29 research outputs found


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    U radu se daje kratak osvrt na neke od ključnih koncepata Aleide Assmann vezane uz načine suočavanja s proÅ”loŔću. PokuÅ”ava se odgovoriti na pitanje kako se Nijemci nose sa svojom nacističkom proÅ”loŔću i prikazuje kako se odnos prema njoj mijenjao proteklih Å”ezdesetak godina. SrediÅ”nje mjesto pritom zauzimaju koncepti povijesne traume te pozitivnog i negativnog sjećanja. Razlike u odnosu prema proÅ”losti predstavljaju se suprotstavljanjem stavova nekoliko različitih generacija.This article provides a short overview of some of the key concepts of Aleida Assmann. Special emphasis is placed on certain aspects related to violence and trauma as well as coming to terms with the past. An attempt is made to deal with the issue of how the Germans relate to their Nazi past and to show how this has changed in the last sixty years. Immediately following the war, in Germany there stood a ā€œdouble wall of silenceā€ according to Assmann. On the one hand there was reluctance on the part of victims to remember, on the other, there was societyā€™s reluctance to listen to their stories. In the 1980s there was an increased interest in the experience of victims of the Second World War, especially those of the Holocaust. The trauma suffered by victims of the war Aleida Assmann sees as an important characteristic of German 20th century history and emphasizes its importance in interpreting historical events. She also incorporates Reinhart Koselleckā€™s concept of positive and negative memory as an integral part of the memory of a nation. Arguing for the recognition of the equal status of all victims of the war and strongly opposed to the possibility of competition among them, Aleida Assmann provides her contribution to the debate on whether it is possible to speak of the Germans themselves as victims without diminishing the suffering of the victims of the Holocaust. Her interpretation of historical generations is also important. She believes that varied relations to the past are a consequence of generational differences. Along these lines, she pays special attention to three generations, the 1933 generation, the 1945 generation, and the 1968 generation, arguing that one cannot be understood without the other

    Zdravstveni odgoj u hrvatskom Å”kolstvu 2012./2013. i građanski neposluh

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    U radu se rekonstruira kronologija uvođenja Kurikuluma zdravstvenog odgoja u sve osnovne i srednje Å”kole u Republici Hrvatskoj u Å”kolskoj godini 2012./2013. Polazeći od kriterija Johna Rawlsa, autorica pokuÅ”ava odgovoriti na pitanje mogu li se inicijative protivnika Kurikuluma, usmjerene prvenstveno protiv njegova četvrtog modula, u javnosti kolokvijalno nazvana ā€žSeksualni odgojā€œ, smatrati građanskim neposluhom. Rawls definira građanski neposluh kao javni, nenasilni i nelegalni čin, koji se odvija u uvjetima demokratskog sustava (u tzv. skoro pravednom druÅ”tvu), počiva na savjesti te je usmjeren na jasne slučajeve nepravdi koje nastaju ili se potiču zakonom, odlukom ili politikom vladajućih

    Contribution of the Zagreb study of German language and literature to the quality of secondary school teaching (1895 ā€“ 1918)

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    Krajem 19. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji postojao je velik broj Å”kola u kojima su njemački jezik predavali nekvalificirani učitelji. Osposobljavanje Å”kolovanog srednjoÅ”kolskog kadra bio je stoga jedan od važnijih razloga za utemeljenje germanističke katedre na Mudroslovnom fakultetu. Analizirajući dokumentaciju s učiteljskih ispita, u članku se nastoji dati odgovor na pitanje je li zagrebačka katedra ispunila svoju zacrtanu svrhu, odnosno je li uspjela pridonijeti podizanju kvalitete srednjoÅ”kolske nastave njemačkog jezika.At the end of the 19th century, there were a large number of schools in Croatia and Slavonia where German was taught by unqualified teachers. The training of educated high school staff was therefore one of the most important reasons for the foundation of department for German language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy. Analysing the documentation from the teachersā€™ exams, the paper tries to answer the question whether the Zagreb department fulfilled its intended purpose, that is, whether it managed to contribute to raising the quality German language teaching at the secondary school level

    Beitrag zur Wissenschafts- und Institutionsgeschichte der Wiener Germanistik // A Contribution to the History of Science and the History of Viennese Department for German Studies

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    Rezension der Monographie von Elisabeth Grabenweger: "Germanistik in Wien. Das Seminar fĆ¼r Deutsche Philologie und seine Privatdozentinnen (1897ā€“1933)". Gƶttingen: de Gruyter 2016 (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, Bd. 85 / 319), 280 S

    Oral History: Probleme und Anwendungsmƶglichkeiten in der Geschichtsschreibung (Zusammenfassung)

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