4,469 research outputs found

    GIS-based methodology for evaluating the wind-energy potential of territories: A case study from Andalusia (Spain)

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    In recent years, Spain, in an effort to meet European Union (E.U.) targets, has been developing different strategies to promote the installation of renewable energy plants. In this regard, evaluating territories to assess their potential and thus identify optimum sites for the installation of energy-generating facilities is a crucial task. This paper presents a comprehensive geographic information system (GIS)-based site-selection methodology for wind-power plants in the province of Córdoba, which has hitherto been regarded as unsuitable for this sort of facility owing to the lack of wind resources. Three scenarios have been set out, each of which presents a different set of restrictions. Scenario 2 applies the most stringent restrictions in the specialized literature, and finds no suitable areas for the installation of wind-energy plants. However, Scenario 1, which applies the least stringent restrictions, and Scenario 3, which applies the same restrictions currently in force for other wind turbines already in operation in Andalusia, have led to the identification of several areas that could a priori be considered suitable and now need more detailed analysis. The results illustrate the convenience of undertaking multiscenario analyses

    P2P Based Architecture for Global Home Agent Dynamic Discovery in IP Mobility

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    Mobility in packet networks has become a critical issue in the last years. Mobile IP and the Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol are the IETF proposals to provide mobility. However, both of them introduce performance limitations, due to the presence of an entity (Home Agent) in the communication path. Those problems have been tried to be solved in different ways. A family of solutions has been proposed in order to mitigate those problems by allowing mobile devices to use several geographically distributed Home Agents (thus making shorter the communication path). These techniques require a method to discover a close Home Agent, among those geographically distributed, to the mobile device. This paper proposes a peer-topeer based solution, called Peer-to-Peer Home Agent Network, in order to discover a close Home Agent. The proposed solution is simple, fully global, dynamic and it can be developed in IPv4 and IPv6.No publicad

    Régimen especial de la minería del carbón

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    El presente trabajo expone como los sindicatos mineros contribuyeron en un inicio a la mejora de las prestaciones sociales de los mineros, surgiendo el régimen especial de la minería del carbón, destacando el especial sistema de cotización que tiene dicho régimen y el sistema de reducción de acceso a la jubilación a través de los coeficientes reductores y la consecuente aparición de las prejubilaciones en el sector minero, teniendo las mismas unas consecuencias sociales tanto en los mineros prejubilados como en los trabajadores en activo. De otro lado en el trabajo se pone de manifiesto la corrupción en el sindicalismo minero de nuestros días y el declive de la minería del carbón.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    How can learning vocabulary strategies be taught in class?

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    In spite of its great importance and relevance for language teaching, vocabulary is usually neglected in state schools. Many teachers mostly concentrate on the four macro skills and on grammar, treating vocabulary as part of them. Vocabulary should be taught separately, or at least given special attention, since it is essential for conveying meaning. Just knowing the rules of language or being competent in the four skills is not enough to express thoughts, opinions, ideas or emotions. This does not mean that words should be taught in isolation. Just knowing the Spanish equivalent of a word is not enough. Connotative and denotative meanings are both important, as well as collocations, synonyms and antonyms. It is well known that language learning strategies are very useful, since they lead to learners’ autonomy and long term learning. Helping students identify which strategies they find appropriate and providing them with examples of strategies they could implement taking into account their learning styles should be part of our teaching practice. I decided to write about this topic because I believe that vocabulary is essential to understand and produce language. Even if grammar mistakes are made, we can understand each other, but if we make vocabulary mistakes, there is misunderstanding or no understanding at all. In their course book “Innovations”, Hugh Dellar and Darryl Hocking leave the following piece of advice for students that I think expresses that idea of what I am writing about: “If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words!” I believe that this message clearly resembles the idea behind vocabulary teaching

    Killing Me Softly with her Fangs: The Role of Female Victimage and Cannibalism in "The Voyage Out"

