1,224 research outputs found

    Clustering at High Redshift

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    Together with the CMB, the three sources of information that astronomers have at high redshift as probes of the formation and evolution of the LSS are QSOs, galaxies and absorbers observed in the spectrum of distant background objects. In this contribution I try to give a hint of historical perspective, following how the technological advances have driven the emphasis from one class to another, in order to show what are the likely forthcoming milestones.Comment: 8 pages Latex, with 3 PostScript figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the VLT Opening Symposium, Antofagasta, Chile 1-4 March 199

    The Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO Survey II. The Southern Sample

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    This is the second paper of a series describing the Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO survey, a project aimed at the construction of an all-sky statistically well-defined sample of very bright QSOs (B_J < 15). Such a survey is required to remove the present uncertainties about the properties of the local QSO population and constitutes an homogeneous database for detailed evolutionary studies of AGN. We present here the complete Southern Sample, which comprises 243 bright (12.60 < B_J < 15.13) QSO candidates at high galactic latitudes (|b_{gal}| > 30^{\circ}). The area covered by the survey is 5660 sq. deg. Spectroscopy for the 137 still unidentified objects has been obtained. The total number of AGN turns out to be 111, 63 of which are new identifications. The properties of the selection are discussed. The completeness and the success rate for this survey at the final stage are 63% and 46%, respectively.Comment: 36 pages Latex, with 15 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    A destination-preserving model for simulating Wardrop equilibria in traffic flow on networks

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    In this paper we propose a LWR-like model for traffic flow on networks which allows one to track several groups of drivers, each of them being characterized only by their destination in the network. The path actually followed to reach the destination is not assigned a priori, and can be chosen by the drivers during the journey, taking decisions at junctions. The model is then used to describe three possible behaviors of drivers, associated to three different ways to solve the route choice problem: 1. Drivers ignore the presence of the other vehicles; 2. Drivers react to the current distribution of traffic, but they do not forecast what will happen at later times; 3. Drivers take into account the current and future distribution of vehicles. Notice that, in the latter case, we enter the field of differential games, and, if a solution exists, it likely represents a global equilibrium among drivers. Numerical simulations highlight the differences between the three behaviors and suggest the existence of multiple Wardrop equilibria

    Modeling rationality to control self-organization of crowds: An environmental approach

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    In this paper we propose a classification of crowd models in built environments based on the assumed pedestrian ability to foresee the movements of other walkers. At the same time, we introduce a new family of macroscopic models, which make it possible to tune the degree of predictiveness (i.e., rationality) of the individuals. By means of these models we describe both the natural behavior of pedestrians, i.e., their expected behavior according to their real limited predictive ability, and a target behavior, i.e., a particularly efficient behavior one would like them to assume (for, e.g., logistic or safety reasons). Then we tackle a challenging shape optimization problem, which consists in controlling the environment in such a way that the natural behavior is as close as possible to the target one, thereby inducing pedestrians to behave more rationally than what they would naturally do. We present numerical tests which elucidate the role of rational/predictive abilities and show some promising results about the shape optimization problem
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