzazione di un controllo efficace, sottolineando le interconnessioni con la salute e il benessere degli animali. Sono quindi descritte le autorità di riferimento, le strutture e i livelli operativi coinvolti nell’organizzazione del controllo esercitato in modo continuo e sistematico sull’intero ciclo dei prodotti, dalla produzione alconsumo

    La sicurezza alimentare del polline

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    Rischio da botulismo infantile conseguente a consumo di miele

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    RIASSUNTO Il botulismo infantile è una grave malattia alimentare che si manifesta in bambini al di sotto di un anno di età. Gli studi epidemiologici segnalano casi di questa tossinfezione in tutto il mondo. Negli Stati Uniti la prevalenza del botulismo infantile ha superato le altre forme di botulismo, sia quella alimentare classica che quella conseguente a traumi. In molti casi si è potuto costatare la corrispondenza fra il Clostridium tossigeno rilevato nel paziente e lo stesso microrganismo riscontrato nel miele che era stato somministrato al bambino. Le ricerche eziologiche e patogenetiche hanno chiarito che la malattia non consegue al consumo di tossina formata dal microrganismo nelle fasi precedenti il consumo, come avviene nella forma classica del botulismo alimentare, ma semplicemente per l’ingestione di spore dell’agente eziologico, che troverebbero nell’ambiente intestinale del bambino le condizioni adatte per la germinazione e la tossinogenesi. Tale evidenza ha posto il miele fra gli alimenti a rischio per il botulismo infantile. Tuttavia, le particolarità che caratterizzano questa malattia alimentare, in aggiunta alla scarsa informazione sull’argomento, possono esporre le parti interessate, consumatori, produttori, commercianti, autorità competenti, pediatri, alla sottostima del rischio sanitario, pregiudicando ogni possibile azione di prevenzione. Gli autori descrivono le acquisizioni scientifiche in materia, valutando al contempo le varie opzioni praticabili in ambito di gestione della prevenzione. SUMMARY Infant botulism is a serious food borne disease which occurs in children who are younger than one year of age. Epidemiological surveys show cases of this toxic infection all around the word. In United States the prevalence of infant botulism surpassed both classic food-borne and wound forms of botulism. In most of the cases correspondence was observed between toxin producing Clostridium collected in patients and microorganism found in honey given out the child. Aetiological and pathogenetic researches explained that disease does not occur for ingestion of toxin produced by the microorganism during steps before consumption, as it happen in the classic form of food-borne botulism, but simply for ingestion of spores of aethiologic agent, which could find good conditions for germination and toxin producing in intestinal environment. This evidence places honey among risky foods in order to infant botulism. Nevertheless specific peculiarities characterizing this food-borne disease, with the addition of insufficient information about the topic, might expose stakeholders, as consumers, manufacturers, traders, competent authority, paediatricians, to underestimate the health risk, compromising all the possible preventive measures. Authors show scientific knowledge about this matter, and at same time they value various practicable options of risk management
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