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    A woman of a special sensitivity, Virginia Woolf was particularly concerned with the unequal opportunities for women in post-Victorian society. Profoundly aware of the heavy burden women had to bear under patriarchal law, Woolf was no less combative with men as with those females who even contributed to perpetuate the status quo by confining themselves and other women within the narrow premises of patriarchal dictates. In this essay, I will discuss how the presence of images connected with acts of female devouring and cannibalization in Woolf's The Voyage Out respond to the narrator's intention of presenting a bizarre panorama of anachronism and incongruous norms in which the inadequacy of a patriarchal system stands out more than ever. Under the optics of these grotesque images, a claim for subversion and active involvement of the whole society of her time is voiced.Dotada de una especial sensibilidad, Virginia Woolf era especialmente consciente de la desigualdad de oportunidades para las mujeres en la sociedad post-victoriana. Profundamente conocedora de la pesada carga que las mujeres tenían que soportar bajo la ley patriarcal, W oolf no sería tan combativa con los hombres como con aquellas mujeres que contribuían incluso a la perpetuación de esta situación confinándose a sí mismas y a otras mujeres a los restrictivos dominios de los dictados patriarcales. En este artículo se analiza cómo la presencia de imágenes conectadas con actos de canibalismo y consumición por parte de mujeres en la novela de Woolf The Voyage Out responden a la intención de la narradora de presentar un panorama absurdo, presidido por el anacronismo y las normas ilógicas, donde la incongruencia de un sistema centrado en el patriarcado es aún más evidente. Bajo la óptica de estas imágenes grotescas, se apela en especial a la subversión y la participación activa de la sociedad, al mismo tiempo que sale a la luz una ya distorsionada e ilógica realidad socio-cultural

    Pintar la escultura: apuntes sobre doradores de los siglos XVII y XVIII en Valencia

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    El color es esencial en la escultura policromada. En ocasiones los escultores recurrieron para su aplicación a destacados pintores; en otras muchas fueron los doradores los que asumieron la tarea. Como consta en los capítulos del Colegio de pintores que empezó a gestarse en Valencia en 1607, el dorado constituía una de las dos ramas de la pintura. La bibliografía y la documentación aportan nombres de algunos de estos artífices. Entre los más destacados de los activos en tierras valencianas en los siglos XVII y XVIII se encuentran los Campos, Gaspar Asensi o Roberto, hábil sobre todo en el encarnado de las figuras. Muy significativa fue la colaboración del pintor Félix Lorente en la policromía de alguna imagen de Ignacio Vergara, como aquí se da a conocer. A raíz de la promulgación de la real orden de 16 de abril de 1782 se permitió a los escultores colorear sus propias obras, lo que a largo plazo tuvo que afectar al quehacer de los doradores.Colour is essential in polychrome sculpture. Sometimes sculptors delegated this task to prominent painters, other gilders carried out the task themselves. Therefore, the Society of painters’ articles of association which began in 1607, stated that gilding was one of the two branches of painting. The literature and archives contribute some gilders’ names. Among the most prominent Valencian gilders in the 17th and 18th century are the Campos family, Gaspar Asensi or Roberto, who was skilful putting colour on the sculpture’s face and hands. The painter Felix Lorente was an important collaborator of the sculptor Ignacio Vergara especially in his images, as it is explained here. The Royal Decree of 16th April 1682 allowed sculptors to paint their own works, which was, in the long term, disadvantageous for the gilders

    Armas biológicas

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    Abordamos el presente trabajo con el objetivo de realizar una revisión bibliográfica que nos permita elaborar un análisis del empleo de armas biológicas tanto en el pasado, es decir, una documentación de la utilización de éstas a lo largo de la historia, quiénes las utilizaban y el porqué de su utilización, dividido en varios periodos; como en el presente, si se siguen empleando en la actualidad, con especial mención de los protocolos que existen en cuanto a su regulación normativa a día de hoy, como es el protocolo de Ginebra, así como las medidas que hay que llevar a cabo si se detecta un caso por infección microbiana. Por último, especificar los diferentes agentes infecciosos que más se utilizan como armas biológicas, de qué manera afectan a los seres vivos, concretamente a los seres humanos, sus consecuencias y su clasificación según su impacto

    Trade Credit as a Sustainable Resource during an SME’s Life Cycle

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    Inadequate access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can present a major impediment to SMEs’ contribution towards driving sustainable economic growth. The aim of this article is to investigate the role of life cycle on SME financing decisions while focusing on trade credit. To this end, we study whether trade credit and its firm-factor determinants differ depending on the stage of life cycle of the SMEs. For the empirical analysis, a sample is employed of manufacturing SMEs operating in 12 European Union countries over the period 2008–2014 and a panel data model with fixed effects is applied. We find that the business life cycle influences trade credit and that this influence is stronger in young firms, although this relation is non-linear across the firms’ life cycle. We further show that the impact of firm-factor determinants on trade credit differs across the business life cycle in terms of magnitude levels. Our results demonstrate that the business life cycle matters when analysing trade credit, and it should therefore be considered when managers and policymakers strive to solve the financial problems of an SME and to consequently incorporate the SME into the sustainable economy.Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-55

    La AMAEM Marías Guerreas: Asociaciacionismo de mujeres y acción cultural

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    Repaso por la historia del asociacionismo teatral español, poniendo especial énfasis en las desigualdades que por razones de género han perjudicado a las mujeres en la escena cultural. A través de las prácticas asociativas, en este caso vinculadas con las artes escénicas, las mujeres encuentran el territorio idóneo para vindicar su posición en la sociedad