44 research outputs found
“Gli alunni a scuola sono sempre più difficili?” Esiti di una ricerca sulla complessità di gestione della classe nella percezione degli insegnanti
Nowadays many teachers believe that the role of teaching and educating youth has become more difficult than in the past. There is a widespread belief that pupils are “badly behaved” and theyare unable to deal with the educational experience, the cognitive rhythms and the respect of social norms: indeed the teacher has a great responsibility and s/he plays an important role in the scholastic success.The present research starts from these considerations and its aim is understanding, through the identification of specific indicators, the challenges perceived in the daily classroom managementby teachers belonging to different schools levels (from kindergarten to secondary schools). The research was carried out from September 2012 to May 2013 and the methodology used in thisstudy allowed the researches to reach a statistically significant sample of teachers (750) from different Italian schools, in order to allow an easy and direct participation.The data analysis and results have clearly pointed out the increasing complexity of the teacher’s role and the relational dynamics involved in the process of teaching-learning
Tra presente e passato: gestione della classe e nuove sfide educative. La parola agli insegnanti
Gestire la classe significa accendere negli alunni la passione e sollecitare in loro la partecipazione e il rispetto alla proposta formativa. La capacità dell’insegnante di suscitare interesse diventa perciò fondamentale in vista dell’apprendimento, che è lo specifico dell’attività scolastica. Ma come è possibile motivare le giovani generazioni che sembrano fragili, instabili, prive di regole e di punti di riferimento, dipendenti dai nuovi media? Ripartendo dagli adulti e in particolare dagli insegnanti. Il saggio riporta i risultati di una ricerca condotta con un campione significativo di insegnanti, provenienti da scuole di ogni ordine e grado, che sono stati sollecitati ad evidenziare i principali cambiamenti riscontrati nella conduzione del lavoro in classe, nell’ultimo ventennio. Sono emersi interessanti elementi di riflessione, certamente non esaustivi, ma che fungono da stimolo nel tentativo di individuare nuove prospettive educative per le nuove generazioni
Finally at school: the return to classes of vulnerable pupils. Results of the FocuScuola Inclusion research 20.20
The research FocuScuola 20.20 – promoted by the Centre for Studies and Research on Disability and Marginality of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – aims at specifically understanding the state of the art of the inclusive processes at the return to school after the first lockdown period. This research is in line with the aims of national and international surveys that have analysed the challenges to which the school system has been called in this period of health and social emergency. The collected data show a picture that seems to confirm the critics linked to an ideological and reductive scenario. This view is although characterized by some positive elements in terms of reception and attention to students with greater vulnerability, but it is substantially distant from the realisation of educational pathways that assume educational differentiation as an authentic perspective and concrete working method.
Quando tutto è ricominciato: il ritorno a scuola degli alunni più fragili. Esiti della ricerca FocuScuola Inclusione 20.20.
La ricerca FocuScuola 20.20 – promossa dal Centro Studi e Ricerche sulla Disabilità e la Marginalità dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – ha inteso comprendere in modo specifico lo stato dell'arte dei processi inclusivi al rientro a scuola dopo il primo periodo di lockdown. Lo studio è in linea con le finalità di indagini nazionali e internazionali che hanno analizzato le sfide a cui il sistema scolastico è stato chiamato in questo periodo di emergenza sanitaria e sociale. I dati raccolti evidenziano un quadro che, seppur caratterizzato da alcuni elementi positivi sul piano dell'accoglienza e dell'attenzione verso gli alunni con maggiore vulnerabilità , sembra confermare le criticità legate ad una visione per molti aspetti ideologica e riduttiva, sostanzialmente lontana dalla realizzazione di percorsi educativi che assumano la differenziazione didattica come autentica prospettiva e concreta modalità di lavoro
La differenziazione didattica per tutti e per ciascuno: esiti di una ricerca nel territorio varesino
The complexity of the current scholastic context represents a constant concern for teachers, principalsand educational method experts, who, thanks to various qualifications, study and hypothesizepossible solutions, built on theological basis of sustainability and feasibility. Among thevarious prepositions, the differentiated classroom presents itself as practical, operative and accessiblebecause it allows to work with resources already active and existing in the classroom.Moreover, it also takes into consideration the emotional, cognitive and relational needs of eachstudent. Specifically, questioning about personal requirements means recognizing the value ofeach individual and, with that, the necessity to define possible lines of intervention in order to approachworking in the classroom using different methods.Differentiation proposes a real way of thinking on inclusive teaching, within which there is spacefor various approaches, techniques and where the program is called on the respond to the needsand intellects of each of the students in the class.Based on these considerations, the research group CeDisMa gave the go ahead, during the2017/2018 school year, to an educational and transformative research project in the territory ofVarese, involving a referal group of teachers from 25 classes from different schools of every type,with the aim of promoting good educational and didactical practices in order to concretely respondto the multiplicity of needs which compose, as noted, our educational system
