228 research outputs found

    Impact of classroom design on interactive whiteboard use in a special needs classroom

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    The physical environment of a classroom—how space is organized and controlled—impacts the use of technology within that setting. This paper presents the initial rationale for choosing an interactive whiteboard (IWB) as the platform for software designed to encourage play in primary students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. An observational study of normal classroom practice and of an installed version of the software uncovered factors in the physical installation of the IWB and its pedagogical use that negatively affect its potential use

    Analyzing users’ behaviour to identify their privacy concerns

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    The majority of studies examining privacy concerns of Internet users are based on surveys. Many problems have, however, been identified with using surveys to measure people’s privacy concerns. Based on our experience from our previous studies, in this paper we discuss how ethnographic interviews and observation techniques could be used to analyze users’ behaviour in terms of how they share personal information and multimedia content with others, and utilize this to identify issues related to their privacy concerns more comprehensively than it is otherwise possible with conventional surveys

    A mixed digital / physical snapshot of early internet / web usage in New Zealand

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    We are in the early stages of developing a unique physical and digital record of New Zealand's early experience of the Internet

    Towards the design of a kid’s music organizer

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    In this paper, we investigate how young children aged 2 to 5 interact with music and their family's music collections. By going into their homes, interviewing them and their parents and observing the children performing a range of music-related tasks, we explore the way that pre-school children select, interact with, and organize music. Additionally, drawing tasks were included in the visits to engage the children and allow them to demonstrate their thoughts in a concrete manner. Insights into the children's' music behaviours suggest design features for a music organizer / player for very young children

    Browsing a digital library: A new approach for the New Zealand digital library

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    Browsing is part of the information seeking process, used when information needs are ill-defined or unspecific. Browsing and searching are often interleaved during information seeking to accommodate changing awareness of information needs. Digital Libraries often support full-text search, but are not so helpful in supporting browsing. Described here is a novel browsing system created for the Greenstone software used by the New Zealand Digital Library that supports users in a more natural approach to the information seeking process. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

    Encouraging better hand drying hygiene

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    Electric hand driers have the potential to improve sanitation when using public toilets; if used properly, electric driers can dry hands more thoroughly than towels, and users do not come into physical contact with potentially contaminated objects. But electric driers are frequently used for just a few seconds--and so the potential advantage is lost. This paper describes the prototyping and evaluation of a system intended to encourage longer hand drying times in public toilets. The challenges are: to develop hygienic interfaces for use in toilet areas; to design simple to use software that is engaging enough to be used several times a day; and to conduct usability and system acceptance tests in an environment in which users are highly sensitive about privacy issues

    Market basket analysis of library circulation data

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    “Market Basket Analysis” algorithms have recently seen widespread use in analyzing consumer purchasing patterns-specifically, in detecting products that are frequently purchased together. We apply the Apriori market basket analysis tool to the task of detecting subject classification categories that co-occur in transaction records of book borrowed form a university library. This information can be useful in directing users to additional portions of the collection that may contain documents relevant to their information need, and in determining a library’s physical layout. These results can also provide insight into the degree of “scatter” that the classification scheme induces in a particular collection of documents

    A workïŹ‚ow for document level interoperability

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    This article describes a software environment called the Exchange Center that helps digital librarians manage the workïŹ‚ow of sourcing documents and metadata from various repositories. The software is built on Greenstone but does not require its use as the ïŹnal digital library server. After describing the software architecture we provide two scenarios of its use: a private library of recipes, which ultimately involves collaboration with other cooks; and a digital library that aggregates the collections of various host institutions that use different repository software

    How people find videos

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    At present very little is known about how people locate and view videos 'in the wild'. This study draws a rich picture of everyday video seeking strategies and video information needs, based on an ethnographic study of New Zealand university students. These insights into the participants' activities and motivations suggest potentially useful facilities for a video digital library

    Toward a theory of music information retrieval queries: System design implications

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    This paper analyzes a set of 161 music-related information requests posted to the rec.music.country.old-time newsgroup. These postings are categorized by the types of detail used to characterize the poster's information need, the type of music information requested, the intended use for the information, and additional social and contextual elements present in the postings. The results of this analysis suggest that similar studies of 'native' music information requests can be used to inform the design of effective, usable music information retrieval interfaces