Il progetto di didattica inclusiva bilingue per alunni sordi dell’Istituto Barozzi di Milano: esiti di ricerca sulla condizione socio-emotiva degli allievi sordi segnanti
It is known the construction of quality, especially when considered within the teaching-learning process, encompasses multiple aspects, including undoubtedly the achievement of educational objectives, but also, and above all, the well-being perceived by all those who, with different roles, share the same reality. Understanding the conditions that can contribute to the construction of apositive educational context is therefore essential to the feasibility of the underlying principles of a fully inclusive approach. The contribution, analyzing the data emerged from the Quality of Inclusion and Deafness research conducted by the Center for Studies and Research on Disability and Marginality (CeDisMa) of the Catholic University of Milan, pays specific attention to the interpersonal dynamics and the socio-emotional experiences matured by the deaf students attending the comprehensive institute Barozzi of Milan, for years engaged in the realization of didactic and educational lines in favor of deaf students. The presented thoughts are intended, on the one hand, to foster the knowledge of projects aimed at experimenting with educational models and programs based on bilingual paths, and on the other, to support the scientific debate on the evidence reached in support of an increasingly fair and inclusive educational culture
Children under 6 years with acute headache in Pediatric Emergency Departments. A 2-year retrospective exploratory multicenter Italian study
Background: Preschool age (i.e. children under six years of age) represents a red flag for requiring neuroimaging to exclude secondary potentially urgent intracranial conditions (PUIC) in patients with acute headache. We investigated the clinical characteristics of preschoolers with headache to identify the features associated with a greater risk of secondary "dangerous" headache. Methods: We performed a multicenter exploratory retrospective study in Italy from January 2017 to December 2018. Preschoolers with new-onset non-traumatic headache admitted to emergency department were included and were subsequently divided into two groups: hospitalized and discharged. Among hospitalized patients, we investigated the characteristics linked to potentially urgent intracranial conditions. Results: We included 1455 preschoolers with acute headache. Vomiting, ocular motility disorders, ataxia, presence of neurological symptoms and signs, torticollis and nocturnal awakening were significantly associated to hospitalization. Among the 95 hospitalized patients, 34 (2.3%) had potentially urgent intracranial conditions and more frequently they had neurological symptoms and signs, papilledema, ataxia, cranial nerves paralysis, nocturnal awakening and vomiting. Nevertheless, on multivariable logistic regression analysis, we found that only ataxia and vomiting were associated with potentially urgent intracranial conditions. Conclusion: Our study identified clinical features that should be carefully evaluated in the emergency department in order to obtain a prompt diagnosis and treatment of potentially urgent intracranial conditions. The prevalence of potentially urgent intracranial conditions was low in the emergency department, which may suggest that age under six should not be considered an important risk factor for malignant causes as previously thought
[Hyponatremia: practical approach to diagnosis and treatment]
Hyponatremia is one of the most frequent ion and water disorders. It is generally due to disproportionate renal water retention. Severe hyponatremia (<125 mEq/L) is associated with well-known clinical symptoms and manifestations. However, even mild reductions in sodium blood levels have been shown to be associated with increased mortality and with the risk of falls and fractures. The diagnosis of hyponatremia, although requiring simple clinical and laboratory tests, may be complex and difficult. Treatment should be tailored to the clinical manifestations and severity of hyponatremia. Vaptans may be used in euvolemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia and particularly in SIADH
[Hyponatremia: practical approach to diagnosis and treatment]
Hyponatremia is one of the most frequent ion and water disorders. It is generally due to disproportionate renal water retention. Severe hyponatremia (<125 mEq/L) is associated with well-known clinical symptoms and manifestations. However, even mild reductions in sodium blood levels have been shown to be associated with increased mortality and with the risk of falls and fractures. The diagnosis of hyponatremia, although requiring simple clinical and laboratory tests, may be complex and difficult. Treatment should be tailored to the clinical manifestations and severity of hyponatremia. Vaptans may be used in euvolemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia and particularly in SIADH
I ragazzi con sindromi rare a scuola
Specifica attenzione, negli ultimi anni, \ue8 rivolta a quelle condizioni nel passato considerate rare o molto rare ed invalidanti: alcune forme sincroniche hanno conosciuto un incremento di interesse da parte del mondo scientifi co, e ci\uf2 ha contribuito in modo evidente a modificare le condizioni di vita quotidiana di queste persone, e le possibilit\ue0 di integrazione sociale.Per tali ragioni, diviene interessante prendere in esame la specificit\ue0 del contesto scolastico ed analizzare le condizioni che possano migliorare l'accoglienza dei ragazzi con sindrome genetica rar